Når Jyske Bank laver bedtageri og også bruger bestikkelse af Lundgrens advokater for at skuffe i retsforhold, så bør Finanstilsynet fratager Jyske Bank’s tilladelse til at drive financial virksomhed i Danmark.


Siden er OPDATERET SENEST 08-02-2022. KL. 07.00. Her kan du læse mere om det kammerateri og korruption som styrer Danmark, og læse om fundamentet i Jyske Bank A/S, siden er både på dansk og engelsk.

When no politician dares to be the first to support the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority taking Jyske Bank’s license to operate in Denmark, who then will take up the problem with the criminal Danish banks, I can only as here in the email 7 February 2022. kl. 15.52. make the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, Danmarks Nationalbank, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Legal Affairs Committee aware of the problem, that Denmark has a major problem with corruption and crime among Danish banks.

It has become my task, to show the outside world and the Danish people, that the Danish state and government cover the crime of Danish banks, and if any of you who have received this email 6 February 2022. 15.57. dare to meet and review my evidence of Jyske Bank’s crimes, call me on +4522227713. the question is whether the Danish state and government will act on the basis of the information you have received, or whether you, as an authority and government, will risk damaging Denmark’s reputation, just to help a criminal Danish organization, not to be investigated and prosecuted.

Jyske Bank bilen på besøg. THIS IS A SCANDAL THAT JUST GROWS AND GROWS, AND ONLY I FIGHT AGAINST THE CORRUPTION IN DENMARK. How can the public be assured that a judge is not prejudiced, and is it possible to complain about a judge who fails to write what witnesses have confirmed, and not include the fraud and falsehood as well as bad faith and use of bribery in interrupting relationships . the limitation period, in order to fit a rejection of precisely limitation into his judgment. One of the world’s largest law firms, DLA Piper lawyers, has employees or partners like Martin Lavesen. who, together with the Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, support that this in the link is not a violation of good legal practice. My latest email 29 December 2021. to all of Denmark’s leaders and Jyske Bank, why is there not a single one who will or dares to answer me, is you afraid that Jyske Bank will have a strong cleaning in the board, and that it will be necessary to fires CEO Anders Christian Dam. I am wonder this silence, is it me who breaks the law or is it Jyske bank. Are you a journalist, then here is a good report on corruption, camaraderie between Denmark’s judges, lawyers and banks, which is the hidden form of corruption, it is also about the Danish state is covering the criminal banks, which the authorities themselves do businesswith, instead of launching a investigation and criminal prosecution, which in the worst case can closed Jysk Bank, if the Danish laws and regulations apply to Danish banks.

Denmark’s probably the most criminal bank, which is without a doubt must be Jyske Bank, which is supported by the Prime Minister’s Office by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, as well as several of the Danish judges.

Mette Frederiksen and the entire Danish government, this email and information is on your table, will solve the problem, as Jyske Bank and their CEO Anders Christian Dam will not do anything themselves, and as long as the Danish state covers the many criminal law violations , which Jyske Bank has demonstrably carried out, and if the government in Denmark continues to cover up Jyske Bank’s offenses, and continues to incur my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal offenses, then creates in an inu larger problem.

I will not stop writing about the problem of the Danes’ legal security until CEO Anders Christian Dam himself personally calls me, and asks me very nicely to stop, so that Jyske Bank offers to help me and Jyske Bank clean up, it does not have to be, it is still Jyske Bank that decides for itself what the bank thinks is best for Denmark.


The Jyske Bank Group is dragging Denmark into a serious crisis.

At least since 2019, the Danish state and government have tried to kill Jyske Bank’s financial crimes, and sacrifice legal certainty for the Danes, aided by Lundgren’s and Lund Elmer Sandager’s lawyers, to save Jyske Bank from losing the right to conduct financial business in Denmark.

Read the email here 06-02-2022. Time 15.57. to the authorities, no one should say that the government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, do not know that Denmark has a very big problem with the Danish bank Jyske Bank, and also the legal security for the small citizen.

