16-05-2022. The case is very much about Jyske Bank’s morals and ethics, which you can read more about here on Banknyt.

Welcome to my diary, which deals about corruption på and organized crime in Denmark, where Danish banks as Jyske Bank are behind.

You can here read the Frontpage from 07-05-2022. A Lot is in English.


Jeg skriver at Jyske Bank laver, og eller bruge kriminalitet, altså laver strafbare handlinger i Jyske Banks forretnings metoder så som at: JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. Retsmisbrug. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der har stævnet Jyske Bank for svig. 20. Nægter kunden at tage advokat forbehold, og spærre derfor alle kundens konti, for ikke at påføre et advokat forbehold, på de 2 salgsfuldmagter Jyske Bank ved Birgit Bush Thuesen tvang Carsten Storbjerg til at underskrive

Det er en udfordring at være kunde i Jyske Bank, der beviseligt står bag omfattende svindel mod kunde, hvis nogle tør påstå noget andet, så kommer i bare og tager en konfrontation med mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, da jeg har delt beviser for mine påstande, som fremføres ved små drillerier og morsomheder.

And you can here read the previous front page banknyt. 01-03-2022. here, which says a lot and again has No one dared to answer some of it.

Denmark’s probably biggest scandal ever, customer goes directly to attack Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank and gives the management a vabal ear bitch, the bank’s head Anders Dam is silent, in the hope that the Danish state and government by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen will still cover Jyske Bank’s various crimes, which may lead the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to revoke Jyske Bank’s license to conduct banking business in Denmark.

In Denmark, a huge business scandal is brewing, all the Danish politicians and the government as well as government officials and the authorities are aware of the scandal that may be to blame for Jyske Bank losing the license to conduct financial business including banking in Denmark, but no one will take the problem with bribery and crime in Danish banks seriously, therefore the victims of this extensive and organized fraud committed by the Danish bank Jyske Bank, must the customers themselves fight against the danish criminal Danish banks, this is my contribution to stopping the crime that Jyske Bank and many of their employees jointly stand bag.

Who knows that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization, there are many, but can start with CEO Anders Christian Dam, Philip Baruch and Kristian Ambjørn Buus Nielsen from Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, Dan Terkildsen, Jens Grunnet-Nilsson, Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen from Lundgren's lawyers , Mette Marie Nielsen from Danske Bank, Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm who has been involved in the fraud could continue, together with the National Board of Justice, the Ministry of Justice, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, who all know that Jyske Bank is deeply criminal, as fraud and forgery are criminal acts and should deprive Jyske Bank of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark, but when there is an ingrained camaraderie in Denmark and corruption that is used, the authorities are passive. It is the politicians who have decided that Jyske Bank must not close, ie must not be blamed for the deliberate and serious crime that Jyske Bank demonstrably exposes their customers to, and when even the authorities cover the crime the Danish banks are demonstrably behind, then is Denmark is a corrupt society.

Have you been exposed to financial crime in a Danish bank like here, or perhaps you know of Jyske Bank’s use of bribery, forgery, fraud, coercion, fraud, exploitation and other crime.

Do you know about the Comradeship and the corruption, that is used to cover up the Jyske banks’ organized crime in Denmark.

Then I would like to hear from you.
Do you want to be anonymous, since you work, or have worked for the danish bank Jyske Bank, this will of course be respected.

Call +4522227713

Or write to me on this email.
And will you help me with filming for small anti-commercials, which should be a direct warning against doing business with Jyske Bank. And to state that Denmark is governed by camaraderie and corruption, in which the judiciary and many powerful Danes are directly involved.My story is about my evidence that Jyske Bank is also run by crime, so that the bank can make an unjustified gain that becomes a decisive asset loss for the customer.
If you also want to help create a real information page, please contact me at +4522227713.
or write to me.
Regards Carsten Storbjerg
Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek.
DK. Denmark.✍️

Nedenstående kan du læse på dansk indsat her i LINKET.

Who needs secure justice in Denmark when there are corrupt lawyers like Lundgrens, and that there are Danish judges who cover the corrupt lawyers, in order to be able to cover the criminal Danish banks like the Supreme Court Judge Kurt Rasmussen.

