UPDATED LATEST 07-09-2022. KL. 15.40. The page and posts are in both Danish and English. 22-07-2022. Frontpage copy www.storbjerg.dk
If you, as a collaborator with Jyske Bank in Denmark, know well that Jyske Bank has made a document false and fraud as well as other criminal offenses, which has been committed by several employees together in association, otherwise you will be notified shortly, you can now email Jyske Bank, and ask what this is, and why CEO Anders Christian Dam injure my inquiries. +45898989.
Contributions are accepted
Donation to my fight against corruption in Denmark and against the criminal Jyske bank A/S for gross fraud
carried out and continued by Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors in association since May 2016.
Contributions received with gratitude, no matter how small.
IBAN DK0854790004563376.
Help me stop the criminal Danish banks.
Mood pictures.
Sunset, Sunrise, Animals, Nature, Danish beaches can be freely reproduced.
Printer friendly front page, text is left aligned Word dokument 15-08-2022. 👈. small mood pictures 300.X.xxx. And here are pictures of Jyske Bank and the Jyske Bank advertising cars.
At the bottom of the page are inserted some of those to whom posts are addressed.
I’m trying to get in touch, you can just reply, you don’t care what I write if you don’t want dialogue.
A single Dane, Carsten Storbjerg, has gone to war against corruption in Denmark. But Carsten asks for your help, as camaraderie in Denmark has so much power, that Danish law and order is put out of force, when not a single Danish journalist has written about the problem that Danish banks use corruption. Then I will ask you as foreign journalists, to conduct an investigation into corruption in Denmark, preformed by the Danish Bank Jyske Bank.
It is unhealthy for the Danish government that the state allows banks to commit crime, and covers it.
Link til mail opslag 05.09-2022. med kopi af Gmails.
05-09-2922. 21.30 Gmail – Prime Minister’s Office, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the 179 members. and the authorities.. To the Danish State. I am asking the Danish Parliament to answer my inquiries.
05-09-2022. Brev til alle folketingets 179 poliktikerer, og til Ststsministeret indsat kopi af banknyt.dk forside også til finansministeret, justitsministeriet, domstolssyrelsen, finanstilsynet, med flere.
31-08-2022. The letter inserted in the email to the national bank att Lars Rohde and Denmark’s 179 members of parliament as well and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, about Jyske Bank and the bank’s obvious crimes.
I have written many emails and letters to the Danish State and Jyske Bank about the bank’s business methods that do not stand up to investigation, and share here on banknyt only a small part of these letters, if you need information, please ask.
Gmail Copy of Gmail 31-08-2022, and Copy of the letter to the National Bank.
22-08-2022. Mail to the Management is shared publicly 31-08-2021. Since Jyske Bank A/S still rejects my inquiries.
19-08-2022. Mail To Jyske Bank CEO Anders Dam. Allow me to recall my proposal Re: SETTLEMENT and peace. : I SUGGEST THAT THIS WRITING AND POSTING REGARDING JYSKE BANK STOP NOW.
Jyske Bank did not want to answer, so I am writing again.
These 4 from Jyske Bank A/S could have avoided my attacks on Jyske Bank’s reputation, they just had to ensure dialogue, Jyske Bank’s management does not want that, that is why I am writing here.
Hos de korrupte Lundgrens advokater, finder du den konservative advokat Dan Terkildsen, som ofte er partiets ordstyrer på den konservative generalforsamling.
Dan Terkildsen der reelt for Lundgrens advokater har hjulpet Jyske Bank med bedrageri mod deres fælles kunde, hvilket Lundgrens advokater stadig arbejder for, da Lundgrens har stævnet kunden for at få i alt 232.000 dkk. dette for ikke at at have fremlagt nogle af kundens påstande mod Jyske Bank, og for at skjule at Lundgrens har fået millioner af Jyske Bank, og for at Lundgrens så skjulte flere processkrifter for klienten, ikke kun Jyske Banks processkrifter men også et processkrift som Lundgrens selv fremlagde for retten, på vegne af klienten mod Jyske Bank A/S.
Det står klart at klienten ikke måtte vide hvad Lundgrens lavede.
Det er Faktum at Lundgrens har lavet samlet 5 siders processkrifter, hvilket klienten ikke måtte få til godkendelse inden fremlæggelse, hvilket Lundgrens så vil have 232.000 danske kroner for, dette gør Lundgrens for at hjælpe Jyske Bank A/S med at underminer klientens økonomi og kundens muligheder for økonomisk at kunne betale en anden advokat, for at fremlægge de svig og falsk påstande og ond tro anklager mod Jyske Bank A/S, som kunden tidligere ansatte Lundgrens til, altså før Jyske Bank formentlig ved Philip Baruch og Anders Christian Dam valgte at ansætte, købe eller bare bestikke Lundgrens til ikke at fremlægge kundens anklager mod Jyske Bank A/S
Det er også Faktum, at det sidste processkrift ville Lundgrens advokater slet ikke udlevere til klienten, hvilket Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen som har sit daglige embede i Vestre landsret, hvor sagen mod Jyske Bank skal behandles, Dommer Kurt Rasmussen har vedtaget sammen med topadvokater fra Horten og Kromann Reumert at Lundgrens ikke har overtrådt god advokatskik, og advokat samfundets formand Martin Lavesen fra DLA Piper Advokater vil ikke have at offentligheden får kendskab til denne afgørelse.
Jeg Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup har gennem længere tid, beskyldt advokatnævnet ved Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, fra domstolsstyrelsen og advokater som Birgitte Frølund fra Horten Advokater. / Jens Steen Jensen fra Kromann Reumert Advokater. / Jurist Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgaard fra Forbrugerklagenævnet. / Henrik Hyltoft fra Dansk erhverv.