The Danish state and government as well as the court and many more know about Jyske Bank’s crimes, therefore I have on Sunday 6 February 2022 written again to all the Danish authorities and shared with Jyske Bank, Lundgren and Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers.

Medvirkende i sagen eller kender til sagen og ønsker ikke at rette fejl Fundament hæderlig ærlig åben retter fejl Nykredit jyske bank Advokat advokater strafferet øknomisk kriminelit Lund Elmer Sandager Michael Rasmussen CEO Nykredit Anders Christian Dam CEO Morten Ulrik gade Philip Baruch Mette Egholm Nielsen Birgit Bush Jyske bank erhverv Hillerød Helsingør Århus Aahus København Silkeborg Valby Østerbro Nicolai Hansen Anette Kirkeby Søren Woergaard Danske bank jysk Koncernledelse jyske bank Koncernbestyrelsen Sven Buhrkall Kurt Bligaard Pedersen Rina Asmussen Philip Baruch Jens A. Borup Keld Norup Christina Lykke Munk Haggai Kunisch Marianne Lillevang Koncerndirektionen Anders Dam Leif F. Larsen Niels Erik Jakobsen Per Skovhus Peter Schleidt finans nyt penge dr kontant DR KONTANT Penge Rådgivning

Jyske Bank is undermining Danish society, committing fraud and abusing power of attorney for stealing from customers.

Would you like to ask Lundgren’s lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the National Board of Justice, the Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, and everyone who has received my many emails, why everyone tries to cover Jyske Bank’s covers banks’ crime.
Then you are contributing to the crime Jyske Bank is behind, or what.


Here you can read more about these 3 Lundgren’s lawyers, Thomas Kræmer , Tobias Vieth, Lars Kjær, who stick their heads in the bush, as I accuse Lundgren’s lawyers of being complicit in corruption, and have taken bribes to oppose their client.

Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm der er assisterende advokat for Dan Terkildsen i Lundgrens og forfatter sammen med Dan Terkildsen dec. 2019. The Law Reviews begge med C. Konservative interesser, for det som Konservative nu står for.

Jyske Bank skriver gentagne både på Havkatten.
Men vi kan sige, at vi hverken stjæler eller bedrager eller forfalsker dokumenter. Vi kan og vil heller ikke hjælpe kunder i skattely; hvis du ikke kan bevise, at du betaler skat, kan du slet ikke være kunde i Jyske Bank. Vi overholder altid de til enhver tid gældende regler og lovgivning. Sådan må og skal det være.

Venlig hilsen Jyske Bank

Kære Jyske Bank skal vi ikke tage den når vi mødes i retten, da jeg har fremlagt dokumentation for at Jyske Bank har lavet både Dokumentfalsk og har overtrådt bogføringsloven, og med meget stor sandsynlighed også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater til ikke at fremlægge nogle af mine anbringer.

Se alle Processkrifter her i LINKET. og læs de processkrifter som Lundgrens advokater, ved Dan Terkildsen, Mette Marie Nielsen Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm har fremlagt.

Det er tydeligt at Lundgrens  advokater kun vil fortsætte en sag om dårlig rådgivning og med stor sandsynlighed for at tabe sagen, hvilket du kan se ud af Processkrifter og klagen 05-06-2020.

Sagen starter i 2013. Klagen 328-2013. 14-04-2014. I pengeinstitut ankenævnet over Jyske Bank, LÆS MERE HER I LINKET.

Jeg ved ikke at Jyske Bank har bragt mig i en forvildelse før, jeg 18-10-2016. bliver bekræftet i at Jyske Bank koncernen i perioden 2008/2009 og 2016 har løjet kontinuerligt om at jeg skulle have lånt 4.328.000 dkk.

Og den efterfølgende stævning 28-10-2015. af Jyske Bank.

Har jeg kæmpet for at få fremlagt hvad jeg har opdaget efter en større efterforskning af Jyske Banks forretnings metoder.

Læs hvad Lundgrens fremlægger Afsluttende svarskrift 18-12-2018. og Processkrift 1. 28-09-2018. Samt Processkrift 2. 02-09-2019. Hvilket Lundgrens advokater ved Dan Terkildsen ikke engang ville udlevere klienten en kopi af.