To date, no one in Denmark has dared to write about this problem, and no one dares to oppose me and take a confrontation with me, Jyske Bank does not even dare to threaten me with a defamation case, even though I have offered their Chairman of the Board Anders Christian Dam, to take him by the hand, and follow him to the police station where Anders Dam on the roads of Jyske Bank can report me to the police, for libel against Jyske Bank.

Since May 2016. I have been writing continuously to Jyske Bank’s director and board of directors, as well as the Board of Representatives and Jyske Bank’s many lawyers.

There is not a single one there who has answered me.

I have written to the Danish politicians, the Danish state and the authorities including the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Legal Affairs Committee, the Ministry of Finance, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Ministry of Justice, the Danish National Bank, the National Board of Justice, the National Prosecutor’s Office, the Public Prosecutor, the Bar Association, continuously since 1 May 2019.

And shared evidence for Jyske Bank’s various crimes.

And not a single one of these has dared answer me, or take a confrontation with me.

When I write that Jyske Bank A/S is behind extensive use of crime, which there are several employees who like at least these, Nicolai Hansen, Jeanett Kofoed Hansen, Lars Aaqvist, Anette Kirkeby, Casper Dam Olsen, Morten Ulrik Gad, Philip Baruch, Anders Christian Dam, Niels Erik Jacobsen, Per Skovhus, Peter Schleidt, are jointly behind, has been carried out and continued for many years, which has also been carried out in bad faith, at the same time as the employees have deliberately lied to the customer, even the management of Jyske Bank has helped to cover up Jyske Bank’s organized fraud against the bank’s customers.

Are you believe in yourself, that this is just a coincidence, or is this foundation in Jyske Bank, which the Danish authorities and the judiciary cover, as Jyske Bank must not be subjected to the investigation and prosecution for the crime I on this page banknyt since 2016. has shared evidence for.

This page is a warning against the Danske Bank Jyske Bank that uses bribery / return commission to disappoint in legal matters.

Do you want to write my story, and maybe have some questions for my evidence, because when I write that Jyske Bank commits organized crime, I have plenty of documentation for what I write.

It is a scandal that has not previously been evidence of, which involves the government and politicians, because when the Danish state and government help to cover banks’ crime, by inciting all inquiries and evidence that Jyske Bank makes fraud document false and power of attorney abuse and more.

Then it is up to the victims of Jyske Bank’s various crimes to draw attention to it.

In court, the first judge Søren Ejdum has already shown that the courts just remove the witness statements that do not fit into what the judge wants included, will call it misquotation of witnesses who have complained to the special appellate court, which is the Supreme Court.

I no longer believe in the Danish legal system, and feel this is a farce and scandal for the rule of law in Denmark, also therefore the case against Jyske Bank must probably be brought fore the European Court, as the judges do not want Jyske Bank’s use of forgery and misuse of powers, fraud, bad faith, deception and deception must interrupt the limitation period.

The case is very much about Jyske Bank’s morals and ethics, which you can read more about here on Banknyt.

If you need information or a copy of documents, write to me what you would like to receive proof of, and you will receive it.

I ask the entire press to critically examine whether my knowledge about corruption in Denmark, and whether I have shared enough evidence that Jyske Bank is behind extensive financial crime, and whether this should deprive Jyske Bank of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark.

I share my information with the population as this may be Denmark’s biggest scandal in recent times, because when the Danish state, and the Danish government which is to protect the weak in society, actively incite organized crime against the small Danish citizens, and the authorities instead choose covers criminal Danish banks.

In order not to be forced to place banks such as Jyske Bank under stricter supervision, or to completely revoke Jyske Bank’s license to conduct banking business in Denmark.

If the press thinks I can not understand the legislation, then I allow all journalists to hang out and help Jyske Bank report me to the police for libel and slander of Jyske Bank.

