01-09-2022. ENGLISH. About Jyske Bank and the bank’s fraud which is shared with the DANISH STATE, and Lund Elmer Sandager and others. It must be pointed out that Lund Elmer Sandager works as an aid to the whistleblower scheme for the National Bank of Denmark, and that Lund Elmer Sandager’s lawyers themselves contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud.


Read here the letter  31 August 2022. to the National Bank of Denmark, and to all of Denmark’s 179 politicians as well as to the Prime Minister of Denmark and the Prime Minister’s office.

The letter is in English and contains evidence that Jyske Bank is using forged documents and that Jyske Bank at Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers are lying to the court in order to cover up Jyske bank’s fraud.


Copy of submission in PDF.

01-09-2022. ENGLISH. About Jyske Bank and the bank’s fraud shared with DANISH STAT, Lund Elmer Sandager and others. Lund Elmer Sandager whistleblower scheme for Danmarks Nationalbank


In Denmark, the Wolf looks after the little pigs.


Danish citizens want to hand over the entire Danish State full documentation that Denmark's second largest bank, Jyske Bank, is behind extensive crime, such as fraud, document forgery, mandate fraud, bribery, Abuse of power of attorney, and much more. The citizen has written to the Danish Government, Minister of State, and several authorities to ensure that banks comply with the law. But that is not happening, instead of the Danish State protecting the victims of bank fraud, all Danish authorities as well as parliament and the Danish government have chosen to be passive. The victim who, since 2019, has tried without fail to call out the Danish politicians. Some of the letters are shared in the letter sent on Gmail 31 August 2022. 31 August 2022. Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup wrote a new letter to the Danske Nationalbank directors, Lars Rohde, Per Callesen and Signe Krogstrup. In the letter that is shared with all of Denmark's politicians who have been elected to parliament, there is little evidence of Jyske Bank's use of punishable offences.

The big ugly wolf looks after the 3 little pigs. Walt Disney


So Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers who have helped Jyske Bank with fraud are also employed by Nationalbank Denmark as administrators of the whistleblower scheme for Nationalbank Denmark.

You wouldn’t think it could be when the authorities who are supposed to look after you who are exposed to financial crime, listen to your cries for help, at the same time the authorities cover some of the biggest criminals in Denmark.



In Denmark, the state stands behind criminal banks, and patronizes the biggest, the customers of the banks “such as Jyske Bank A/S.” exposes to deliberate fraud thus has to fend for himself, and then see how they can stop the corruption that governs Denmark, the customer tried to take the case to the Danish courts, but has had to find that the corruption has a good grip on several Danish judges.

But that’s why it can be fun to fight against a criminal organization that enjoys the support of the Danish State and the government.

But never mind, it’s funny that not a single one has dared to talk to me about my advertisements against Jyske Bank A/S, which I started small, says Carsten.
The first advertisement on the Jyske Bank car was in November 2015, and then during 2016, when I became aware that Jyske Bank was a fake bank, the advertisements have only increased, says Carsten Storbjerg to everyone who asks.

I have repeatedly written and told Jyske Bank, their lawyers and the bank’s director CEO Anders Christian Dam that I would like to stop my campaigns, which are an attack on Jyske Bank’s credibility and the bank’s reputation, which Carsten describes continuously in an attempt to shout Jyske Bank A/S, so we could talk about our little conflict, they can effectively deprive Jyske Bank of the right to conduct banking business in Denmark.

But Jyske Bank A/S and its leader CEO Anders Christian Dam, together with Jyske Bank’s lawyers, management, board of directors, the House of Representatives, do not care at all why this has become a matter of the Danish State’s support for obvious criminal Danish banks.

You have caught the wrong person, and I don’t care if I sue Denmark for being complicit in Jyske Bank’s frauds, if the Danish state itself does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes, or offenses if you want.



If I have made a mistake in any of what I write, please call me and arrange a meeting so that we can correct any mistakes together, it only requires dialogue.



Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.

Søvej 5
3100. Hornbæk.
DK. Denmark.

Telephone +4522227713.

e-mail address
banknyt@gmail.dk or


It must be noted that Lund Elmer Sandager works as an aid to the whistleblower scheme for the National Bank of Denmark, just as LES.dk offers other companies to be the one who administers incoming information in a whistleblower scheme if there are violations of the law, at the same time that Lund Elmer Sandager is actually themselves contributing to Jyske Bank’s organized crime.

If you have questions and want to receive more evidence that the Danish state, the Danish government, all the members of the Danish Parliament, the Danish National Bank, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Danish Courts and more, have all been aware of Jutland for years The bank’s criminality, but after receiving many inquiries, all of them have chosen to ignore all inquiries and refuse to speak to the man who has found and presented evidence that Jyske Bank is, according to the law, described as a criminal bank.


This is about Denmark as a nation making use of camaraderie “Corruption.” to cover up the Danish banks that do not want to comply with Danish and international legislation in order to run a fair banking business.

I guarantee that what I write is the truth, and think that there are probably many who don’t like it, and therefore no one will answer me in the hope that I will be trolled, but I promise you that it will not happen.

Den Danske Bank Jyske Bank A/S must probably have obtained the bank’s permission to conduct banking and other financial activities in Denmark, or at the very least, Jyske Bank must put the set under strict supervision, while an honorable lawyer conducts an impartial legal investigation, and reviews all my proves together with my claims that Jyske Bank A/S is behind extensive punishable crime.

And Jyske Bank’s board must be dismissed, but not least the chairman CEO Anders Christian Dam must be fired from all his positions in Jyske Bank A/S as he is personally the reason for my postings and campaigns, which are an attack on Jyske bank’s reputation.

CEO Anders Christian Dam is personally responsible for the fact that the Danish State and government have been involved in the fight against the criminal Jyske Bank.


I still believe that dialogue is better than me writing my book about corruption and the corrupt lawyers and judges that exist in Denmark, but since everyone instigates what I write and say, and everyone in the period 2016 to today 1 September 2022 .has refused any kind of dialogue with me, so these posts are my way of trying to speak up, and if I don’t, no one will.

Which I also say in my Danish YouTube video 27 September 2021. here I mention the criminal Jyske Bank, and the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers, as well as Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen to cover up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers.


None of what I have shared or said has yielded a single comment from the many persons mentioned, several of whom directly for Jyske Bank A/S have committed fraud and forged documents.


Kind regards.

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek.

Telephone +4522227713
email Banknyt@gmail.com



Would you be so kind as to answer my inquiries. It is quite simple what I am asking of you. You are all informed about the economic crime that Denmark's second largest bank is behind, my question to all of you is what you will do about it. Will all of you, and therefore also Denmark's National Bank together with the Prime Minister and the government of Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen, cover up the obvious crimes of Jyske Bank, and thus undermine Danish legislation since the law, according to the Danish state's assessment, does not apply to Danish banks. And leave the victims of Danish banks' frauds left alone without any justice or legal certainty. You have all an option not to be involved, do anything, but first of all meet me and receive my personal presentation of my evidence for the fraud I write Jyske Bank is behind, and that it is done with the help of several people together in association. Which CEO Anders Christian Dam is instrumental in.

Direktionen. ​Signe Krogstrup, ​Lars Rohde, Per Callesen. Director of Denmark’s National Bank. Image is from Denmarks Nationalbank’s press photos

Danish citizens want to hand over the entire Danish State full documentation that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank, is behind extensive crime, such as fraud, document forgery, mandate fraud, bribery, Abuse of power of attorney, and much more.