Og også formand Martin Lavesen fra DLA Piper Advokater for reelt at hjælpe Jyske Bank med organiseret bedrager, dette er udført ved at dække over at Lundgrens har overtrådt god advokatskik, Advokatnævnet og advokatnævnets formand højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen vil ikke svare, og vil ikke gøre advokatnævnets afgørelse offentlig, da den ikke må bruges af andre advokater.
At advokat nævnet ved dommer Kurt Rasmussen kan afgøre, at det er god advokatskik eller i hvertfald ikke nogle nogle overtrædelse af god advokatskik, når et advokatfirma som Lundgrens advokater tilbageholder, og bevidst eller ved ond tro skjuler flere processkrifter overfor klienten, samtidig med at andre advokater i Lundgrens har taget mod en stor million opgave for den sagsøgte Jyske Bank A/S
Dette er hvad jeg kalder for kammerateri og korruption, der har infiltreret de Danske domstole, hvilket er grunden til jeg har klaget over dommer Søren Ejdum til den særlige klageret, formoder at kammerateri blandt dommerne i Højesteret nok skal holde hånden over, at Dommer Søren Ejdom har fjernet / undladt vidneforklaringer der er Jyske Bank i mod.
Mens jeg samler materiale til min bog om korruption i Danmark, hvor jeg vil skrive om det kammerateri blandt også dommere, som er underminerende for et retssamfund, når statslige myndigheder modarbejder retfærdighed, og reelt dækker over den kriminalitet som Jyske Bank A/S beviseligt står bag.
Jeg skriver det igen.
Så har i da stadig lov til at kontakte politiet, og der anmelde mig for injurier og bagvaskelse mod Jyske Bank A/S.
Sagen blot vokser, og der skal ske fyringer, hvem har hjulpet Jyske Bank A/S med bedrageri, det vil jeg gerne skrive mere om, og alle der har modtaget en mail, og som er blevet nævnt vil kunne være en del af handlingen.
Du som er blevet nævnt, og alle myndigheder herunder Folketinget Regeringen Statsministeriet Finansministeriet Finanstilsynet Justitsministeriet Nationalbanken Domstolsstyrelsen Rigspolitiet Anklagemyndigheden Statsadvokaten med flere, er alle kandidater til min bog og eller bøger, hvor jeg vil indsætte jer som har medvirket aktivt eller passivt, eller på anden måde været medvirkende, den kriminelletet som Jyske Bank A/S står bag, og som de danske myndigheder herunder Folketinget er med til at dække over, i hvertfald har ikke en eneste svaret 2016. – 6. September 2022.
Hvis nogle af jer ikke mener det jeg skriver er sandt, så ring straks til mig, så vi kan få rettet eventuelle fejl.
Når Lundgrens advokater i stedet for at fremlægge klientens svig og falsk sag mod Jyske Bank A/S, vælger at tilbageholder flere processkrifter for klienten, og den fælles kunde til Jyske Bank, hvilket Dan Terkildsen, Mette Marie Nielsen og Emil Hald Veldelbo Winstrøm ved at maniplulere klienten der ikke opdager at Jyske Bank har bestukket Lundgrens til at modarbejde klienten.
Det står helt klart at Dan Terkildsen og Lundgrens advokater arbejder for Jyske Banks interesser, Lundgrens advokater bliver ved at hjælpe Jyske Bank med at holde kunden ude af den sag kunden har ansat Lundgrens til at føre mod Jyske Bank, og Lundgrens er derfor reelt medvirkende til det Bedrageri som Jyske Bank udsætter den fælles kunde for.
Et bedrageri som flere af Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte reelt hjælper Jyske Banks med, dette sker ved at mindst Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, der til dagligt Landsretsdommer i Venstre Landsret. og Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum Viborg Byret. hverken Justitsministeret, domstolsstolsstyrelsen, advokat samfundet eller folketinget har ikke reageret på henvendelser, om korruption og kammerateri i de danske Domstole, selv om det er undergravende virksomhed for et retssamfund.
Var det kammerateri og og er det derfor den tidligere Justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsen, ikke ville svare på nogle breve til hverken Justitsministeriet, eller til det konservative Folkeparti, ingen har nogensinde ville tale med mig eller svare direkte på mine henvendelser, samtidig med de Danske myndigheder helt åbenlyst dækker over de banker der nægter at overholde loven.
Jeg skriver det her klart og tydeligt, den Danske regering og myndigheder, som finanstilsynet, nationalbanken, statsministeret, domstolsstyrelsen, Justitsministeret og flere til, hellere hjælpe Jyske Bank med at slippe god fra orgniceret bedrageri, end at at opretholde retssikkerhed og sørger for retfærdighed i Danmark, det er en ting.
Men i kan ikke tie mig ihjel, og hvis i har noget i vil have jeg skal rette et eller andet, eller hvis i gerne vil have med i min bog om de den kriminelle Jyske Bank og hvordan korruption og kammerateri styrer Danmark, så skal i Bare ringe til mig, aftale et møde, så skal jeg nok komme, jeg er kun interesseret i at skrive sandheden
Jeg venter stadig på at nationalbanken Danmark og ststaministeret ved Statsminister Mette Frederiksen kommer med en dato hvor vi kan mødes, og hvis i ikke vil svare min anmodning, og ikke vil mødes med mig, må jeg skrive rekommanderet som post, og vil i heller ikke besvare min henvendelse der, vil i får overbragt dokumentation for Jyske Banks kriminalitet i bogform, hvilket i så må reagere på, i hvert fald hvis ikke i skal risikere at være medvirkende til Jyske Banks forbrydelser, ved at i ved passivitet bare vælger at dække over bankens forbrydelser.
