28-07-2022. Mail to Denmark’s Nationalbank. It is Denmark’s Nationalbank that is ultimately fully responsible, and the The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, due to corruption will not investigate a bank’s crimes, in order to counteract LAW and ORDER, and in that way, when banks like Jyske Bank A/S are actually committing fraud against their business customers.

Sent 28-07-2022. at 12:20 p.m corrected 12.33 p.m.

Dear Denmark’s National Bank, including the Danish politicians, I hope you understand, that I do not believe that the Danish state and authorities are covering up Danish criminal banks, as I know very well. I cannot do anything about the corruption that governs Denmark, but if you are not one of those who contribute to the fact that corruption thrives in Denmark, then initiate an investigation and investigation of all my claims and the evidence you have presented, if you cannot understand the seriousness of what I write and who should close Jysk Bank, I would like to help you review my evidence. Greetings Carsten


Dear all, I have shared the email I sent, you can read it here, with pictures.


Mail below to the Danmarks nationalbank, about Jyske Bank’s fraud and other crime. here in PDF document. LINK. Corrected 28-07-2022. at 09.20. The email is shared, after some mood pictures about the competition, which is to help Jyske Bank.



Denmark is facing a huge scandal.

And the Danish authorities are still trying to cover it up.


I would rather write about it, than fight against a criminal bank that is supported by corrupt judges and that the Danish government, the Financial Supervisory Authority and Danmarks Nationalbank passively cover up.

I ask you all again, if I have misunderstood something, I would like to correct it. but don’t ignore what I write, like you have done that for the past 8 years.

But if I am right, what will the Danish state do with Jyske Bank. ?.


Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be. That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime. Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has made a string of criminal offenses. Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches. This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small. In the case that Jyske Bank writes about here, Jyske Bank is about being able to keep the money Jyske Bank has taken, by used forgery, and fraud to cheat the customer, by sad that the fraud was not discovered within 3 years. This is how Jyske Bank works, and it is quite important to share with the public. Also to warn other nations, and warn against the corruption and camaraderie that rules Denmark. It is sad that even the Danish authorities

Join the competition, everyone can compete. Advertising for Jyske Bank the car that CEO Anders Dam can get away with if he wants to correct Jyske bank’s way of committing fraud, Jyske Bank you must behave properly and comply with the law regardless of who covers for you.


Youtube videos to Jyske bank.

If it is not me, Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, who calls it out, then no one will do it, Jyske Bank has simply cheated and deceived probably the only one in Denmark, you should not be unfriended, so dear Jyske Bank and Anders Christian Dam you are yourselves blame for this here.

Hope you found your deception is worth it.


Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind. Jyske Banks medarbejdere lyver igen 22-06-2022, da medarbejdere i Jyske Banks afdeling på Gammel Kongevej 136, siger, til den kunde der spørger om det der står på Jyske Bank bilen uden for Jyske Bank, er sandt. Kunden fortæller at i Jyske Bank på Frederiksberg er være blevet oplyst, at den omtalte verserende sag mellem Storbjerg Erhverv ApS og mod Jyske Bank A/S. Er tabt 2 gange. både i byretten og landsretten ?. Men det var ikke det kunden stillede spørgsmål om, kunden spurgte de ansat i banken på Frederiksberg, om det der står på bilen uden for bankens facade er sandt. JYSKE BANKS MEDARBEJDERE KAN FÅ 44.000 DKK. FOR AT MODBEVISE DET JEG SKRIVER. Og du kan få op til 40.000 DKK hvis du kan modbevise det jeg skriver, hør hvad jeg siger ti

One of the new advertising signs for the car that Jyske Bank takes as a JOKE.
Is this here for Jyske Bank still just a joke, or are you getting the seriousness of it.
Jyske Bank may lose their license to conduct banking business in Denmark, due to the use of fraud, forgery, bribery and much more.


Join the competition.  Youtube part 1. 27-6-2022. / Youtube part 2. 30-06-2022.



28-07-2022. Mailed.


Denmark`s Nationalbank

Langelinie Allé 47.
2100 København Ø.