Selv om klienten 05-09-2019. Anmoder om en kopi af Processkrift 2. Fra 02-09-2019, Dan Terkildsen svare slet ikke klienten, der ønsker at se hvad Lundgrens advokater har fremlagt, for at sammenligne med det klienten bad Lundgrens advokater om at fremlægge.

Lundgrens klient skriver en veldokumenteret klage 05-06-2020. med 27 klagepunkter, over Lundgrens advokater, for ikke at fremlægge klientens anbringer, og for ikke at dele Processkrifter med klienten, du kan se alle nævnte bilag fra klagen over Lundgrens advokater her i LINKET.

Hvilket Dan Terkildsen 08-09-2020. besvare på 4 sider, det kom ikke klienten ved hvad Lundgrens advokater fremlagde, hvilket advokat nævnet 30-06-2021. ved formanden højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen har besluttet, at afviser alle 27 klage forhold over Lundgrens advokater og deres partner Dan Terkildsen, på trods af at Lundgrens partner udebliver fra de afsluttende bemærkninger 19-09-2020, med 26 opfordringer.

En afvisning Advokat nævnet ikke vil dele, for at skjule at også advoknævnet har dækket over de korupte Lundgrens advokater. Afgørelsen 2020-1932. der har stor Prædikant virkning for andre klager, kan ses her i LINKET, så du som advokat kan henvise til afgørelsen af 30-06-2021, hvis du som advokat får en bøde i ligende forhold, som altså ikke er nogen overtrædelse af god advokat skik, gem og dels klagen og afgørelsen med dine kolleger. Klientens påstande og anbringer mod Jyske Bank, som er fremlagt Lundgrens advokater, eksempelvis i brevet 06-12-2018. / brevet 18-08-2019. / SMS 23-08-2019. / brevet 27-08-2019. / brevet 30-08-2019.  / brevet 01-09-2019. for at nævne et par bilag fra klagen over Lundgrens advokater 05-06-2020. fælles for alle mails og breve samt sms omhandlende klientens anbringer, svare Lundgrens ansatte aldrig, og hvis ikke Lundgrens advokater har taget mod den Bestikkelse Jyske Bank koncernen har givet for ikke at fremlægge nogle af klientens anbringer mod Jyske Bank, så må Lundgrens partnere og ledelsen have en god forklaring.

Mine anbringer er nu fremlagt i foreløbig Processkrift 3. 27-10-2019. / Processkrift 3. 04-05-2020. og Processkrift 4. 23-12-2020. samt Processkrift 5. 14-10-2021.
Hvilket Lundgrens advokater skulle fremlægge, men som i ved bestak Jyske bank A/S Lundgrens advokater ved en million stor returkommission, se klagens Bilag 12, er fremlagt som sagens Bilag 168. Fra 21-06-2018.

When no politician dares to be the first to support the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority taking Jyske Bank’s license to operate in Denmark, who then will take up the problem with the criminal Danish banks, I can only as here in the email 7 February 2022. kl. 15.52. make the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, Danmarks Nationalbank, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Legal Affairs Committee aware of the problem, that Denmark has a major problem with corruption and crime among Danish banks. It has become my task, to show the outside world and the Danish people, that the Danish state and government cover the crime of Danish banks, and if any of you who have received this email 6 February 2022. 15.57. dare to meet and review my evidence of Jyske Bank’s crimes, call me on +4522227713. the question is whether the Danish state and government will act on the basis of the information you have received, or whether you, as an authority and government, will risk damaging Denmark’s reputation, just to help a criminal Danish organization, not to be investigated and prosecuted.