The citizen has written to the Danish Government, Minister of State, and several authorities to ensure that banks comply with the law.

But that is not happening, instead of the Danish State protecting the victims of bank fraud, all Danish authorities as well as parliament and the Danish government have chosen to be passive.


The victim who, since 2019, has tried without fail to call out the Danish politicians.

Some of the letters are shared in the letter sent on Gmail 31 August 2022.


31 August 2022. Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup wrote a new letter to the Danske Nationalbank directors, Lars Rohde, Per Callesen and Signe Krogstrup.


In the letter that is shared with all of Denmark’s politicians who have been elected to parliament, there is little evidence of Jyske Bank’s use of punishable offences.

Mail is sent to these recipients who are all mentioned in the letter.

kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk, jens.joel@ft.dk, anne.paulin@ft.dk, lisbeth.bech-nielsen@ft.dksofie.carsten.nielsen@ft.dk, jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk, troels.poulsen@ft.dk, sophie.lohde@ft.dk, folketinget@ft.dk, Kommunikation <kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk>, kf@nationalbanken.dk, nationalbanken@nationalbanken.dk, pso@nationalbanken.dk, And the Danish State Ministry <stm@stm.dk>, and to

akimatilda@ft.dk, alex.ahrendtsen@ft.dk, alex.vanopslagh@ft.dk, anders.kronborg@ft.dk, andreas.steenberg@ft.dk, min@kum.dk, km@km.dk, anne.paulin@ft.dk, anne.rasmussen@ft.dk, anne.oestergaard@ft.dk, anne.sophie.callesen@ft.dk, anne.berthelsen@ft.dk, annette.lind@ft.dk, anni.matthiesen@ft.dk, astrid.caroe@ft.dk, min@sm.dk, benny.engelbrecht@ft.dk, bent.bogsted@ft.dk, bertel.haarder@ft.dk, birgitte.bergman@ft.dk, birgitte.vind@ft.dk, bjarne.laustsen@ft.dk, bjoern.brandenborg@ft.dk, brigitte.jerkel@ft.dk, britt.bager@ft.dk, camilla.fabricius@ft.dk, carl.valentin@ft.dk, carsten.kissmeyer@ft.dk, charlotte.broman@ft.dk, christian.juhl@ft.dk, min@im.dk, christina.thorholm@ft.dk, christoffer.melson@ft.dk, claus.hjort.frederiksen@ft.dk, kefm@kefm.dk, daniel.toft.jakobsen@ft.dk, dennis.flydtkjaer@ft.dk, edmund.joensen@ft.dk, ellen.trane.norby@ft.dk, erling.bonnesen@ft.dk, eva.flyvholm@ft.dk, eva.kjer.hansen@ft.dk, fatma.oktem@ft.dk, udviklingsministeren@um.dk, gitte.willumsen@ft.dk, halime.oguz@ft.dk, hans.andersen@ft.dk, hans.schmidt@ft.dk, hans.skibby@ft.dk, heidi.bank@ft.dk, henning.hyllested@ft.dk, henrik.dahl@ft.dk, henrik.moller@ft.dk, postformand@ft.dk, henrik.kristensen@ft.dk, ida.auken@ft.dk, ina.strojer-schmidt@ft.dk, jacob.jensen@ft.dk, jacob.mark@ft.dk, jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk, jakob.solvhoj@ft.dk, jan.johansen@ft.dk, jan.e@ft.dk, jane.heitmann@ft.dk, jens.joel@ft.dk, jens.rohde@ft.dk, jens.henrik.thulesen.dahl@ft.dk, min@skm.dk, min@ufm.dk, jette.gottlieb@ft.dk, jonathan.simmel@ft.dk, julie.skovsby@ft.dk, karen.ellemann@ft.dk, karina.adsbol@ft.dk, karina.dehnhardt@ft.dk, karsten.filsoe@ft.dk, karsten.honge@ft.dk, kasper.roug@ft.dk, kasper.kjaer@ft.dk, katarina.ammitzboll@ft.dk, kathrine.olldag@ft.dk, katrine.robsoe@ft.dk, kenneth.mikkelsen@ft.dk, kim.valentin@ft.dk, kirsten.normann.andersen@ft.dk, kristian.lorentzen@ft.dk, uim@uim.dk, lars.aslan.rasmussen@ft.dk, lars.mathiesen@ft.dk, lars.lilleholt@ft.dk, lars.loekke@ft.dk, miljoeministeren@mim.dk, leif.jensen@ft.dk, lennart.damsbo-Andersen@ft.dk, lisbeth.bech-nielsen@ft.dk, lise.bech@ft.dk, liselott.blixt@ft.dk, lotte.rod@ft.dk, louise.elholm@ft.dk, mads.fuglede@ft.dk, sum@sum.dk, mai.mercado@ft.dk, mai.villadsen@ft.dk, maja.torp@ft.dk, malte.larsen@ft.dk, marcus.knuth@ft.dk, maria.gudme@ft.dk, marianne.jelved@ft.dk, marie.bjerre@ft.dk, marie.krarup@ft.dk, marlene.ambo-rasmussen@ft.dk, martin.geertsen@ft.dk, martin.lidegaard@ft.dk, jm@jm.dk, mette.abildgaard@ft.dk, stm@stm.dk, mette.gjerskov@ft.dk, mette.thiesen@ft.dk, mette.dencker@ft.dk, michael.aastrup@ft.dk, mogens.jensen@ft.dk, mona.juul@ft.dk, fmn@fmn.dk, morten.dahlin@ft.dk, morten.messerschmidt@ft.dk, naser.khader@ft.dk, minister@fm.dk, niels.hansen@ft.dk, ole.birk@ft.dk, orla.hav@ft.dk, orla.osterby@ft.dk, peder.hvelplund@ft.dk, per.larsen@ft.dk, minister@uvm.dk, pernille.skipper@ft.dk, pernille.vermund@ft.dk, ministeren@bm.dk, peter.juel-jensen@ft.dk, peter.christensen@ft.dk, charlotte.larsen@ft.dk, dfpksekr@ft.dk, sfsekr@ft.dk, bang.henriksen@ft.dk, rasmus.jarlov@ft.dk, rasmus.nordqvist@ft.dk, fvm@fvm.dk, rasmus.stoklund@ft.dk, rasmus.helveg.petersen@ft.dk, rasmus.langhoff@ft.dk, rene.christensen@ft.dk, rosa.lund@ft.dk, samira.nawa@ft.dk, signe.munk@ft.dk, sikandar.siddique@ft.dk, min@em.dk, simon.ammitzboll@ft.dk, sjurdur.skaale@ft.dk, sofie.carsten.nielsen@ft.dk, sophie.lohde@ft.dk,sten.knuth@ft.dk, stinus.lindgreen@ft.dk, susan.kronborg@ft.dk, susanne.eilersen@ft.dk, susanne.zimmer@ft.dk, soren.espersen@ft.dk, soren.sondergaard@ft.dk, soren.egge.rasmussen@ft.dk, soren.pape.poulsen@ft.dk, tanja.larsson@ft.dk, thomas.danielsen@ft.dk, thomas.jensen@ft.dk, torsten.gejl@ft.dk, torsten.schack.pedersen@ft.dk, trm@trm.dk, trine.torp@ft.dk, troels.ravn@ft.dk, troels.poulsen@ft.dk, uffe.elbaek@ft.dk, ulla.tornaes@ft.dk, victoria.velasquez@ft.dk, zenia.stampe@ft.dk, aaja.chemnitz@ft.dk,
Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam, Alex Ahrendtsen, Alex Vanopslagh, Anders Kronborg, Andreas Steenberg, Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen, Anne Paulin, Anne Rasmussen, Anne Honoré Østergaard, Anne Sophie Callesen, Anne Valentina Berthelsen, Annette Lind, Anni Matthiesen, Astrid Carøe, Astrid Krag, Benny Engelbrecht, Bent Bøgsted, Bertel Haarder, Birgitte Bergman, Birgitte Vind, Bjarne Laustsen, Bjørn Brandenborg, Brigitte Klintskov Jerkel, Britt Bager, Camilla Fabricius, Carl Valentin, Carsten Kissmeyer, Charlotte Broman Mølbæk, Christian Juhl, Christian Rabjerg Madsen, Christina Thorholm, Christoffer Aagaard Melson, Claus Hjort Frederiksen, Dan Jørgensen, Daniel Toft Jakobsen, Dennis Flydtkjær, Edmund Joensen, Ellen Trane Nørby, Erling Bonnesen, Eva Flyvholm, Eva Kjer Hansen, Fatma Øktem, Flemming Møller Mortensen, Gitte Willumsen, Halime Oguz, Hans Andersen, Hans Christian Schmidt, Hans Kristian Skibby, Heidi Bank, Henning Hyllested, Henrik Dahl, Henrik Møller, Henrik Dam Kristensen, Ida Auken, Ina Strøjer-Schmidt, Jacob Jensen, Jacob Mark, Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, Jakob Sølvhøj, Jan Johansen, Jan E. Jørgensen, Jane Heitmann, Jens Joel, Jens Rohde, Jens Henrik Thulesen Dahl, Jeppe Bruus, Jesper Petersen, Jette Gottlieb, Jonathan Simmel, Julie Skovsby, Karen Ellemann, Karina Adsbøl, Karina Lorentzen Dehnhardt, Karsten Filsø, Karsten Hønge, Kasper Roug, Kasper Sand Kjær, Katarina Ammitzbøll, Kathrine Olldag, Katrine Robsøe, Kenneth Mikkelsen, Kim Valentin, Kirsten Normann Andersen, Kristian Pihl Lorentzen, Kaare Dybvad Bek, Lars Aslan Rasmussen, Lars Boje Mathiesen, Lars Christian Lilleholt, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Lea Wermelin, Leif Lahn Jensen, Lennart Damsbo-Andersen, Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen, Lise Bech, Liselott Blixt, Lotte Rod, Louise Schack Elholm, Mads Fuglede, Magnus Heunicke, Mai Mercado, Mai Villadsen, Maja Torp, Malte Larsen, Marcus Knuth, Maria Gudme, Marianne Jelved, Marie Bjerre, Marie Krarup, Marlene Ambo-Rasmussen, Martin Geertsen, Martin Lidegaard, Mattias Tesfaye, Mette Abildgaard, Mette Frederiksen, Mette Gjerskov, Mette Thiesen, Mette Hjermind Dencker, Michael Aastrup Jensen, Mogens Jensen, Mona Juul, Morten Bødskov, Morten Dahlin, Morten Messerschmidt, Naser Khader, Nicolai Wammen, Niels Flemming Hansen, Ole Birk Olesen, Orla Hav, Orla Østerby, Peder Hvelplund, Per Larsen, Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil, Pernille Skipper, Pernille Vermund, Peter Hummelgaard, Peter Juel-Jensen, Peter Seier Christensen, Peter Skaarup, Pia Kjærsgaard, Pia Olsen Dyhr, Preben Bang Henriksen, Rasmus Jarlov, Rasmus Nordqvist, Rasmus Prehn, Rasmus Stoklund, Rasmus Helveg Petersen, Rasmus Horn Langhoff, René Christensen, Rosa Lund, Samira Nawa, Signe Munk, Sikandar Siddique, Simon Kollerup, Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille, Sjúrður Skaale, Sofie Carsten Nielsen, Sophie Løhde, Stén Knuth, Stinus Lindgreen, Susan Kronborg, Susanne Eilersen, Susanne Zimmer, Søren Espersen, Søren Søndergaard, Søren Egge Rasmussen, Søren Pape Poulsen, Tanja Larsson, Thomas Danielsen, Thomas Jensen, Torsten Gejl, Torsten Schack Pedersen, Trine Bramsen, Trine Torp, Troels Ravn, Troels Lund Poulsen, Uffe Elbæk, Ulla Tørnæs, Victoria Velasquez, Zenia Stampe, Aaja Chemnitz