Kommunikation <kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk>,


Mail in PDF document. LINK. Corrected 28-07-2022. at 09.20.


I expect the board and the board of representatives of Denmark’s Nationalbank to respond and rule on the information that Jyske Bank  A/S has committed organized crime, and will also take notes for the book I want to write.  That if Denmark’s Nationalbank does not act on the information the bank has received about Jyske Bank’s many criminal offenses, the reason must be that Nationalbank wants to cover up Jyske Bank, just as the Financial Supervisory Authority does.



National Bank Director Lars Rohde chairman of the board and royally appointed director, i.e. effectively appointed by the government.

And the two other members of the executive board are Per Callesen and Signe Krogstrup.

And to the board of representatives at Danmarks Nationalbank.

Chairman: Professor Christian Schultz
Deputy chairman: Adm. director Anne Hedensted Steffensen
Elected by the Danish Parliament
Member of Parliament Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen
Member of Parliament Kristian Thulesen Dahl
Member of Parliament Jakob Ellemann-Jensen
Member of Parliament Jens Joel
Member of Parliament Sophie Løhde
Member of Parliament Anne Paulin
Member of Parliament Sofie Carsten Nielsen

Member of Parliament Troels Lund Poulsen
Appointed by the Minister for Business
Head of Department Michael Dithmer
Head of department Johan Legarth

Elected by the board of representatives
Adm. director Jens Bjørn Andersen
CEO Connie Astrup-Larsen
Adm. Director Per Bank
Chairman of DSR Grete Christensen
Adm. director Asger Enggaard
Adm. director Kathrine Forsberg
CEO Kristian Hundebøll
Chairman Claus Jensen
Chairman of the Consumer Council Think Anja Philip
Chairman Lizette Risgaard
Professor Philipp Schröder
Professor Christian Schultz
Adm. director Anne Hedensted Steffensen
Adm. director Christian Woller
CEO Gitte Pugholm Aabo​


And a copy to the Danish authorities, and to some of them who cover up the crime that Jyske bank is behind, and the bribery of Lundgren’s lawyers.

Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>,
“<NSJ@politi.dk>” <nsj@politi.dk>,
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,

For reference, it must be made absolutely clear that Danske Bank has nothing to do with Jyskes Bank’s fraud and bribery, Danske Bank has only employed some of the people who for Jyske bank have been complicit in the fraud chase.



Inserting a couple of mood pictures at the top, what is it about, and why is there not a single person in Denmark who dares to talk to me about this here, I am only writing because Jyske Bank has no intention of complying with Danish legislation, since the Danish government and politicians cover up the crime Jyske Bank is behind.


And then CEO Anders Christian Dam can call me himself on +4522227713, if Jyske Bank wants us to find a solution together and I can stop writing about Jyske bank and the team that covers Jyske Bank.

If you have corrections or something you would like to talk about, I would like to talk to you about this here, and you should talk about it, because if I am right, then Jyske bank has a big problem and if not the Danish FSA and Danmarks Nationalbank will step in against a bank that openly commits punishable crimes, whom you could trust in Denmark.

This is a call to the Danish state, get control that Jysk Bank A/S must at least be put under strict supervision.

And then all of you mentioned in this post are included in my book about organized crime in Denmark, and that the Danish authorities and politicians are covering up the corruption that governs Denmark.


Cronyism and corruption are the same.

Who will fix Denmark, and counteract the fact that it is corruption that rules the country.