Se lidt at de dokumenter jeg har sendt tidligre til de konservative tidligere Justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsen, som ikke ville svare mine henvendelser, i mellemtiden, vokser det som en stor skandale, og ingen vil sige noget.
Lokalt Erhverv København Jyske Bank. It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
31-08-2022. Gmail sent with links – To the board of the National Bank of Denmark and to bank director Lars Rohde, and Mette Frederiksen. –
31-08-2022. Letter to the National Bank of Denmark. Due to corruption and bribery in Denmark, where Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is involved, I still want to present my accusations and evidence.
23-08-2022. Gmail – anmodning om at få et møde, med ststsminister Mette Frederiksen. Jeg ønsker personlig at fremlægge beviser for at Jyske Bank AS har lavet mange lovovertrædelser
24-08-2022. Request to Denmarks Nationalbank’s director for an answer to my inquiries, Regarding a meeting date, for a review of my evidence against Denmark’s second largest bank.
24-08-2022. Gmail – Request to Danmarks Nationalbank’s director for an answer to my inquiries, Regarding a meeting date, for a review of my evidence against Denmark’s second largest bank
30-04-2019. Brev til Justitsministeriet. Justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsen. tilføjet kopier bla, brev 27-12-2018 til Jyske Bank. anmodning om gennemgang.
30-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget Konservativ Folkeparti. Følgebrev til Naser Kharder med Kopi brev til Folketinget, Finanstilsynet & Jyske Bank med flere.
28-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget Naser Kharder fra Konservativ Folkeparti. en anmodning om hjælp. med kopi af breve til Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet, Folketinget.
28-04-2019. Brev til Justitsministeriet Justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsen Åbent brev til fremlæggelse. hjælp ønskes til at få stoppet banks bedrageri.
26-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget Naser Kharder fra Konservativ Folkeparti. kopi af fb mail.
25-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget og Jystitsministeren Søren Pape Poulsen om bankers overtrædelse af love og regler.
30-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget, Venstre og til statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen. anmoder om hjælp i banks bedrageri, udlerver kasse med bilag.
30-04-2019. Brev til ERU@ft.dk retsudvalg. Til åben Fremlæggelse i Folketinget. med Kopi af brev 30-04-2019 til Venstre og Socialdemokratiet
28-04-2019. Brev til Folketinget om bankers overtrædelse af love og regler. 27 april. forslår at der laves en statsbank.
09-05-2019. Gmail – Fwd_ anmoder Folketinget undersøge om loven også gælder for banker, da vi i jyske bank er udsat for beviseligt bedrageri_ INGEN VILLE SVARE
The Danish State is becoming a good contributor to Jyske Bank’s organized fraud together with Denmarks Nationalbank and the State Ministry, if they do not now take action against the criminal Jyske Bank, this is simply about dialogue, but no one will answer me.
For answering my inquiries, Regarding a meeting date, for reviewing my evidence against Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank for the use of fraud, use of forged documents, for use of bribery, for abuse of powers of attorney and other actionable crimes.
Copy to the Danish government by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
and CC. copy to CEO Anders Christian Dam Jyske Bank A/S
Gmail 24 August 2022. with Request to Denmark’s National Bank Directors Lars Rohde, Per Callesen and Signe Krogstrup.
Read the entire inserted letter 24-08-2022. in PDF format here in the LINK. Brevet er på Dansk.
This mail 15-08-2022 is an open question for the Danish state and the danish government, as well as the Danish National Bank and authorities. What do you want to do with the Danish banks that are behind fraud and that use forgery and bribery. ?
While I’m waiting to have a meeting with Nationalbank Director Lars Rohde, try to talk to me, more so if Jyske Bank A/S are not criminals as I have presented documentation for.
Mail 22-07-2022. To the National Bank of Denmark, as well as other authorities and Jyske Bank A/S.
Danmarks Nationalbank Langelinie Allé 47.
2100 Copenhagen East.
11-08-2022. This copy PDF file. www.banknyt.dk frontpage, is specially made and sendt for to Denmarks Nationalbank, The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
Fraud with permission from the Danish authorities.
Mail 6 August to the European Central Bank.
With notification that Jyske Bank is committing organized fraud against the bank’s customers.
With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty.
Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers.
12-08-2022. and corrected 14 august. Mail To the Finans Danmark board and lawyers. Finans Danmark hereby has the opportunity to disassociate itself from Jyske Bank’s A/S organized crime in denmark.
Or the Finans Denmark can do like the rest of the friends, in the authorities and political system, to prevent to prevent law and order among criminal banks in Denmark, and share responsibility for Finans Danmark allowing their members to commit fraud and use bribery.
If there are some of you who are mentioned on this page, or elsewhere, and have corrections, or want a meeting before I have had my meeting with Lars Rohde Denmarks Nationalbank, please call Carsten Storbjerg +4522227713 and arrange a meeting.
I want to point out that Denmark has a big problem with corruption, I have misunderstood something so please correct me.
And to the politicians, officials and employees in the authorities who have helped to confirm that this is a scandal that has not been seen before, thank you for the information, I am writing this to give Jyske Bank A/S and the authorities the opportunity to correct the ship up, and remember the Titanic couldn’t sink either.
I want dialogue and conversation, which you all refuse to answer.