And sent CC. to these below, everyone is requested to familiarize themselves well with what I write.

direktion@jyskebank.dk, juridisk@jyskebank.dk, martin.nielsen@jyskebank.dk, stp@jyskebank.dk, lundoe@jyskebank.dk, hoejsgaard@jyskebank.dk, ahk@jyskebank.dk, avw@jyskebank.dk, bpa@jyskebank.dk, dip@jyskebank.dk, heidi.skovbjerg@jyskebank.dk, helle-hansen@jyskebank.dk, Morten Ulrik Gade <MUG@jyskebank.dk>, pborowy@jyskebank.dk, Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>, Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>,
pka@jyskebank.dk, bfr@jyskebank.dk, dama@jyskebank.dk, hcn@jyskebank.dk, jane-rabek@jyskebank.dk, jmad@jyskebank.dk, mfriis@jyskebank.dk, stefan.klit@jyskebank.dk, skn@jyskebank.dk, tijo@jyskebank.dk, nicolai-hansen@jyskebank.dk, casper-dam@jyskebank.dk, jkh@jyskebank.dk, kirkeby@jyskebank.dk, uln@fida.dk, aaj@fida.dk, edl@fida.dk, jkr@fida.dkkgj@fida.dk, cbe@fida.dk, ibr@fida.dk, afe@fida.dk, nsj@politi.dk, Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>, jm@jm.dk, postkasse@advokatsamfundet.dk, Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>, saoek@ankl.dk, SAK@ankl.dk, kmj@atp.dk, dat@lundgrens.dk, jgm@lundgrens.dk, info@lundgrens.dk, metnie@danskebank.dk, danskebank@danskebank.dk, ehvw@ramboll.dk, info@ramboll.com,

Now the question is whether the Danish state as a whole will still stand together and continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes, since the Danish State and Danish institutions themselves use the criminal Jyske Bank as a Bank for the Danish State.

And that the Danish state itself undermines the law, which does not apply to Denmark’s banks.

From the page www.banknyt.dk banking news Denmark about Dansk Bank’s use of Bribery, use of Document falsification, use of Mandate fraud, Use of Fraud, Use of Exploitation, Use of deception and about more.


Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning

A single Dane, Carsten Storbjerg, has gone to war against corruption in Denmark. But Carsten asks for your help, as camaraderie in Denmark has so much power, that Danish law and order is put out of force, when not a single Danish journalist has written about the problem that Danish banks use corruption. Then I will ask you as foreign journalists, to conduct an investigation into corruption in Denmark, preformed by the Danish Bank Jyske Bank.

It is unhealthy for the Danish government that the state allows banks to commit crime, and covers it.