Jyske Bank og CEO Anders Christian Dam er gentagende gange blevet opfordret til at politianmelde mig Carsten Storbjerg for injurier, og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S, hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri, for de har vel styr på deres bilag. YouTube videoer, og her en video fra 18 maj 2021, hvor jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. JEG OPFORDRE IGEN I DAG. 18 MAJ 2022. I EN MAIL LINK. AT ALLE I JYSKE BANK A/S. BESTYRELSE OG REPRÆSENTANTSKABET. SAMT DERES ADVOKATER SOM PHILIP BARUCH, MORTEN ULRIK GADE, OG ALLE I JYSKE BANKS JURIDISKE AFDELING, OM AT POLITI ANMELDE MIG FOR INJURIER OG BAGVASKELSE AF JYSKE BANK A/S. ALTSÅ HVIS DET JEG SKRIVER OG SIGER OM JYSKE BANKS OMFATTENDE KRIMINALITET IKKE ER SANDT. Mit navn er Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, jeg bor på Søvej 5. 3100 Hornbæk. Mit telefonnummer er +4522227713 i kan bare kommer hvis i mener jeg lyver. Og enten så gør Jyske Bank følgende. Jyske Bank Politi anmelder mig, for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S Holder kæft fordi jeg skriver sandheden, om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder. Ringer til mig på +4522227713 og beder mig om at stoppe mine tiltagende kampagner, og små drillerier mod Jyske Bank, og dem der har medvirket, direkte eller indirekte til Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri. Ignorer mig og kæmper for at beholde hvad Jyske Bank A/S ved brug af dokumentfalsk, mandatsvig, fuldmagtmisbrug, bedrageri med mere har stjålet. Det er CEO Anders Dam ledelsen og repræsentantskabet Som bestemmer hvad Jyske Bank A/S står for. Da dette her er min private dagbog, skriver jeg det jeg tænker en del på, jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet Finansministeriet Finanstilsynet Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen, det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker ikke måtte gå konkurs.

Kender du Jyske bank bilen, som her er parkeret udenfor Jyske Bank på Gammel Kongevej 136.
Spørg i Jyske bank om det er sandt hvad der står på bilen, siden ikke en eneste tør tage en konfrontation med Carsten.


Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind. Jyske Banks medarbejdere lyver igen 22-06-2022, da medarbejdere i Jyske Banks afdeling på Gammel Kongevej 136, siger, til den kunde der spørger om det der står på Jyske Bank bilen uden for Jyske Bank, er sandt. Kunden fortæller at i Jyske Bank på Frederiksberg er være blevet oplyst, at den omtalte verserende sag mellem Storbjerg Erhverv ApS og mod Jyske Bank A/S. Er tabt 2 gange. både i byretten og landsretten ?. Men det var ikke det kunden stillede spørgsmål om, kunden spurgte de ansat i banken på Frederiksberg, om det der står på bilen uden for bankens facade er sandt. JYSKE BANKS MEDARBEJDERE KAN FÅ 44.000 DKK. FOR AT MODBEVISE DET JEG SKRIVER. Og du kan få op til 40.000 DKK hvis du kan modbevise det jeg skriver, hør hvad jeg siger til Jyske Bank og dig der vil være med i konkurrencen.

Jyske Bank medarbejdere siger for os er det bare en joke.
Jyske Banks ansatte på Gammel Kongevej 136. lyver og siger sagen mod Jyske Bank er tabt i landsretten, selv om sagen ikke engang er blevet berammet inu.


Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind.

The new Jyske Bank car has clear questions for Jyske Bank here.

Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup encourages everyone to go into Jyske Bank and ask what this Jyske Bank car is for, and whether it is true that Jyske Bank commits fraud, forgery, uses bribes, and power of attorney abuse and abuse of the bank’s access to the land registry, and much more.

Jyske Bank has also been urged to contact the police if what is stated is not true, but CEO Anders Christian Dam does not dare, for fear of an investigation it will support the customer’s accusations against the criminal Jyske Bank.


As I say here on YouTube, 27-09-2022.

You may ask yourselves why I am parked outside Jyske Bank, with accusations against Jyske Bank for fraud and the use of forged documents.

If I’m lying, Jyske Bank can just call their friends who themselves cover for Jyske Bank.

And get the help Jyske Bank deserves.


If I don’t say anything about the problems with legal certainty in Denmark, who will?


I’ve asked the question before.

If an authority or person in authority knows that an organization is involved in organized crime, but chooses to cover it up, then it is said that these are contributing to the reported offences.

I would still like an answer, and I would also like to speak to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the National Bank and the Prime Minister’s Office, because if I am the one who made a mistake, I would like to apologise.

But since you all relate to silence, I think there is something wrong in Denmark and that corruption I am still investigating, and in connection with my book, will dig deeper into.





28-07-2022. Mailed.