Read here the 3 emails, from 11 August 2022. respectively to 1. The National Bank of Denmark. 2. Prime Minister Mette FerderiksenThe government and 3. the Financial Supervisory Authority, whether Jyske Bank has a future in Denmark, after the use of document forgery, fraud, bribery, email has also been sent to the European central bank.
11-08-2022. This copy PDF file. www.banknyt.dk frontpage, is specially made for. Denmarks Nationalbank, The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
This here is about members of the Danish authorities, and also the Danish Courts Authority with positions as judges of the Supreme Court helping to undermine Danes’ legal certainty, when Danish banks like Jyske Bank A/S are behind obvious crime.
And IT is a problem for legal certainty, that Jyske Bank A/S would like to bribe the customer’s lawyers “Lundgren’s.” To oppose the case against Jyske Bank A/S is presented.
It was Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is employed by the Danish Courts Agency and who works in the “left .” High Court, who is one of those, who approved that Jyske Bank A/S was willing to bribe Lundgren’s lawyers, even if payment was made by return commission.
The Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, who is one of those who has adopted:
That it is not a violation of good lawyer practice, as Lundgren’s lawyers would not give the client a copy of the pleading 2. which Lundgren’s lawyers themselves had presented to the court in the case against Jyske Bank.
Judge Kurt Rasmussen didn’t think it was not the client interest, knowing what Lundgren’s lawyers presented in the trial against Jyske Bank A/S, and actually wrote in his rejection of the complaint against Lundgren’s lawyers.
That the client did not know what Lundgren’s lawyers presented in the case against Jyske Bank A/S, Kurt Rasmussen Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen thought this was good lawyer practice
Like Judge Kurt Rasmussen did not think, that the client needs to knew, what Jyske Bank A/S would answer in the pleadings in the case.
Judge Kurt Rasmussen has decided that Jyske Bank’s customer had to trust that Lundgren’s lawyers, who were the customer’s lawyers, did what Lundgren’s lawyers thought was best for the client, at the same time that Jyske Bank A/S paid Lundgren millions in return commission to prevent, the client’s claims against Jyske Bank A/S was presented to the court.
And that was after Jyske Bank A/S bribed Lundgren’s lawyers not to present the client’s fraud and false allegations against Jyske Bank.
Mail 6 August to the European Central Bank.
La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, a été informée qu’un citoyen danois a demandé à la banque nationale du Danemark, par les directeurs de banque Lars Rohde, Signe Krogstrup et Per Callesen, une réunion au cours de laquelle il pourra remettre la documentation complète de Jyske Bank. crime organisé. Le client veut savoir si la Banque nationale et l’État danois par le Premier ministre Mette Frederiksen choisissent toujours de continuer à couvrir les nombreux crimes de Jyske Bank, comme l’utilisation de la fraude, la falsification de documents et la corruption.
How does the European Central Bank respond to information, that the Danish state and the government have politically, together with Denmark’s Narionalbank, opposed and covered up for years, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime against the bank’s customers, by using fraud, forgery and bribery in some of the bank’s
Jyske Bank’s business methods.
Carsten Storbjerg who himself has been in charge of the investigation into Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, which the Danish State through the National Police and the Financial Supervisory Authority has opposed was investigated.
Therefore the victim alone has had to fight against the criminal Jyske bank, and also be responsible for the investigation, as both the police, the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, as well as the government have refused to help the victim of Jyske Bank’s criminality.
Since all Danish authorities have resisted or refused to talk to the victim of Jyske Bank A/S crimes.
And at the same time the authorities have refused to investigate Jyske Bank, and have also refused to rule on some of the crimes that the victim has presented to the Danish authorities.
And in this way it shows, that in Denmark the Danish state covers criminal banks, so it is only natural to involve the ECB. The European Central Bank, for their stance on banks that demonstrably commit organized fraud, and use bribes to avoid the customer being presented with their claims.
It is a scandal for Denmark, and if the Danske Nationalbank does not stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes and acts on the information the bank has received, the Danish state will have to start removing a lot of laws, as Jyske Bank obviously sets the agenda for about Fraud, Document forgery, Bribery, Mandate fraud, and much more is actually allowed, or is it just the victim Carsten Storbjerg who does not understand the laws, that obviously do not apply when Danish banks expose their customers to fraud.
Jyske Bank’s crimes that Carsten Storbjerg cannot understand the Danish state, the the Danish Nationalbank, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government, and even Danish judges, where several of whom themselves cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes.
It makes sense to write my book about the corruption in Denmark, around the fact that the Danish state is clearly covering up the criminal Danish Bank’s, but right now, I just want to present my evidence of Jyske Bank’s criminal actions to the National Bank, and afterwards I want to request the Danish Prime Minister for a similar meeting.
Because it is not reasonable that the victims of Danish banks’ criminal offenses have no legal certainty in Denmark.
In this way the Danish authorities violate the legal security of the Danes, when the Danish banks deceive their customers,, and the Danish politicians together with the authorities passively cover up these crimes.
The reason for Carstens Storbjerg has made a request to Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde, is to hand over and present to the National Bank documentation that Jyske Bank is criminal.
You can find links to these emails further down the page.
Is simply to give Denmarks Nationalbank the opportunity to act, and so that Denmarks Nationalbank’s management can no longer hide behind passivity, and thus be instrumental in covering up, that Jyske Bank is committing serious crimes, which should cause the Danish State and Danmarks Nationalbank to act on the information they receive.
First I Carsten Storbjerg wants to have a meeting with Danmarks Nationalbank’s director Lars Rohde, and then the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, ther will receive a similar request.