This alone is a good story, but who dares to write about it when it is politically decided to cover up the corrupt lawyers and the criminal Danish banks.

fundamentet i Jyske Bank, troværdighed, hæderlig, ærlig, loyal, loyalitet, kundeservice i Jyske Bank. / Main suspect in Danish bank fraud case Jyske BANK Anders Dam, Jyske Bank suspected of million scams and corruption. Philip Baruch Advokat og Partner I Lund Elmer Sandager Les.dk Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen.dk - Lundgrens advokater. Dan Terkildsen. Rødstenen advokater. bestyrelsen Jyske Bank Sven Buhrækall. Kurt Bligaard Pedersen. Rina Asmussen. Philip Baruch. Jens Borup. Keld Norup. Christina Lykke Munk. Johnny Christensen. Marianne Lillevang. Anders Christian Dam. Niels Erik Jakobsen. Per Skovhus. Peter Schleidt. #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #GF Maresk #PhilipBaruch #LES #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #Chri

Jysk Bank troede aldrig at bankens bedrageri, som Nicolai Hansen og Jeanett Kofoed Hansen startede, ville blive opdaget.
Men bankens kriminelle bande medlemmer i ledelsen og deres advokater som Morten Ulrik Gade og Philip Baruch glemte en vigtig detalje siger Carsten Storbjerg og griner.

Jeg fatter ikke at Dansk stat og regeringen sammen med Finanstilsynet og Statsminister Mette Frederiksen vil dække over kriminelle Banker, der er en ting.
Men hvorfor vil Jyske Bank og deres CEO Anders Christian Dam ikke i dialog ?.

Der kan jo bare være tale om en lille misforståelse og fejl,
ring +4522227713. Eller skriv HERTIL LINK TIL MAIL.

Lad os nu mødes og få sat en stopper for mine små drillerier og morsomheder.

Her er min mail 15 maj 2022. Kl. 15.44. til Jyske Bank med opfordring til dialog, og forslag til at Jyske Bank politi anmelder mig for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank, hvis de vil påstå at jeg lyver når jeg skriver om Jyske Banks forskellige forbrydelser.


Dialog er vigtig for at undgå misforståelser, derfor skriver jeg igen 13 maj et opslag, og sender det til Jyske Bank og Anders Christian Dam, med et tilbud om at følge med ind på politistationen, hvor Anders Dam kan politianmelde mig for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S koncernen hvis Anders Christian Dam ellers tør, jeg driller jer, for at komme i kontakt og få dialog med dig CEO Anders Dam.

Jeg skriver at Jyske Bank laver, og eller bruge kriminalitet, altså laver strafbare handlinger i Jyske Banks forretnings metoder så som at: JYSKE BANK A/S HAR LAVET OG ELLER BRUGT. 1. Bedrageri. SVIG 2. Bondefangeri. 3. Dokument falsk. FALSK. 4. Vildledning. 5. Udnyttelse. 6. Lyver for kunde. 7. Vanhjemmel. 8. Bestikkelse / returkommission. 9. Retsmisbrug. 10. Misbrugt adgang til Tinglysningsretten. 11. Fuldmagt misbrug. 12. Ond tro. 13. Retsmisbrug. 14. Mandag svig. 15. Lyver overfor Penge Institut ankenævnet. 16. Lyver overfor domstolen. 17. Kan vel skrive MAGT MISBRUG, også. 18. Har taget overpant og sikkerheder for omkring 12 millioner, for en gæld på ca. 3 millioner, hvor der der givet pant i min ejendom på 3 millioner, et pantebrev Jyske Bank A/S iøvrigt ikke vil udlevere uden at stille krav, og det på trods af at jeg ikke skylder Jyske Bank noget som helst. 19. Nægter at udlevere de dokumenter hvori jeg private tidligere har givet Jyske Bank sikkerhed og kaution for selskabet, der har stævnet Jyske Bank for svig. 20. Nægter kunden at tage advokat forbehold, og spærre derfor alle kundens konti, for ikke at påføre et advokat forbehold, på de 2 salgsfuldmagter Jyske Bank ved Birgit Bush Thuesen tvang Carsten Storbjerg til at underskrive

Det er en udfordring at være kunde i Jyske Bank, der beviseligt står bag omfattende svindel.