31-08-2022. The letter inserted in the email to the national bank att Lars Rohde and Denmark’s 179 members of parliament as well and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, about Jyske Bank and the bank’s obvious crimes.

I have written many emails and letters to the Danish State and Jyske Bank about the bank’s business methods that do not stand up to investigation, and share here on banknyt only a small part of these letters, if you need information, please ask.


Gmail Copy of Gmail 31-08-2022, and Copy of the letter to the National Bank.

22-08-2022. Mail to the Management is shared publicly 31-08-2021. Since Jyske Bank A/S still rejects my inquiries.

19-08-2022. Mail To Jyske Bank CEO Anders Dam. Allow me to recall my proposal Re: SETTLEMENT and peace. : I SUGGEST THAT THIS WRITING AND POSTING REGARDING JYSKE BANK STOP NOW.
Jyske Bank did not want to answer, so I am writing again.

These 4 from Jyske Bank A/S could have avoided my attacks on Jyske Bank’s reputation, they just had to ensure dialogue, Jyske Bank’s management does not want that, that is why I am writing here.

Case of organized fraud carried out by Jyske Bank A/S A fraud perpetrated by Jyske bank A/S, which I, as a customer of Jyske Bank, want to be presented to Danish Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Im that way I know if Nationalbank Denmark will distance itself from Danske Banks, that do not comply with Danish law , or whether Lars Rohde also wants to cover up Jyske Bank’s many criminal offences.

Blomster Stemningsbilleder Jyske Bank.

The Danish State is becoming a good contributor to Jyske Bank’s organized fraud together with Denmarks Nationalbank and the State Ministry, if they do not now take action against the criminal Jyske Bank, this is simply about dialogue, but no one will answer me.

For answering my inquiries, Regarding a meeting date, for reviewing my evidence against Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank for the use of fraud, use of forged documents, for use of bribery, for abuse of powers of attorney and other actionable crimes.

Copy to the Danish government by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

and CC. copy to CEO Anders Christian Dam Jyske Bank A/S

Gmail 24 August 2022. with Request to Denmark’s National Bank Directors Lars Rohde, Per Callesen and Signe Krogstrup.

Read the entire inserted letter 24-08-2022. in PDF format here in the LINK. Brevet er på Dansk.

Case of organized fraud carried out by Jyske Bank A/S A fraud perpetrated by Jyske bank A/S, which I, as a customer of Jyske Bank, want to be presented to Danish Nationalbank director Lars Rohde. Im that way I know if Nationalbank Denmark will distance itself from Danske Banks, that do not comply with Danish law , or whether Lars Rohde also wants to cover up Jyske Bank’s many criminal offences.

Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst.
Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen.
Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

This mail 15-08-2022  is an open question for the Danish state and the danish government, as well as the Danish National Bank and authorities. What do you want to do with the Danish banks that are behind fraud and that use forgery and bribery. ? 

While I’m waiting to have a meeting with Nationalbank Director Lars Rohde, try to talk to me, more so if Jyske Bank A/S are not criminals as I have presented documentation for.

Mail 22-07-2022. To the National Bank of Denmark, as well as other authorities and Jyske Bank A/S.
Danmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47.
2100 Copenhagen East.


11-08-2022. This copy PDF file. www.banknyt.dk frontpage, is specially made and sendt for to Denmarks Nationalbank, The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

Fraud with permission from the Danish authorities.

our logo, a yellow Euro. European Central Bank. 60640 Frankfurt am Main Germany. President of the European Central Bank. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde I hereby send an official request to the European Central Bank. And requests that the Central Bank follow the decision of the National Bank of Denmark. I am writing to you and the ECB personally, requesting that the European Central Bank. Follow the case I write about on www.banknyt.dk, which is my diary on a daily basis. I am writing about a case that concerns: Abuse of power, corruption and bribery carried out by the Danske bank Jyske Bank A/S. I have contacted the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank several times in Denmark, with information. That there are banks that demonstrably commit organized crime. To date August 6, no one in Denmark has wanted to have a conversation with me about the crime I have presented with watertight documentation that Jyske Bank A/S is behind. And it must be taken into account that I have written continuously since 1 May 2019. to the Danish government and politicians who are part of Denmark’s National Bank. I have directly informed the National Bank of Denmark about the problem that Jyske Bank A/S has used bribes. Regardless of the fact that the Danish police have written that bribery between private companies, that is, between Lundgren’s law partner company and Jyske Bank A/S, since both are private companies. Jyske Bank A/S may bribe Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the case, that the client and customer in Jyske Bank employed Lundgren’s lawyers to file against Jyske Bank A/S It is documented that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld both documents from the client’s lawyer Lundgrens himself, but also that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld the defendant Jyske Bank’s pleadings, and hidden court records, and have changed the client’s pleadings against Jyske Bank A/S. Which Lundgren’s lawyers hid from the client, knowing that Lundgrens would not hand over a copy of the pleadings submitted by Lundgrens lawyers themselves. Lundgren’s lawyers also concealed the fact that Lundgren had significant economic interests with Jyske Bank A/S and had therefore become highly incompetent. Since Lundgrens after Lundgrens had been bought by Jyske Bank A/S.

Mail 6 August to the European Central Bank.

With notification that Jyske Bank is committing organized fraud against the bank’s customers.

The President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde has been informed, that a Danish citizen has requested Denmark's national bank by bank directors Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup and Per Callesen for a meeting, where he can hand over the full documentation for Jyske Bank's organized crime. The customer wants to know if the National Bank and the Danish State by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still choose to continue cover Jyske Bank's many crimes, as using fraud, document forgery and bribery. Do you want to work for the Danish Criminal Bank, and contribute to organizing crime as the bank at least by Nicolai Hansen, Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen, Anette Kirkeby, Casper Dam Olsen, Morten Ulrik Gade, Philip Baruch and more, all have assisted Jyske Bank with, then contact Jyske Bank here +4589898989. Here at Banknyt you can read more about the extensive and organized crime, that the second largest DANISH BANK JYSKE BANK is behind, such as Bribery, FRAUD, DOCUMENT FALSE, ABUSE of the forfeited POWER OF ATTORNEY. Which the authorities, including the National Board of Justice's employees such as Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen by camaraderie, have covered. I mention Lundgrens, Lund Elmer Sandager, Kromann Reumert, Horten and DLA Piper's lawyers, as an employee partner at Comradeship or Corruption has actually helped Jyske Bank with organized fraud. Here at Banknyt you can read more about organized crime in Denmark, where judges such as Kurt Rasmussen and large international law firms such as Lundgren's lawyers and the Danish government are contributing to Danish banks' fraud against customers can continue.

With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty.

Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers.

Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark.

While the National Bank of Denmark is thinking about whether criminal banks have a future in Denmark, the advertisements directed at Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank for the Danish state continue.

12-08-2022. and corrected 14 august. Mail To the Finans Danmark board and lawyers. Finans Danmark hereby has the opportunity to disassociate itself from Jyske Bank’s A/S organized crime in denmark.

Or the Finans Denmark can do like the rest of the friends, in the authorities and political system, to prevent to prevent law and order among criminal banks in Denmark, and share responsibility for Finans Danmark allowing their members to commit fraud and use bribery.





8. juli 2022

Mail to.
Morten Ulrik Gade <mug@jyskebank.dk>,
Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>
And CC:
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,

Jyske Bank A/S
Vestergade 8-16
8600 Silkeborg.

CEO Anders Christian Dam
Kopy to the state, and press.