If both the Danish Nationalbank, and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen still interfere with my inquiries, I will start a formal complaint against the Danish State to the European Court of Human Rights.
Where I intend to sue the Danish state to cover up the Criminal Jyske Bank, which has exposed both me and my smal company to several crimes, and in that way opposed the law, and opposed the legal security of the citizen who is exposed to the crimes of a Danish bank, no company can survive that.
The fact that Jyske Bank has still not run their victim bankrupt, many wonder, since that is Jyske Bank’s way of working, but Jyske Bank A/S can never stop me from telling how Jyske Bank really is of bad faith and lies to make the most money, and why the Danish State should immediately stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes, and cease cooperation and the use of Jyske Bank, as a bank for the Danish state.
Jyske Bank can laugh as much as they want, but can only say you must stop exposing customers to your shenanigans, and request the Danish state and authorities as well as the National Bank of Denmark to stop covering up Jyske Bank.
Is Jyske Bank A/S about to close?
After all, state protection cannot last forever.
When Jyske Bank A/S actually cheats the law.
I know that I am up against powerful forces, all of whom have to date covered up Jyske Bank’s crime, which has become an attack on law and order.
But even if you as authorities stick together against me, who as the weak one just wants to end the corruption and abuse of power that governs Denmark.
Until today 7 August 2022. still not a single one has taken my call for a debate on TV. for whether I am right that Jyske Bank A/S due to the bank’s many and actionable violations of the law should be deprived of the right to operate a bank in Denmark, or as a minium that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority places Jyske Bank under increased supervision, up to the entire board of directors and management of Jyske Bank A/S can be replaced.
Can Denmaks Nationalbank, together with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the other Danish authorities, still allow themselves to cover up Jyske Bank’s criminal actions, without Danmarks Nationalbank itself becoming a direct contributor to fraud.
Or is the sun finally setting for Jyske Bank A/S
Here in the link you can read a word copy of the letter 09-08-2022. to bank director Mette Frederiksen the government and the prime minister’s office.
To the Danish Courts Agency
Kongensgade 1-3.
1264 København. K.
Ministry of Justice
Slotsholmsgade 10
1216 København. K.
The Government and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
Prins Jørgens Gård 1.
1218 København.
Read my mail 09-08-2022 on BANKNYT. To the Danish State, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and the Danish courts for your information, I do not know whether all Danish authorities and the government think it is a good idea to cover up the Danish banks that operate by using criminal acts, I would like to point out that This is getting close to me filing a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights for violating my legal certainty. But if Denmark as a state cannot deal with banks that like Jyske Bank A/S use bribes and commit forgery and fraud, I must sue Denmark for covering up Jyske Bank’s criminal actions.
CEO Anders Christian Dam Jyske Bank, I am writing here 8 August 2022 to the director of Danmarks Nationalbank and have shared letters with the European bank, because you have refused dialogue and the Danish state is covering up the financial crime that Jyske Bank A/S is demonstrably guilty of behind, in the letter I intend to sue the Danish state before the European Court of Human Rights, as the Danish state is covering up Jyske Bank’s crime, which means it goes beyond the Danes’ legal certainty.
And one thing you must know, I am not afraid of a criminal organization, and am looking for you to be fired along with the rest of the group’s entire board, for complicity in organized crime and bribery.
Here in the link you can read a word copy of the letter 08-08-2022. to bank director Lars Rohde.
Denmarks Nationalbank director Lars Rohde he chooses what is best for Denmark.
And the Nationalbank can consider whether Jyske Bank A/S is a bank for the Danish state, or about Jyske Bank A/S has a future as bank in Denmark.
Denmarks Nationalbank’s management is thus given a unique opportunity to show that the bank will not participate in Jyske Bank’s fraud against Danish bank customers.
And you even have the chance of a 20% bonus on top of the DKK 54,000 promised in prizes, for disproving the first 9 charges against Jyske Bank A/S in connection with the use of fraud, forgery, exploitation, bribery and much more.
If Lars Rohde and the other top management at the National Bank of Denmark can document and refute my claims against Jyske Bank for being behind organized crime, and that Jyske Bank has never committed any violations of the provisions of the Criminal Code, then you can get DKK 54,000 for your own private economy, the coffee box or the currency reserves.
Mail 6 August to the European Central Bank.
60640 Frankfurt am Main Germany.
To the President of the European Central Bank Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde.
A request that the ECB will also look into the problem of the bribery and fraud Danish banks are behind.
With copy to
Department for the Execution of Judgments
of the European Court of Human Rights
Here is a copy of the sent email 6 august to ECB Bank in a word document.
See mail in the post, 04-08-2022. to Lars Rohde National Bank Director, royal appointed chairman of the board 2013- Governor of the International Monetary Fund 2013, with links to all documents.
04-08-2022. mail to the National Bank Director Lars Rohde for National Bank of Denmark. To. I must request an interview and that the bank will conduct a review of my evidence against Jyske Bank A/S for the use of forgery, fraud, bribery, exploitation, bad faith, abuse of power of attorney, abuse of the bank’s access to land registration rights. and a copy to LES to carry out a check of my information, in If Danmarks national bank chooses to continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s criminal offences.
Teilweise deutsche Übersetzung der E-Mail vom 04.08.2022. an den dänischen Bankdirektor der Danmarks Nationalbank Lars Rohde.
Über das organisierte Verbrechen und den Einsatz von Korruption und Machtmissbrauch, um kriminellen Banken in Dänemark zu helfen.
À propos du crime organisé et de l’utilisation de la corruption et de l’abus de pouvoir pour aider les banques criminelles au Danemark.