Denmark`s Nationalbank
Langelinie Allé 47.
2100 København Ø.


I have to make a request to all of you who are associated with Denmark`s Nationalbank.

Will you consider whether you will continue to help cover up the crime that the National Bank has been informed that Jyske Bank A/S is behind, or whether there is an independent whistleblower scheme.

That takes care of criminal banks. Because if Danmarks Nationalbank wants to bet on law and order, Denmark`s Nationalbank cannot use a law firm like Lund Elmer Sandager.

Who has proven to lie repeatedly to the curt.

I am fully aware that I am up against strong forces in Denmark, forces which clearly want to protect the corruption, of which they themselves are a part.

I must request that the National Bank’s board of directors and representative office assess whether Jyske Bank violates the legislation and the rules in order to have a license to operate a bank in Denmark.

About a law firm that lies for Jyske Bank A/S in legal matters.

And this at the same time that www.LEF.dk Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers themselves work for Jyske Bank A/S.




All of you who are employees and members of Denmark’s Nationalbank.

That is, the board and the board of representatives of Danmarks Nationalbank, would you please reply to and answer this email.

All information and materials are used for the book I am writing about the corruption in Denmark, in which several lawyers, authorities, members of the Danish Judicial Agency and the government are involved.

If there are some of you who believe what I write to be conspiracy theories, I would like to stand up for a TV debate, which would require state TV to publish my evidence, for what I say and write.

 I have written to the National Bank of Denmark several times, and not once have some of you wanted to answer my inquiries.

Since I want to write a book about corruption in Denmark and how it works against justice and counteracts the law.

I have collected a lot of material about the many authorities and members of the elected representatives who cover up Danish criminal banks.

Since Lund Elmer Sandager is a lawyer, partner Philip Baruch several times, has lied in the case I write about on www.banknyt.dk

The case which I have shared with both the government, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and Denmark`s Nationalbank, to which I have presented information that Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers have presented false information to the court

Which Lund Elmer Sandager has carried out, to cover up Jyske Bank’s use of punishable offences.

Such as fraud, forgery, abuse of power of attorney.

As well as Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers at least by Philip Baruch, and probably together with CEO Anders Christian Dam Jyske bank, have been involved in Jyske Bank A/S having bribed our earlier Lundgren’s lawyers, to oppose the presentation of our case against Jyske Bank.

Since Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers are employed by Denmark’s National Bank, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers are hardly the most obvious ones, who can vouch for my information about Jyske Bank committing organized crime.


Danmarks Nationalbank and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority hold regular meetings, which also aim to ensure that Danish banks comply with the legislation.

There is not a single one who has wanted to answer my accusations and claims.

Which is aimed directly at.

Jyske Bank A/S uses fraud, forgery, exploitation, bribery and much more.


And against Lundgren’s lawyers, for accepting bribes and for undermining the client’s economy.

But also against Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers for lying in legal matters, in order to cover up, that Jyske Bank is behind organized fraud.

And probably both witness and accomplice that Jyske Bank A/S was able to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers not to present the client’s fraud and false allegations against Jyske Bank A/S.




Denmark’s Nationalbank’s whistleblower scheme is a confidential and independent channel where, among other things, Denmark’s Nationalbank’s employees, board of directors and board of representatives as well as employees of the bank’s suppliers and other business partners can report certain violations of EU law, serious legal violations or other serious matters. This could be, for example, a report on financial crime, breach of confidentiality, sexual harassment or other serious harassment.


The whistleblower portal ensures that all reports are treated confidentially and under secure conditions. It is also possible to choose to report anonymously.

Denmark’s Nationalbank has chosen to appoint an external and impartial law firm, Lund Elmer Sandager, to receive and follow up on any reports under the whistleblower scheme.



But since Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers are actually complicit in Jyske Bank’s fraud, and I have no chance of winning over the criminal Jyske Bank in the High Court.

The case itself is less important to me.

I still cannot win over the corruption that has also infiltrated the Danish courts.

And I would rather, in front of other nations write about the crime. That Danish banks are behind.