Dear all of you in Jyske Bank, you know I do not stop my fight against Jyske Bank, to make others aware of your bank’s use of many criminal acts, except that you will talk to me.
Since May 2016, I have tried to get in touch and dialogue with your management, lawyers and not least CEO Anders Christian Dam, if Jyske Bank wants me to stop writing, and not make more videos about the crime that Jyske Bank exposes to us customers.

Then you CEO Anders Dam and Jyske Bank should call me, and make an agreement not to tease you anymore, as you all in Jyske Bank have become so bored of it, and you do not know what to do.
Anders Kristian Dam, CEO of Jyske Bank, it will only be natural for you to immediately notify the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority that you are withdrawing, due to your case between Jyske Bank and me Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.

This is your “Jyske Bank’s” own fault, you have chosen to cheat and deceive us customers, and one day, Jyske bank had to meet a customer like me, who does not find himself in criminal Danish banks, even if your is under state protection.

Dear Jyske Bank.
No matter what you do, and that you commit criminal crimes, it is not a secret.

It is also no secret, that Jyske Bank bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present the FRAUD and FALSE case, that Lundgren had been hired to present agents Jyske Bank.

It is also no secret, that employees of the Danish courts, and large Danish law firms, cover up Jyske Bank’s crime, and to cover up the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers.

The question is just, what the Danish state and government, and Jyske Bank will do against those customers, who like me, will not find us in your chamber

As it is an undermining by Danish law and justice.

CALL ME, ON +4522227713

Yes I know I am dyslexic and do not have a bookish education, with faith not that it stops me.

Take this seriously and trade behave the knowledge you have had for years.

Best wishes.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.
Soevej 5. 3100. Hornbaek.
Denmark DK

mail carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com

This email is shared here in the link, and many other places, there is nothing secret about the fact that since 2016, I have written about Jyske bank’s fraud, and that the Danish authorities and the policies of inaction cover this criminal bank.


This letter and link are intended for those mentioned below as well as those as email and letter 31-08-2022. is true to.

You all need to read what I write, and if you think I’m wrong, please correct me.
And if you think there are mistakes, then apologize for having made these mistakes, and make sure that those who contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud are fired.




I hereby send an official request to the European Central Bank. And requests that the Central Bank follow the decision of the National Bank of Denmark. I am writing to you and the ECB personally, requesting that the European Central Bank. Follow the case I write about on www.banknyt.dk, which is my diary on a daily basis. I am writing about a case that concerns: Abuse of power, corruption and bribery carried out by the Danske bank Jyske Bank A/S. I have contacted the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank several times in Denmark, with information. That there are banks that demonstrably commit organized crime. To date August 6, no one in Denmark has wanted to have a conversation with me about the crime I have presented with watertight documentation that Jyske Bank A/S is behind. Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning And it must be taken into account that I have written continuously since 1 May 2019. to the Danish government and politicians who are part of Denmark’s National Bank. I have directly informed the National Bank of Denmark about the problem that Jyske Bank A/S has used bribes. Regardless of the fact that the Danish police have written that bribery between private companies, that is, between Lundgren’s law partner company and Jyske Bank A/S, since both are private companies. Jyske Bank A/S may bribe Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the case, that the client and customer in Jyske Bank employed Lundgren’s lawyers to file against Jyske Bank A/S It is documented that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld both documents from the client’s lawyer Lundgrens himself, but also that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld the defendant Jyske Bank’s pleadings, and hidden court records, and have changed the client’s pleadings against Jyske Bank A/S. Which Lundgren’s lawyers hid from the client, knowing that Lundgrens would not hand over a copy of the pleadings submitted by Lundgrens lawyers themselves. Lundgren’s lawyers also concealed the fact that Lundgren had significant economic interests with Jyske Bank A/S and had therefore become highly incompetent. Since Lundgrens after Lundgrens had been bought by Jyske Bank A/S. And Lundgrens is hired by Jyske Bank A/S after the Jyske banks customer has hired Lundgrens to present the case against Jyske Banks A/S in which, the use of fraud and forgery is a large part of the case. When Jyske Bank A/S shortly after, chooses to bribe Lundgrens, under the cover of the return commission, by Jyske Bank giving Lundgrens a task and advising Jyske Bank A/S in a transaction for 600 million Danish kroner, then it is my personal opinion, that Jyske Bank A/S would therefore lose the right to conduct financial business in Denmark, or be placed under administration. This is where a problem comes. Because both the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank, together with the Minister of Finance, choose to ignore this way of Jyske Bank’s way of conducting banking business. For which full documentation has been presented, i.e. Jyske Bank’s criminal acts. I am informed that internal employees of the danish nationalbank, are talking about this case as a scandal, but nothing has been done about it to date. When the national police say. is not a criminal offence. I believe that there should be consequences when a Danish bank such as Jyske Bank A/S bribes a law firm “Lundgren’s lawyers.” Lundgrens there was a lawyer for a customer in Jyske Bank. When Jyske Bank A/S then bribes customers’ lawyers not to present customers’ fraud and false cases against Jyske Bank A/S Then I think Denmark has a problem with trust in Danish banks.


Gmail sendt


To the board of the National Bank of Denmark and to bank director Lars Rohde. see the attached letter of 31 August 2022. I wish to present to the National Bank and to the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the Prime Minister’s Office documentation of Jyske Bank’s many legal offences, this email requires the attention of all of you and is therefore shared with all the 179 politicians who are members by the Danish Parliament


Denmarks Nationalbank

Langelinie Allé 47

2100 Copenhagen East

Telephone: +45 33636363


E-mail: kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk


National Bank Director Lars Rohde.

National Bank Director Per Callesen.

National Bank Director Signe Krogstrup.


I have written to the national bank a few times, as I want a meeting in which I want to present evidence that Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind an extensive fraud, I want to submit this to the national bank’s management.

I want the national bank to respond to my request to present documentation to the bank’s management.

Also out of consideration for the other Danish banks that comply with the law, if the National Bank starts by reading the attached letter and uses the links in the letter, I have described in this letter a bit of the crime that Jyske Bank A/S is behind .

At the same time, I must point out that I have written many emails, which have been shared with the Danish National Bank, not once has the National Bank replied.

I have been trying since 2016 to get a meeting with Jyske Bank and their management at CEO Anders Christian Dam who do not want dialogue.

Jyske Bank and their lawyers knew that I would send this letter if CEO Anders Christian Dam would not respond to my inquiries, I cannot force Jyske Bank either to meet or to stop violating the provisions of the Criminal Code.

The question for the National Bank is also whether what Juyske is doing, which I write and present documentation for in the letter, is completely in accordance with the National Bank’s interpretation of Denmark’s laws and regulations.

That is, whether all Danish banks can freely and with impunity commit the offenses that I write Jyske Bank is behind, or whether Jyske Bank A/S and their employees are exempted in order to comply with the country’s laws and regulations.

On 29 August, I sent the executive board and all the bank’s lawyers a copy of the draft of the attached letter, so that CEO Anders Christian Dam had the opportunity to speak with me again before I sent this letter.

The letter and Danmarks Nationalbank’s action will be shared with the European Central Bank, in order to get clarity on whether all Danish banks can forge documents, commit fraud and use bribes just as Jyske Bank does.