Dear everyone who reads here in my diary, I’m dyslexic but I write as well as I can, if there’s something you don’t understand, ask Carsten.
If you want to know more about the corruption and bribery that Danish banks use.
Crimes committed by large Danish companies, such as Jyske Bank A/S, which the National Bank of Denmark, the Government and the Danish authorities.
Such as the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Ministry of Justice, are complicit in by covering up these crimes, where the evidence has been presented to the Danish state, and the government as to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, who all behave passively.
In Denmark corruption and abuse of power, govern how the Danish authorities cover up organized economic crime, but the fact that the criminal Jyske Bank has refused to speak to the victim of Jyske Bank’s fraud has only grown the scandal, and the Danish state is about to become an accomplice to Jyske Bank criminal business methods.
My letters and email to the Danish state and government, are for the authorities, including the State Ministry, the Ministry of Justice, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and not least the National Bank, to have the opportunity to speak out.
Either the Danish state and the government together with the other authorities choose to cover up Jyske Bank’s crime.
Or the Danish state acts on the evidence, and places Jyske Bank A/S under increased supervision and initiates an impartial investigation of the evidence.
I have collected enough material for a book about corruption in Denmark, and therefore no longer need the company that has been exposed to the Danske Bank
Jyske Bank A/S organized crime.
Company or case. with documentation that Denmark is ruled by cronyism and corruption, can be taken over by you, or the authority outside Denmark that wants to take over the case.
As it can be ascertained that there is no justice in Denmark when organizations such as Danish banks expose the little man in Denmark to fraud.
The little man can never win over corruption in Denmark, where even judges employed in the Supreme Court directly go against the law, in order to effectively cover up the fact that Jyske Bank A/S has bribed Lundgren’s lawyers, who the client earlier used to be the company’s lawyers.
Do you want to take over the company that has the case, with the evidence of the corruption that governs Denmark as a nation, or do you want to know more. then please contact Carsten Storbjerg at this email.
At the same time, I am looking for an author who has extensive experience in writing books that will jointly serve my book, and history of corruption in Denmark, as well as which authorities are instrumental in covering up the many offenses of Danish banks, why the authorities oppose the law and order.
All inquiries to Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup.
Soevej 5.
3100 Hornbaek
mail. carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com
Word copy. With the images inserted in the document.
3 August 2022. press release, 13.34. Danish citizen here again asks the Danish state and authorities, government and the National Bank of Denmark what will you do with corruption in Denmark.
Printer friendly copy of email to the government and the National Bank of Denmark sent time. 13.34. and 16.21.
Today, August 1, I have requested the Financial Supervisory Authority of the National Bank of Denmark for a meeting regarding Jyske Bank’s fraud and a review of my evidence for my claims, and announced that I am writing a book about corruption in Denmark, and I would like to sell it to the company has the case against Jyske Bank A/S
On July 31, I posted a new video on YouTube for Jyske Bank, because does Jyske Bank have the right to conduct financial business in Denmark, or should Jyske Bank be deprived of the right to conduct banking business in Denmark, following the bank’s extensive crime against the bank’s customers.
Here is a recording from inside Jyske Bank, and more evidence that Jyske Bank’s employees consistently lie.
When the bank’s employees on the question. IS IT TRUE WHAT IS WRITTEN ON THE CAR.
And the employee answers evasively, and several times says that the case, the case that is not mentioned on the car, has been lost in the high court, and the case has not even been scheduled for main hearing. But when the Jyske Bank employee says WE TAKE THE CAR AS A JOKE.
Carsten has asked Jyske Bank’s management whether they agree that Jyske Bank takes the car as a JOKE.
Jyske bank has not responded.
Neither the Danish government, nor some politicians, the National Bank of Denmark or their board of directors, nor the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority or its Board, such as the State Ministry, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Business, the Ministry of Justice.
Mail corrected and resubmitted 31 Juli. to The National Bank of Denmark, the Danish government and the Prime Minister’s Office and others.
Fremsendt mail 29-07-2022. kl. 10.12 til nationalbankens bestyrelse.
Med oplyste modtager og CC modtager.
PDF. Kopi af mail til Danmarks national bank, 29-07-2022.
Carsten invites you to a competition, if you can disprove what is said about Jyske Bank’s organized crime, can you win up to DKK 54,000. competition that started last month has not found any winners, but it is also impossible to dispute the truth, but try. VIDEO YouTube.
I have been informed that I cannot do anything about Jyske Bank’s crime, as the bank is protected by the Danish government and the state, perhaps right.
But I may well scratch the credibility of Jyske Bank, as the bank lies and deceives, and no one can deny that.
Therefore I have 25-07-2022. at 16.45. sent this addressed email to the National Bank of Denmark.
And to Jyske Bank, as I think you need to talk together about how a bank should be run, for Jyske Bank clearly needs help, and CEO Anders Dam and Jyske Bank do not want to talk to me.
Unfortunately, the Danish National Bank once again chooses not to respond to a concerned citizen who is afraid that Denmark is corruptly ruled, and the concerned citizen once again 28-07-2022. sends the Danske National Bank an email.
You can print it out as a PDF file, or just follow the LINK to the shared email. 28-07-2022. at 12.20 p.m.
It is quite possible that I cannot touch the criminal Jyske bank.
But now I want to know whether the Danmarks Nationalbank, together with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the Danish government, are really involved in and cover up the crime that I have presented that Jyske Bank A/S and several others in association are behind.
Or whether Danmarks Nationalbank and the bank’s board will act on the information that has been accessed by Danmarks Nationalbank continuously in recent years.