Det var Lundgrens partner Niels Gram-Hanssen der i foråret 2018. hjalp Jyske Bank koncernen med salget af 6. trofæ ejendommen for omkring 600.000.000 danske kroner.
Hvilken må have givet en betydelige million indtægt til Lundgrens advokater.
Lundgrens advokater ved partner Dan Terkildsen var dog tidligere 2018, blevet ansat til at fører en sag og falsk sag imod samme Jyske Bank.
Hvorfor Lundgrens advokater bliver inhabile.
Lundgrens advokater glemmer desværre også efterfølgende at fremlægge klientens anbringer for domstolen.
Lundgrens advokater glemte også at fremlægge klienten kopi af processkrifter, både fra sagsøgte Jyske Bank ved Philip Baruch og fra sagsøgers advokat Dan Terkildsen selv.
Lundgrens advokater ville heller ikke ville oplyse sagsøger, at Lundgrens advokater, også arbejde for modparten Jyske Bank, og det selv om sagsøger spørger Lundgrens advokater ved partner Dan Terkildsen direkte 20 september 2019.
Først efter 21 september 2019. Opdager sagsøger, at sagsøgers advokat firma Lundgrens advokater arbejder for sagsøgteJyske Bank.
Altså efter at sagsøger ansatte Lundgrens advokater, til at fører den svig og falsk sag imod Jyske Bank, som Lundgrens advokater skulle fremlægge for domstolen, men åbenbart glemte.
Da sagsøger opdager at sagsøgte Jyske Bank, ved returkommission har bestukket Lundgrens advokater til ikke at fremlægge sagsøgers anbringer mod Jyske Bank.
bliver Lundgrens advokater fyret for at være korrupte, Klienten anmoder Lundgrens om at tilbagebetale de penge klienten har overført, hvilket Partner Dan Terkildsen nægter.
Sagsøger indbringer Lundgrens advokater og Dan Terkildsen for klagenævnet over advokater.
Hvilket behandles af blandt andet af Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, der afviser ialt 27 klagepunkter, og advokat nævnet skriver at Lundgrens advokater ikke har overtrådt god advokat skik.
Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, som bliver støttet af advokat samfundets formand Martin Lavesen fra DLA Piper Advokater, skriver Blandt andet at.
LUNDGRENS Advokat partnerselskab godt kan arbejde samtidig for både Sagsøger Storbjerg Erhverv og sagsøgte Jyske Bank.
Bare det er 2 forskellige advokater fra Lundgrens advokater, og at det er i 2 forskellige sager.
Advokat nævnet ved blandt andet Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, har besluttet at sagsøgers advokat, ikke behøver at udlevere klienten kopi af retsbogen eller af processkrifter, samt at Lundgrens advokater ikke ikke var pligtig til at oplyse sagsøger at Lundgrens advokater også arbejde for modparten sagsøgte Jyske Bank.
Kurt Rasmussen og Martin Lavesen er begge enige om at klienten må stole på, at Lundgrens advokater har vurderet hvad der var bedst for sagsøger.
Og at afgørelsen ikke skal deles på advokat nævnets hjemmeside.


When no politician dares to be the first to support the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority taking Jyske Bank’s license to operate in Denmark, who then will take up the problem with the criminal Danish banks, I can only as here in the email 7 February 2022. kl. 15.52. make the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, Danmarks Nationalbank, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Legal Affairs Committee aware of the problem, that Denmark has a major problem with corruption and crime among Danish banks. It has become my task, to show the outside world and the Danish people, that the Danish state and government cover the crime of Danish banks, and if any of you who have received this email 6 February 2022. 15.57. dare to meet and review my evidence of Jyske Bank’s crimes, call me on +4522227713. the question is whether the Danish state and government will act on the basis of the information you have received, or whether you, as an authority and government, will risk damaging Denmark’s reputation, just to help a criminal Danish organization, not to be investigated and prosecuted.

Jyske Bank is undermining Danish society, committing fraud and abusing power of attorney for stealing from customers.

Would you like to ask Lundgren’s lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the National Board of Justice, the Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, and everyone who has received my many emails, why everyone tries to cover Jyske Bank’s covers banks’ crime.

Then you are contributing to the crime Jyske Bank is behind, or what.