I am anticipating a quick conversation, for an agreement on a date for the presentation of my evidence, the letter here contains a small taste of Jyske Bank’s criminal activities, which should set off alarm bells, both in the Danish Prime Minister’s Office, and in Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s office and, of course, in the National Bank Denmark

Just as I expect the national bank to see to it that Jyske Bank’s license for financial business in Denmark is withdrawn from Jyske Bank A/S or that Jyske Bank A/S is put under stricter supervision as a minimum, while an impartial investigation is made into all my accusations.

Then I also expect that the Directorate at Danmarks Nationalbank will tell me whether it is actionable to write and tell about Jyske Bank’s many and actionable offences.

In addition to the letter, 31.08.2022 is shared

Copy of the page where the complaint 05-06-2020. over Lundgren’s lawyers is shared.

Go to www.banknyt.dk as it looked not so long ago.

Copy of the first letters from 2019. to the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Justice and the Minister of Justice as several parties in the parliament, and the audit committee and to the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority.

Common to all letters is that they have not been answered.

In my letter 31-08-2022. are there links to these attached letters.

If you have any questions while reading the material, call me on +4522227713.

Does Danmark have a major problem with the Danish banks, and that they will not comply with the legislation, and therefore not a single one of you who has received my letters and mail has dared to answer me to date.

This email requires action either Jyske Bank A/S must be deprived of the right to conduct banking business in Denmark, or there must be someone who dares to meet me also for a public debate about the corruption in Denmark.

It is intended for all Danish politicians, including those who are not on Danmarks Nationalbank’s board.

 16-04-2019. dengang vidste vi ikke at Jyske ban…

 22-08-2022. Brev til Jyske Bank AS Bestyrelsen….

 23-08-2022. brev. til Regeringen og Statsminist…

 25-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget og Justitsmini…

 25-04-2019. Brev til Jyske Bank til Anders Dam …

 26-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget Naser Kharder …

 27-12-2018. Brev til JYSKE BANK DER LAVER FORSA…

 28-01-2019. Jyske Bank AS kopi af bilag 28 – 10…

 28-04-2019. Brev til Finanstilsynet, anmoder Fi…

 28-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget Naser Kharder …

 28-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget om bankers ove…

 28-04-2019. Brev til Justitsministeriet Justits…

 28-04-2019. Brev til Pernille Skipper enhedsli…

 28-04-2019. Brev til Sigga Nolsøe Finansministe…

 28-04-2019. Brev. til Rene Christensen DF. med …

 30-04-2019. Brev til ERU@ft.dk retsudvalg. Til …

 30-04-2019. Brev til Finanstilsynet. med kopi a…

 30-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget Konservativ Fo…

 30-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget, Venstre og ti…

 30-04-2019. Brev til Justitsministeriet. Justit…

 30-04-2019. Brev til Socialdemokratiet Henrik s…

 Kopi af forside www.banknyt.dk 23-08-2022. kl. …

31-08-2022. Letter to the National Bank of Denmark. Due to corruption and bribery in Denmark, where Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is involved, I still want to present my accusations and evidence.




 Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.

3100 Hornbaek.


phone +4522227713







Is Jyske Bank A/S about to close? After all, state protection cannot last forever. When Jyske Bank A/S actually cheats the law. I know that I am up against powerful forces, all of whom have to date covered up Jyske Bank’s crime, which has become an attack on law and order. But even if you as authorities stick together against me, who as the weak one just wants to end the corruption and abuse of power that governs Denmark. Until today 14 August 2022. still not a single one has taken my call for a debate on TV. for whether I am right that Jyske Bank A/S due to the bank’s many and actionable violations of the law should be deprived of the right to operate a bank in Denmark, or as a minium that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority places Jyske Bank under increased supervision, up to the entire board of directors and management of Jyske Bank A/S can be replaced.

Billeder til Finans Danmark, Ledelsen og deres Juridiske.
I forbindelsen med mailen 14-08-2022.

Syntes i også som Jyske Bank A/S at dette her bare er en JOKE.

Is Jyske Bank A/S about to close? After all, state protection cannot last forever. When Jyske Bank A/S actually cheats the law. I know that I am up against powerful forces, all of whom have to date covered up Jyske Bank’s crime, which has become an attack on law and order. But even if you as authorities stick together against me, who as the weak one just wants to end the corruption and abuse of power that governs Denmark. Until today 14 August 2022. still not a single one has taken my call for a debate on TV. for whether I am right that Jyske Bank A/S due to the bank’s many and actionable violations of the law should be deprived of the right to operate a bank in Denmark, or as a minium that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority places Jyske Bank under increased supervision, up to the entire board of directors and management of Jyske Bank A/S can be replaced.

Billeder til Finans Danmark, Ledelsen og deres Juridiske.
I forbindelsen med mailen 14-08-2022.

Syntes i også som Jyske Bank A/S at dette her bare er en JOKE.

Is Jyske Bank A/S about to close? After all, state protection cannot last forever. When Jyske Bank A/S actually cheats the law. I know that I am up against powerful forces, all of whom have to date covered up Jyske Bank’s crime, which has become an attack on law and order. But even if you as authorities stick together against me, who as the weak one just wants to end the corruption and abuse of power that governs Denmark. Until today 14 August 2022. still not a single one has taken my call for a debate on TV. for whether I am right that Jyske Bank A/S due to the bank’s many and actionable violations of the law should be deprived of the right to operate a bank in Denmark, or as a minium that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority places Jyske Bank under increased supervision, up to the entire board of directors and management of Jyske Bank A/S can be replaced.

Billeder til Finans Danmark, Ledelsen og deres Juridiske.
I forbindelsen med mailen 14-08-2022.

Syntes i også som Jyske Bank A/S at dette her bare er en JOKE.

Is Jyske Bank A/S about to close? After all, state protection cannot last forever. When Jyske Bank A/S actually cheats the law. I know that I am up against powerful forces, all of whom have to date covered up Jyske Bank’s crime, which has become an attack on law and order. But even if you as authorities stick together against me, who as the weak one just wants to end the corruption and abuse of power that governs Denmark. Until today 14 August 2022. still not a single one has taken my call for a debate on TV. for whether I am right that Jyske Bank A/S due to the bank’s many and actionable violations of the law should be deprived of the right to operate a bank in Denmark, or as a minium that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority places Jyske Bank under increased supervision, up to the entire board of directors and management of Jyske Bank A/S can be replaced.

Is Jyske Bank A/S about to close? After all, state protection cannot last forever. When Jyske Bank A/S actually cheats the law. I know that I am up against powerful forces, all of whom have to date covered up Jyske Bank’s crime, which has become an attack on law and order. But even if you as authorities stick together against me, who as the weak one just wants to end the corruption and abuse of power that governs Denmark. Until today 14 August 2022. still not a single one has taken my call for a debate on TV. for whether I am right that Jyske Bank A/S due to the bank’s many and actionable violations of the law should be deprived of the right to operate a bank in Denmark, or as a minium that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority places Jyske Bank under increased supervision, up to the entire board of directors and management of Jyske Bank A/S can be replaced.

Billeder til Finans Danmark, Ledelsen og deres Juridiske.
I forbindelsen med mailen 14-08-2022.

Syntes i også som Jyske Bank A/S at dette her bare er en JOKE.


This letter and link are intended for those mentioned below as well as those as email and letter 31-08-2022. is true to.

You all need to read what I write and if you think I’m wrong, please correct me.

And if you think it’s a mistake, then apologize for making these mistakes, and especially for firing those who contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud.