Read here the email I sent on 28-07-2022. time 12.20. have sent to the board of representatives and the board of Danmarks Nationalbank, the email has been shared with the Danish authorities and the police.
It is not possible to write to Danmarks Nationalbank’s whistleblower scheme, which is supposed to be a confidential and independent channel, since it is Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers who are responsible for this service, and I have presented documentation that Lund Elmer sandager lawyers themselves indirectly contributed to Jyske Bank’s crime.
Knowing, for example, that Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers have repeatedly lied to the court to help Jyske Bank hide the bank’s fraud.
As well as that Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers has tried to hide Jyske Bank’s use of document forgery and bill manipulation and probably has a contributing role in Jyske Bank bribing Lundgren’s lawyers not to present a minor client’s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S
I want to know if Nationalbanken Danmark covers criminal Danske Banks, or if Danmarks Nationalbank and thus the Danish state distances itself from the Danish banks which, like Jyske Bank A/S, repeatedly violate several laws and regulations.
Read what I shared in this mail from this homepage to the Denmark’s Nationalbank 24-07-2022. time. 15.11.
Since the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority is covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes, and on top of that, has allowed Jyske Bank A/S to buy the Swedish Handelsbanken, it only makes the Danish financial scandal grow, and when the Danish State and government, do not themselves want to stop the corruption in Denmark.
Then it is obviously only me who wants to write, and share evidence and information about Jyske Bank’s fraud, and that it is a problem.
I don’t care that a judge probably will cover up the criminal Danish bank, and maybe will laugh and say, then you must stop going to war with a bank.
My task is to draw attention to the corruption in Denmark and how difficult it is for the small citizen in a corrupt country to fight against a criminal bank.
But you must know that I give a damn, 🙂 This is about banks have to comply with all laws and regulations, regardless of whether it has been politically decided that banks in Denmark must not be investigated or punished for the blatant crime, that Jyske Bank exposes their customers like me to.
If I don’t speak up, and request help to make a difference.
Then the corruption in Denmark will continue.
Who will help me, I have all the evidence that would put the head of any other company in jail.
But not Jyske Bank those the Danish authorities cover, and if not.
So start an investigation NOW
This email of 23 July 17.53. to Denmark’s Nationalbank is a direct call to ensure that the Nationalbank’s control, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, initiates and investigates the evidence that has been presented and shared about Jyske Bank and the bank’s use of criminal activities.
It is Denmark’s Nationalbank that is ultimately fully responsible, and the The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, due to corruption will not investigate a bank’s crimes, in order to counteract LAW and ORDER, and in that way, when banks like Jyske Bank A/S are actually committing fraud against their business customers.
Remember that conversation gives understanding if I have misunderstood something, but let’s meet and talk together, I will gladly bring my evidence to document what I write.
The problem is CEO Anders Christian Dam and he must step down before he damages Denmark’s reputation.
It is Danmarks Nationalbank which has the highest responsibility for ensuring that Jyske Bank A/S does not commit punishable offences.
And this regardless of the fact that Denmark’s Nationalbank has assigned the Financial Supervisory Authority to this task.
If Denmark’s Nationalbank can’t not see that it is a problem, that Jyske Bank A/S has a banking license, and has not been put under strict supervision.
Then they can only be because Denmark is deeply corrupt.
Now you can all think again about what Denmark’s Nationalbank wants to do about it.
Regarding the problem I am writing to you about again, regarding Jyske Bank’s many punishable offences.
As long as Jyske Bank has not been subjected to investigations / investigations of my claims and evidence, then no one should say that Jyske Bank A/S is not behind extensive criminality.
Denmark’s Nationalbank can choose to sweep this problem under the carpet.
And then Denmark’s Nationalbank together with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, can counteract Law and Justice, by blocking the mining of many pieces of evidence against Jyske Bank, for the use of crime.
Whether it is exploitation, forgery, bribery, fraud, abuse of the bank’s access to land registration rights and more.
This is, as the Denmark’s Nationalbank itself says a SCANDAL.
And when the problem with this criminal Jyske Bank A/S lies with Denmark’s Nationalbank.
Then you, and the Danish politicians, which is part of Denmark’s Nationalbank board of directors, you can choose not to answer me, and make sure that you all continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes, or we can say or call it business methods.
Jyske Bank A/S and their managing director Anders Christian Dam have since May 2016 been able to correct when I first wrote to Jyske Bank’s management.
I think I am the victim of a huge fraud, in order to correct it.
I have had instead to fight against an organization, that does not hesitate to use bribes to beat the small customer to the ground.
Is it in this way that Denmark’s Nationalbank wants the Danske Banker to run their banks.
This is a request to the Danish Nationalbank to ensure order among Danish banks, and ensure that Danish banks also complies with the law and does not commit punishable crimes.
I urge Denmark’s Nationalbank not to close their eyes to what I write.
And therefore I request that Denmark’s Nationalbank initiates, or arranges to initiate, an investigation into the claims I have presented, and which I have shared on www.banknyt.dk
Then it is Denmark’s Nationalbank which is responsible for Jyske Bank, as a bank criminal, being able to continue banking in Denmark.
And some have to write about this problem with criminal Danish banks, and the corruption that is harmful to the Danish country.
And so it becomes me, And I will continue writing until Jyske Bank A/S by their CEO Anders Christian Dam himself, calls me on +4522227713, to arrange a meeting so we can talk about what I write.
It is no longer a secret, that Denmark is corrupt.
But how bad is it.
That is why I, Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, am writing to Denmark’s Nationalbank.