And informed that the Danish government and the authorities are covering up. And then I think that I would like to sell the company, and provide documentation, that Denmark is ruled by corruption. When the largest originators are behind extensive fraud against their customers.


I expect the board and the board of representatives of Denmark’s Nationalbank to respond and rule on the information that Jyske Bank  A/S has committed organized crime, and will also take notes for the book I want to write.

That if Denmark’s Nationalbank does not act on the information the bank has received about Jyske Bank’s many criminal offenses, the reason must be that Nationalbank wants to cover up Jyske Bank, just as the Financial Supervisory Authority does.

Copy of the email I sent

July 24. 2022 15.03

It is shared with the public here.

And the Mail is sared here in PDF document. LINK. Corrected 28-07-2022. at 09.20.


24-07-2022. Time 15.03.                                                                  Corrected 28-07-2022. at 09.20.

To Danmarks Nationalbank.

Danmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47.

2100 København Ø.

Phone: 33 63 63 63.


Mail sendt to.


And CC to.

Morten Ulrik Gade • mug@jyskebank.dk
Philip Baruch • pb@les.dk
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen • kbn@les.dk
<NSJ@politi.dk> • nsj@politi.dk
Statsministeriet • stm@stm.dk
Jura og Forretning • jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen • klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk
Justitsministeriet • jm@jm.dk
Casper Dam Olsen • Casper-dam@jyskebank.dk
Tina Agergaard • AGERGAARD@jyskebank.dk
Arbejderen Redaktion • redaktion@arbejderen.dk
BT-1929 1929 • 1929@bt.dk
EB 1224 • 1224@eb.dk

And some more, such as the press and foreign authorities.




I hereby ask again as a Danish citizen.


Will you refrain from ruling on information that there is a criminal bank that does business for and with the Danish state.

Or perhaps you want to cover up the fact that Jyske Bank has committed several criminal acts of organized crime.


Here is what I have written to Denmark’s National Bank. Please read it and feel free to ask if there is anything that cannot be understood, or if you lack more evidence, before Jyske Bank you can be deprived of the right to operate a bank in Denmark.

You must act on the information you receive.




Read what I share in this mail from this homepage to the Denmark’s Nationalbank 24-07-2022. time. 15.11.


Since the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority is covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes, and on top of that, has allowed Jyske Bank A/S to buy the Swedish Handelsbanken, it only makes the Danish financial scandal grow, and when the Danish State and government do not themselves want to stop the corruption in Denmark.



It is no secret that Denmark is corrupt. But how bad is it, that is why I, Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, am writing to Denmark’s National Bank. Because if this Danish state bank is also helping the danish government to cover up the corruption, that Jyske Bank has paid Lundgren’s lawyers not to present my case against the Jyske Bank, then Danmarks Nationalbank’s entire board again will stick their heads in the bush. Read the email 23-07-2022. time. 17.53 which is shared here. If the Danish state, the government and the Denmark’s national bank also ignore this emails, and competition, which is really about Jyske Bank’s suitability to have permission to operate a bank in Denmark, then it must be due to internal agreements to cover up the crime Jyske Bank A/S is demonstrably behind. Of which other governments must of course be informed, about the corruption that governs Denmark, so if there are some who want to ask questions, if it is not time for you to call me on +4522227713. and begins to take about this seriously problem for Jyske Bank, and now also for Denmark, which as a nation covers organized crime, carried out by Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank, and it is a problem that the Danish state itself participates and helps to undermine legal certainty, just to help criminal Danish banks. 🙈🙉🙊🤐🤫 Here is the competition to disprove that Jyske bank is a criminal bank, 23-07-2022. time 13.43. has been sent to Jyske Bank and the Danish state. 🗣️✍️📝🎥 Can you disprove that the Danske Bank Jyske Bank are criminals, and disprove that several employees together in association for Jyske Bank have committed fraud, and that the Danish state and government cover up that this criminal bank uses both document forgery, fraud and bribery in Jyske Bank businesses, so take part in this competition for up to DKK 54,000. in prizes.