I hereby send an official request to the European Central Bank. And requests that the Central Bank follow the decision of the National Bank of Denmark. I am writing to you and the ECB personally, requesting that the European Central Bank. Follow the case I write about on www.banknyt.dk, which is my diary on a daily basis. I am writing about a case that concerns: Abuse of power, corruption and bribery carried out by the Danske bank Jyske Bank A/S. I have contacted the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank several times in Denmark, with information. That there are banks that demonstrably commit organized crime. To date August 6, no one in Denmark has wanted to have a conversation with me about the crime I have presented with watertight documentation that Jyske Bank A/S is behind. Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning And it must be taken into account that I have written continuously since 1 May 2019. to the Danish government and politicians who are part of Denmark’s National Bank. I have directly informed the National Bank of Denmark about the problem that Jyske Bank A/S has used bribes. Regardless of the fact that the Danish police have written that bribery between private companies, that is, between Lundgren’s law partner company and Jyske Bank A/S, since both are private companies. Jyske Bank A/S may bribe Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the case, that the client and customer in Jyske Bank employed Lundgren’s lawyers to file against Jyske Bank A/S It is documented that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld both documents from the client’s lawyer Lundgrens himself, but also that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld the defendant Jyske Bank’s pleadings, and hidden court records, and have changed the client’s pleadings against Jyske Bank A/S. Which Lundgren’s lawyers hid from the client, knowing that Lundgrens would not hand over a copy of the pleadings submitted by Lundgrens lawyers themselves. Lundgren’s lawyers also concealed the fact that Lundgren had significant economic interests with Jyske Bank A/S and had therefore become highly incompetent. Since Lundgrens after Lundgrens had been bought by Jyske Bank A/S. And Lundgrens is hired by Jyske Bank A/S after the Jyske banks customer has hired Lundgrens to present the case against Jyske Banks A/S in which, the use of fraud and forgery is a large part of the case. When Jyske Bank A/S shortly after, chooses to bribe Lundgrens, under the cover of the return commission, by Jyske Bank giving Lundgrens a task and advising Jyske Bank A/S in a transaction for 600 million Danish kroner, then it is my personal opinion, that Jyske Bank A/S would therefore lose the right to conduct financial business in Denmark, or be placed under administration. This is where a problem comes. Because both the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank, together with the Minister of Finance, choose to ignore this way of Jyske Bank’s way of conducting banking business. For which full documentation has been presented, i.e. Jyske Bank’s criminal acts. I am informed that internal employees of the danish nationalbank, are talking about this case as a scandal, but nothing has been done about it to date. When the national police say. is not a criminal offence. I believe that there should be consequences when a Danish bank such as Jyske Bank A/S bribes a law firm “Lundgren’s lawyers.” Lundgrens there was a lawyer for a customer in Jyske Bank. When Jyske Bank A/S then bribes customers’ lawyers not to present customers’ fraud and false cases against Jyske Bank A/S Then I think Denmark has a problem with trust in Danish banks.

What is written on the car is a direct accusation.
I encourage Jyske Bank A/S to contact the police.
If not Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen has forged documents, misused lapsed powers of attorney, and if not Nicolai Hansen together with at least Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen are some of the things that started an extensive fraud for Jyske Bank A/S.
And I also again encourage Jyske Bank A/S by CEO Anders Christian Dam to make a police report if what I write is not true.




How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Casper Dam Olsen
Jyske Bank A/S

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen
Jyske Bank A/S

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Birgit Buch Thuesen
Jyske bank A/S

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Line Braad Winding
Jyske Bank A/S

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Anette Kirkeby
Jyske Bank A/S

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Tina Agergaard
Jyske Bank A/S

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Søren Woergaard
Jyske Bank A/S

How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s Jyske Bank’s business methods. Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated. Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality. Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes. And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities. And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims. It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud. Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes. It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting. Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark. In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes. The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal. You can find links to these emails f

Nicolai Hansen
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Knud Nørbo.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Søren Skyum Elbert.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Rune Møller.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Peer Roer Pedersen.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Lars Waalen Sandberg.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Klaus Naur.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Jes Rosendal.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Finn Bødker Knudsen.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Erik Qvirin Hansen.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

Erik Gadeberg.
Jyske Bank A/S

JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. Som da Jyske Bank Bestak Lundgrens advokater til at morarbejde den klient, som havde ansat Lundgrens til at fremlægge en sag om svig og falsk mod Jyske Bank A/S 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. XXXXXXX. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der

I hereby send an official request to the European Central Bank. And requests that the Central Bank follow the decision of the National Bank of Denmark. I am writing to you and the ECB personally, requesting that the European Central Bank. Follow the case I write about on www.banknyt.dk, which is my diary on a daily basis. I am writing about a case that concerns: Abuse of power, corruption and bribery carried out by the Danske bank Jyske Bank A/S. I have contacted the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank several times in Denmark, with information. That there are banks that demonstrably commit organized crime. To date August 6, no one in Denmark has wanted to have a conversation with me about the crime I have presented with watertight documentation that Jyske Bank A/S is behind. Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning And it must be taken into account that I have written continuously since 1 May 2019. to the Danish government and politicians who are part of Denmark’s National Bank. I have directly informed the National Bank of Denmark about the problem that Jyske Bank A/S has used bribes. Regardless of the fact that the Danish police have written that bribery between private companies, that is, between Lundgren’s law partner company and Jyske Bank A/S, since both are private companies. Jyske Bank A/S may bribe Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the case, that the client and customer in Jyske Bank employed Lundgren’s lawyers to file against Jyske Bank A/S It is documented that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld both documents from the client’s lawyer Lundgrens himself, but also that Lundgren’s lawyers have withheld the defendant Jyske Bank’s pleadings, and hidden court records, and have changed the client’s pleadings against Jyske Bank A/S. Which Lundgren’s lawyers hid from the client, knowing that Lundgrens would not hand over a copy of the pleadings submitted by Lundgrens lawyers themselves. Lundgren’s lawyers also concealed the fact that Lundgren had significant economic interests with Jyske Bank A/S and had therefore become highly incompetent. Since Lundgrens after Lundgrens had been bought by Jyske Bank A/S. And Lundgrens is hired by Jyske Bank A/S after the Jyske banks customer has hired Lundgrens to present the case against Jyske Banks A/S in which, the use of fraud and forgery is a large part of the case. When Jyske Bank A/S shortly after, chooses to bribe Lundgrens, under the cover of the return commission, by Jyske Bank giving Lundgrens a task and advising Jyske Bank A/S in a transaction for 600 million Danish kroner, then it is my personal opinion, that Jyske Bank A/S would therefore lose the right to conduct financial business in Denmark, or be placed under administration. This is where a problem comes. Because both the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank, together with the Minister of Finance, choose to ignore this way of Jyske Bank’s way of conducting banking business. For which full documentation has been presented, i.e. Jyske Bank’s criminal acts. I am informed that internal employees of the danish nationalbank, are talking about this case as a scandal, but nothing has been done about it to date. When the national police say. is not a criminal offence. I believe that there should be consequences when a Danish bank such as Jyske Bank A/S bribes a law firm “Lundgren’s lawyers.” Lundgrens there was a lawyer for a customer in Jyske Bank. When Jyske Bank A/S then bribes customers’ lawyers not to present customers’ fraud and false cases against Jyske Bank A/S Then I think Denmark has a problem with trust in Danish banks.