Jyske Bank is undermining Danish society, committing fraud and abusing power of attorney for stealing from customers. Would you like to ask Lundgren’s lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the National Board of Justice, the Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, and everyone who has received my many emails, why everyone tries to cover Jyske Bank’s covers banks’ crime. Then you are contributing to the crime Jyske Bank is behind, or what.

Lars Kjær from the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyer partner company. AdvokatPartner Fast Ejendom & Entreprise Mail lkj@lundgrens.dk Mobil +4525245112 Telefon +4535252912

Jyske Bank is undermining Danish society, committing fraud and abusing power of attorney for stealing from customers. Would you like to ask Lundgren’s lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the National Board of Justice, the Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, and everyone who has received my many emails, why everyone tries to cover Jyske Bank’s covers banks’ crime. Then you are contributing to the crime Jyske Bank is behind, or what.

Lars Kjær from the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyer partner company. AdvokatPartner Fast Ejendom & Entreprise Mail lkj@lundgrens.dk Mobil +4525245112 Telefon +4535252912

Jyske Bank is undermining Danish society, committing fraud and abusing power of attorney for stealing from customers. Would you like to ask Lundgren’s lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the National Board of Justice, the Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, and everyone who has received my many emails, why everyone tries to cover Jyske Bank’s covers banks’ crime. Then you are contributing to the crime Jyske Bank is behind, or what.

Tobias Vieth from the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyer partner company. Advokat Formand For Bestyrelsen Partner Fast Ejendom & Entreprise Mail atv@lundgrens.dk Mobil +4530612224 Telefon +4535252878



Watch all the videos about Jyske Bank here, where there are also links to YouTube.

Watch all videos here on BANKNYT and link to YouTube videos that can be freely shared here in the LINK.



Does the Danish bank Jyske bank have a future as a state bank in Denmark, or will the Danish state and authorities rule that Jyske Bank has exposed customers to Exploitation and million fraud, ask the Danish elected representatives.


Dear all, I hereby request the Danish authorities and Danmarks Nationalbank as well as the Ministry of Finance to investigate all allegations against the Danish bank Jyske bank for the use of forgery.


Har Real mæglerne samme værdier som den kriminelle Jyske bank, spørg hvis du er i tvivl.
Preben Merrild Angelo
Mail: pa@mailreal.dk
Tlf.: 2092 5280
Thomas Jacobsen
Mail: tj@mailreal.dk
Tlf.: 5128 4282
Mikkel Milsgaard
Mail: mm@realmaeglerne.dk


On January 12, I also wrote to Jyske Bank and shared the letter to Denmarks Nationalbank, after which CEO Anders Christian Dam does not care about these announcements.

Morten Ulrik Gade • MUG@jyskebank.dk


Read the original Danish email 12 January 2022. to the Denmarks Nationalbank here in LINK.

Does the Danish bank Jyske bank have a future as a state bank in Denmark, or will the Danish state and authorities rule that Jyske Bank has exposed customers to Exploitation and million fraud, ask the Danish elected representatives.

Mail 12 januar 2022. Dear all, I hereby request the Danish authorities and the Danish Nationalbank and the Ministry of Finance to investigate all accusations against the Danish bank Jyske bank for the use of forgery and fraud as well as bribery, which is shared on banknyt.dk and find the true ones, I hereby request that the Danish state and Danish authorities stop using Jyske Bank as a bank for Denmark.



Happy New Year

As a state and authorities that cover up the Danish bank Jyske Bank committing organized economic crime, you can do nothing to stop me from writing and telling other governments about it, as this is the truth, you all know that I tells the truth, and in as an authority and government, should see and get cleaned up and cleaned up, and cleaned out in the Danish bank, possibly the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority must take the bank’s license for banking operations from the Danish bank Jyske Bank.


Read more about the corrupt Danish society here, where the email of 29 December 2021, to the Danish state and authorities as well as leaders is shared.

When members of the court board are behind Jyske Bank, and members of the court board have covered corrupt Danish lawyers as well as criminal Danish banks, the case will have to be brought before the EU court as soon as possible, this is not my choice but to do aware of the corruption that governs denmark, even though it is political.