Nationalbanken tilkendegiver sine holdninger til ny finansiel lovgivning bl.a. ved afgivelse af høringssvar. Det er Finanstilsynet, der fører tilsyn med de finansielle virksomheders overholdelse af den finansielle regulering i Danmark. ​
Problemet er bare at Finanstilsynet dækker over bankers brug, af kriminelle og strafbare forbrydelser, Vi taler om JYSKE BANK A/S.

This email of 23 July 17.53. to Denmark’s Nationalbank is a direct call to ensure that the Nationalbank’s control, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, initiates and investigates the evidence that has been presented and shared about Jyske Bank and the bank’s use of criminal activities.


It is Denmark’s Nationalbank that is ultimately fully responsible, and the The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, due to corruption will not investigate a bank’s crimes, in order to counteract LAW and ORDER, and in that way, when banks like Jyske Bank A/S are actually committing fraud against their business customers.

Remember that conversation gives understanding if I have misunderstood something, but let’s meet and talk together, I will gladly bring my evidence to document what I write.

The problem is CEO Anders Christian Dam and he must step down before he damages Denmark’s reputation.


It is Denmark’s Nationalbank which has the highest responsibility for ensuring that Jyske Bank A/S does not commit punishable offences.

And this regardless of the fact that Denmark’s Nationalbank has assigned the Financial Supervisory Authority to this task.

If Denmark’s Nationalbank can’t not see that it is a problem, that Jyske Bank A/S has a banking license, and has not been put under strict supervision.


fundamentet i Jyske Bank, troværdighed, hæderlig, ærlig, loyal, loyalitet, kundeservice i Jyske Bank. / Main suspect in Danish bank fraud case Jyske BANK Anders Dam, Jyske Bank suspected of million scams and corruption. Philip Baruch Advokat og Partner I Lund Elmer Sandager Les.dk Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen.dk - Lundgrens advokater. Dan Terkildsen. Rødstenen advokater. bestyrelsen Jyske Bank Sven Buhrækall. Kurt Bligaard Pedersen. Rina Asmussen. Philip Baruch. Jens Borup. Keld Norup. Christina Lykke Munk. Johnny Christensen. Marianne Lillevang. Anders Christian Dam. Niels Erik Jakobsen. Per Skovhus. Peter Schleidt. #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #GF Maresk #PhilipBaruch #LES #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #Chri

Jyske Bank never believed that the bank’s fraud would be discovered, but the bank’s criminal gang of members forgot an important detail, and that was that the customer who was seen as an easy victim, as he was critically ill survived and has taken up the fight against criminal banks.

Then they can only be because Denmark is deeply corrupt.

Now you can all think again about what Denmark’s Nationalbank wants to do about it.


Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind. Jyske Banks medarbejdere lyver igen 22-06-2022, da medarbejdere i Jyske Banks afdeling på Gammel Kongevej 136, siger, til den kunde der spørger om det der står på Jyske Bank bilen uden for Jyske Bank, er sandt. Kunden fortæller at i Jyske Bank på Frederiksberg er være blevet oplyst, at den omtalte verserende sag mellem Storbjerg Erhverv ApS og mod Jyske Bank A/S. Er tabt 2 gange. både i byretten og landsretten ?. Men det var ikke det kunden stillede spørgsmål om, kunden spurgte de ansat i banken på Frederiksberg, om det der står på bilen uden for bankens facade er sandt. JYSKE BANKS MEDARBEJDERE KAN FÅ 44.000 DKK. FOR AT MODBEVISE DET JEG SKRIVER. Og du kan få op til 40.000 DKK hvis du kan modbevise det jeg skriver, hør hvad jeg siger ti

Denmark has brought itself into an extensive scandal. Because the Danish state and the government and the State Ministry, and also Denmark’s Nationalbank allow Danish banks Jyske bank to commit organized crimes.

Regarding the problem I am writing to you about again, regarding Jyske Bank’s many punishable offences.

As long as Jyske Bank has not been subjected to investigations / investigations of my claims and evidence, then no one should say that Jyske Bank A/S is not behind extensive criminality.


Denmark’s Nationalbank can choose to sweep this problem under the carpet.


And then Denmark’s Nationalbank together with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, can counteract Law and Justice, by blocking the mining of many pieces of evidence against Jyske Bank, for the use of crime.