11/14. Solnedgang over Hornbæk.
Mood pictures, Jyske Bank A/S.

With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty. Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers. Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark. While the National Bank of Denmark is thinking about whether criminal banks have a future in Denmark, the advertisements directed at Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank for the Danish state continue.. - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Peter Bartram.

With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty. Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers. Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark. While the National Bank of Denmark is thinking about whether criminal banks have a future in Denmark, the advertisements directed at Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank for the Danish state continue.. - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Peter Rosenkrands.

With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty. Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers. Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark. While the National Bank of Denmark is thinking about whether criminal banks have a future in Denmark, the advertisements directed at Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank for the Danish state continue.. - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Per Schnack.

With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty. Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers. Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark. While the National Bank of Denmark is thinking about whether criminal banks have a future in Denmark, the advertisements directed at Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank for the Danish state continue.. - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Palle Svendsen.

With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty. Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers. Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark. While the National Bank of Denmark is thinking about whether criminal banks have a future in Denmark, the advertisements directed at Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank for the Danish state continue.. - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Ole Steffensen.

With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty. Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers. Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark. While the National Bank of Denmark is thinking about whether criminal banks have a future in Denmark, the advertisements directed at Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank for the Danish state continue.. - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Lone Fergadis.

With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty. Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers. Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark. While the National Bank of Denmark is thinking about whether criminal banks have a future in Denmark, the advertisements directed at Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank for the Danish state continue.. - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Kristina Skeldal Sørensen.

Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen. Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.. Hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri som er fremlagt for politiet der nægter at efterforske Jyske Bank A/S. Jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. hvis ikke jeg har skrevet sandt - Jyske Bank A/S Helsingør bag omfattende bedrageri udført af mindst. Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen og Nicolai Hansen. Og det med hjælp fra mindst Casper Dam Olsen. Anette Kirkeby. Søren Woergaard. Morten Ulrik Gade. Birgit Buch Thuesen. Philip Baruch. CEO Anders Christian Dam.

Michael C. Mariegaard. Jyske Bank

Would you be so kind as to answer my inquiries. It is quite simple what I am asking of you. You are all informed about the economic crime that Denmark's second largest bank is behind, my question to all of you is what you will do about it. Will all of you, and therefore also Denmark's National Bank together with the Prime Minister and the government of Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen, cover up the obvious crimes of Jyske Bank, and thus undermine Danish legislation since the law, according to the Danish state's assessment, does not apply to Danish banks. And leave the victims of Danish banks' frauds left alone without any justice or legal certainty. You have all an option not to be involved, do anything, but first of all meet me and receive my personal presentation of my evidence for the fraud I write Jyske Bank is behind, and that it is done with the help of several people together in association. Which CEO Anders Christian Dam is instrumental in.

Signe Krogstrup. Director of Denmark’s National Bank. Image is from Denmarks Nationalbank’s press photos

Would you be so kind as to answer my inquiries. It is quite simple what I am asking of you. You are all informed about the economic crime that Denmark's second largest bank is behind, my question to all of you is what you will do about it. Will all of you, and therefore also Denmark's National Bank together with the Prime Minister and the government of Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen, cover up the obvious crimes of Jyske Bank, and thus undermine Danish legislation since the law, according to the Danish state's assessment, does not apply to Danish banks. And leave the victims of Danish banks' frauds left alone without any justice or legal certainty. You have all an option not to be involved, do anything, but first of all meet me and receive my personal presentation of my evidence for the fraud I write Jyske Bank is behind, and that it is done with the help of several people together in association. Which CEO Anders Christian Dam is instrumental in.

Per Callesen. Director of Denmark’s National Bank. Image is from Denmarks Nationalbank’s press photos

Would you be so kind as to answer my inquiries. It is quite simple what I am asking of you. You are all informed about the economic crime that Denmark's second largest bank is behind, my question to all of you is what you will do about it. Will all of you, and therefore also Denmark's National Bank together with the Prime Minister and the government of Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen, cover up the obvious crimes of Jyske Bank, and thus undermine Danish legislation since the law, according to the Danish state's assessment, does not apply to Danish banks. And leave the victims of Danish banks' frauds left alone without any justice or legal certainty. You have all an option not to be involved, do anything, but first of all meet me and receive my personal presentation of my evidence for the fraud I write Jyske Bank is behind, and that it is done with the help of several people together in association. Which CEO Anders Christian Dam is instrumental in.

Lars Rohde. Director of Denmark’s National Bank. Image is from Denmarks Nationalbank’s press photos

Denmark`s Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47. 2100 København Ø. til Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Departementschef Michael Dithmer Valgt af repræsentantskabet Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin Professor Christian Schultz Departementschef Michael Dithmer Departementschef Johan Legarth Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Folketingsmedlem Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen. SF. lisbeth.bech-nielsen@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Kristian Thulesen Dahl. UFG tidligere DF. kristian.thulesen.dahl@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen. V. Venstre. jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Jens Joel. S. Socialdemokratiet. jens.joel@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Sophie Løhde. V. Venstre. sophie.lohde@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin. S. Socialdemokratiet. anne.paulin@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Sofie Carsten Nielsen. RV. Radikale Venstre. sofie.carsten.nielsen@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Troels Lund Poulsen. V. Venstre. troels.poulsen@ft.dk Departementschef Michael Dithme.Erhvervsministeriet. dc@em.dk em@em.dk Departementschef Johan Legarth. i Justitsministeriet. jm@jm.dk Adm. direktør Jens Bjørn Andersen. CEO Connie Astrup-Larsen Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Adm. direktør Asger Enggaard Adm. direktør Kathrine Forsberg CEO Kristian Hundebøll Formand Claus Jensen Formand for Forbrugerrådet Tænk Anja Philip Formand Lizette Risgaard Professor Philipp Schröder Professor Christian Schultz Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Adm. direktør Christian Woller CEO Gitte Pugholm Aabo  

Straffe advokat Henrik Høpner partner i Lund Elmer Sandager må gerne svare om Lund Elmer medvirker til brug af falske lån i Nykredit for at skuffe i retsforhold mod Jyske Bank. / HUSK DE SOM HAR DÆKKET OVER JYSKE BANKS FORTSATTE SVINDEL MOD STORBJERG ERHVERV I ER SKYLDIGE I VI STADIG UDSÆTTES FOR BEDRAGERI DA I NÆGTEDE AT STANDSE EN ÅBENLYS FORBRYDELSE TAK FOR DET HÅBER I SOVER GODT OM NATTEN / At politiet ignorer politilovens Kap. 2. Paragraf 2. Stk. 3. Syntes åbenlyst være for at dække over Danmarks anden største bank jyske bank, ikke må efterforskes for bedrageri ER DETTE FÆLLES FOR ALLE BANKER ? Men nu nærmer vi os retslokalet og kan der få retten til at sætte jysk bank på plads, nu ledelsen ikke selv magter den opgave / Husk vi retter gerne fejl hvis noget er forkert Anders Dam ved godt at nummeret er 22227713 Så er bande lederen Anders Dam eller andre uenige med noget Så bare kom Anders nummeret er 0045 22227713 / / Jyske Bank Boxen præsentere duellen mellem jyske bank og deres bedraget kunde, hvis jysk

Jyske Bank bilen.
Finanstilsynet sætter Jyske Bank under skærpet tilsyn, hvis ikke kammerateri er en forhindring for lov og orden i danske banker.