Whether it is exploitation, forgery, bribery, fraud, abuse of the bank’s access to land registration rights and more.

This is, as the Denmark’s Nationalbank itself says a SCANDAL.

And when the problem with this criminal Jyske Bank A/S lies with Denmark’s Nationalbank.

Then you, and the Danish politicians, which is part of Denmark’s Nationalbank board of directors, you can choose not to answer me, and make sure that you all continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes, or we can say or call it business methods.

Jyske Bank A/S and their managing director Anders Christian Dam have since May 2016 been able to correct when I first wrote to Jyske Bank’s management.

I think I am the victim of a huge fraud, in order to correct it.

I have had instead to fight against an organization, that does not hesitate to use bribes to beat the small customer to the ground.

Is it in this way that Denmark’s Nationalbank wants the Danske Banker to run their banks.

This is a request to the Danish Nationalbank to ensure order among Danish banks, and ensure that Danish banks also complies with the law and does not commit punishable crimes.



Lær jyskebank at kende Hvem dækker over Jyske Banks fortatte svigforretninger. Bribery at the top of the Danish business seems to have been politically approved. Following Jyske Bank's fraud case. Lundgren's lawyer partner company paid several million Danish kroner, moreover, the same Lundgren's lawyers who would not bring a case against the Danish bank Jyske Bank for fraud. Which Lundgren's lawyer partner company regrettably forgot to submit to the court. That it happened according to Jyske Bank's management, certainly by CEO Anders Dam who is directly contributing to Jyske Bank's continued crimes. When Jyske Bank then chose to give the large law firm Lundgren's lawyers a huge order. It became very clear that the overall board of directors of Jyske Bank continues to expose the customer to very serious fraud transactions. And that Jyske Bank's board of directors is still behind millions of scams and now probably also corruption. All to disappoint in legal matters, and to serve the shareholders in the Danish B

Jyske Bank can just bring a case against me for slander if Anders Dam has clean flour in the bag and dares, but we are dealing with a cowardly manager who hides behind lawyers who themselves present false information to the courts.

I urge Denmark’s Nationalbank not to close their eyes to what I write.

And therefore I request that Denmark’s Nationalbank initiates, or arranges to initiate, an investigation into the claims I have presented, and which I have shared on www.banknyt.dk

Then it is Denmark’s Nationalbank which is responsible for Jyske Bank, as a bank criminal, being able to continue banking in Denmark.

And some have to write about this problem with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption that is harmful to the Danish country.

And so it becomes me, And I will continue writing until Jyske Bank A/S by their CEO Anders Christian Dam himself, calls me on +4522227713, to arrange a meeting so we can talk about what I write.


It is no longer a secret, that Denmark is corrupt.

But how bad is it.

That is why I, Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, am writing to Denmark’s Nationalbank.

Because if this Danish state bank is also helping the danish government to cover up the corruption, that Jyske Bank has paid Lundgren’s lawyers not to present my case against the Jyske Bank, then Denmark’s Nationalbank entire board again will stick their heads in the bush.

Read the email 23-07-2022. time. 17.53 which is shared here.

If the Danish state, the government and the Denmark’s national bank also ignore this emails, and competition, which is really about Jyske Bank’s suitability to have permission to operate a bank in Denmark, then it must be due to internal agreements to cover up the crime Jyske Bank A/S is demonstrably behind.

Of which other governments must of course be informed, about the corruption that governs Denmark, so if there are some who want to ask questions, if it is not time for you to call me on +4522227713. and begins to take about this seriously problem for Jyske Bank, and now also for Denmark, which as a nation covers organized crime, carried out by Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank, and it is a problem that the Danish state itself participates and helps to undermine legal certainty, just to help criminal Danish banks.


Here is the competition to disprove that Jyske bank is a criminal bank, 23-07-2022. time 13.43. has been sent to Jyske Bank and the Danish state.


Can you disprove that the Danske Bank Jyske Bank are criminals, and disprove that several employees together in association for Jyske Bank have committed fraud, and that the Danish state and government cover up that this criminal bank uses both document forgery, fraud and bribery in Jyske Bank businesses, so take part in this competition for up to DKK 54,000. in prizes.

Link. to the 9th claims, you must disprove about Jyske Bank’s fraud and forgery. In order to win up to DKK 54,000.


De nye Jyske Bank biler, , , , Morten Ulrik Gade , Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen , Philip Baruch , Statsministeriet , , , , , Dan Terkildsen Lundgren Advokater , , , , Postkasse - Klagesagsafdelingen Cc: , Anja Dam Rasmussen , , Justitsministeriet , Jura og Forretning , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Casper Dam Olsen , , , Tina Agergaard , , "\\" , , , , , , ,

Jyske Bank car promises prizes in the competition for NOW up to DKK 45,000 – 54,000 CLICK HERE.

You just have to disprove that Jyske Bank has committed fraud and forgery as well as paid Lundgren’s bribes, lies and that kind of crime. LINK. We Help you find a Jyske bank advisor here.

The green butcher, with a good offer for you, Jyske Bank would slaughter the customer, but the customer will now slaughter Jyske Bank’s credibility as a bank in Denmark.

While Denmark is probably facing the biggest business scandal in this millennium.

Jyske Bank is not only fighting to get away with fraud and forgery and bribery, but also to survive as a bank in Denmark, Read here the email 22-07-2022. to the Danish state.


August 1 at 6 p.m press Release.

I have again today 20 July written to Jyske Bank and their many assistants, also to the Danish authorities.

I want a constructive solution so that these campaigns can stop, and be enclosed.

A copy of the letter to the press, and copy of the mail, can be read here, at the same time the. LINK. Will be. PRESS RELEASE.

About corruption in Denmark as I write, until the release.

August 1 at 6 p.m press Release.

If you would like a copy of the new emails to the Danish state and government together with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the State Ministry as well as Jyske Bank and their many assistants, write here to banknyt@gmail.com and write that you want to be kept up to date and informed about the organized crime that the Danish state covers.


I believe that Jyske Bank will damage Denmark’s reputation if CEO Anders Christian Dam still refuses to answer and talk to me, says Carsten Storbjerg to BANKING NEWS.


If I have made a mistake that Jyske Bank does not run an organization that commits financial crime and uses fraud, documents false, uses bribes, and lies in court to cover up Jyske Bank’s fraud.

Who in the world dares to take a confrontation and talk to me.

I only want Jyske Bank to be deprived of their license to conduct financial business in Denmark if I am right in what I write and have shared with the Danish state and government.

Which I say by inaction covers Jyske Bank’s business methods, why law and order as well as justice do not exist in Denmark when corruption is a subversive activity against the rule of law in Denmark.

Is there not a single Danish politician or authority that wants to put an end to corruption in Denmark.



Mail 17-07-2022. Dear Jyske Bank A/S and CEO Anders Christian Dam, and The Danish state and the government.

Jyske Bank has major problems, and you may risk losing your license to run a banking business in Denmark, and then the board uses such meager forces to avoid me, when it is now me who becomes Jyske Bank problem, if Jyske Bank does not resolve our conflict, Call me Anders Dam before the press starts writing about Jyske Bank committing fraud and forgery.

Jyske Bank I say the bank Jyske Bank, that there is the reason for the scandal.

Jyske Bank A/S I say to the bank Jyske Bank, that ther is a reason for the scandal.

And Jyske Bank Just say, We take it as a JOKE, which to me is incomprehensible as Jyske Bank risks being closed, and Jyske Bank’s shareholders will lose a lot of money.

Mail 16 and 17-07-2022. Information on the possibilities of corruption in Denmark, which has been carried out by subversive activities by counteracting law and justice in Denmark, for the citizens.



See the rest of the page here www.banknyt.dk
And please apply so that Denmark’s Nationalbank stays unbiased with all posts about Danish banks that use fraud and bribery, which I write about here on the page www.banknyt.dk

I will not stop my fight for a Denmark without corruption and corrupt lawyers until there are some of me who want to talk to me about this huge scandal for Denmark.




Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek


phone. +4522227713
mail carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com