Because if this Danish state bank is also helping the danish government to cover up the corruption, that Jyske Bank has paid Lundgren’s lawyers not to present my case against the Jyske Bank, then Denmark’s Nationalbank entire board again will stick their heads in the bush.
Read the email 23-07-2022. time. 17.53 which is shared here.
If the Danish state, the government and the Denmark’s Nationalbank also ignore this emails, and competition, which is really about Jyske Bank’s suitability to have permission to operate a bank in Denmark, then it must be due to internal agreements to cover up the crime Jyske Bank A/S is demonstrably behind.
Of which other governments must of course be informed, about the corruption that governs Denmark, so if there are some who want to ask questions, if it is not time for you to call me on +4522227713. and begins to take about this seriously problem for Jyske Bank, and now also for Denmark, which as a nation covers organized crime, carried out by Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank, and it is a problem that the Danish state itself participates and helps to undermine legal certainty, just to help criminal Danish banks.
Here is the competition to disprove that Jyske bank is a criminal bank, 23-07-2022. time 13.43. has been sent to Jyske Bank and the Danish state.
Can you disprove that the Danske Bank Jyske Bank are criminals, and disprove that several employees together in association for Jyske Bank have committed fraud, and that the Danish state and government cover up that this criminal bank uses both document forgery, fraud and bribery in Jyske Bank businesses, so take part in this competition for up to DKK 54,000. in prizes.
Link. to the 9th claims, you must disprove about Jyske Bank’s fraud and forgery. In order to win up to DKK 54,000.
While Denmark is probably facing the biggest business scandal in this millennium.
Jyske Bank is not only fighting to get away with fraud and forgery and bribery, but also to survive as a bank in Denmark, Read here the email 22-07-2022. to the Danish state.
August 3 at 6 p.m press Release.
I have again today 20 July written to Jyske Bank and their many assistants, also to the Danish authorities.
I want a constructive solution so that these campaigns can stop, and be enclosed.
A copy of the letter to the press, and copy of the mail, can be read here, at the same time the. LINK. Will be. PRESS RELEASE.
About corruption in Denmark as I write, until the release.
August 3. at 6 p.m press Release.
If you would like a copy of the new emails to the Danish state and government together with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the State Ministry as well as Jyske Bank and their many assistants, write here to banknyt@gmail.com and write that you want to be kept up to date and informed about the organized crime that the Danish state covers.
I believe that Jyske Bank will damage Denmark’s reputation if CEO Anders Christian Dam still refuses to answer and talk to me, says Carsten Storbjerg to BANKING NEWS.
If I have made a mistake that Jyske Bank does not run an organization that commits financial crime and uses fraud, documents false, uses bribes, and lies in court to cover up Jyske Bank’s fraud.
Who in the world dares to take a confrontation and talk to me.
I only want Jyske Bank to be deprived of their license to conduct financial business in Denmark if I am right in what I write and have shared with the Danish state and government.
Which I say by inaction covers Jyske Bank’s business methods, why law and order as well as justice do not exist in Denmark when corruption is a subversive activity against the rule of law in Denmark.
Is there not a single Danish politician or authority that wants to put an end to corruption in Denmark.
Mail 17-07-2022. Dear Jyske Bank A/S and CEO Anders Christian Dam, and The Danish state and the government.
Jyske Bank has major problems, and you may risk losing your license to run a banking business in Denmark, and then the board uses such meager forces to avoid me, when it is now me who becomes Jyske Bank problem, if Jyske Bank does not resolve our conflict, Call me Anders Dam before the press starts writing about Jyske Bank committing fraud and forgery.
Jyske Bank I say the bank Jyske Bank, that there is the reason for the scandal.
Jyske Bank A/S I say to the bank Jyske Bank, that ther is a reason for the scandal.
And Jyske Bank Just say, We take it as a JOKE, which to me is incomprehensible as Jyske Bank risks being closed, and Jyske Bank’s shareholders will lose a lot of money.
Mail 16 and 17-07-2022. Information on the possibilities of corruption in Denmark, which has been carried out by subversive activities by counteracting law and justice in Denmark, for the citizens.
I try again, Jyske Bank still thought the bank that this is just a joke, and now do not say. The police have something else to do, when your customers ask why Jyske Bank does not do anything about my continued campaigns.
Mail 16-07-2022. to the European Court for information on the possibilities of corruption in Denmark, which has been carried out by subversive activities by counteracting law and justice in Denmark, for the citizens, for information, Shared in direct message.
The danish bank, Jyske Bank by CEO Anders Christian Dam has repeatedly been offered, that the deceived customer in Jyske Bank removes notices about the organized crime, that Jyske Bank started by Nicolai Hansen and Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen, but the Group Management does not care, as long as the Danish government covers Jyske Bank’s continued crimes, and Anders Dam refuses to talk with the victim of Jyske Bank’s organized fraud.
It is Jyske Bank that has chosen this match, to show other customers that they should not think they have a chance for justice, once Jyske Bank exposes their customers to fraud.
Odd Jyske Bank uses the unequal balance of power to eradicate their victims.
I just want to enter into dialogue, and Jyske Banks’ silence is not conversation and understanding.
Jyske Bank has major problems, and the management and CEO Anders Christian Dam are personally the reason for postings like this. I just want to talk to someone in Jyske Bank about the bank’s problems.
I make it very clear that I will not stop writing articles about the fraud that Jyske Bank exposes their customers to, without having been in dialogue with the management.
Customer says to the Management of Jyske Bank, hopes it is worth all the money to expose us customers to organized fraud.
Your indifference to my campaigns only damages Jyske Bank’s credibility well into the fifties, and whoever says that the Danish state will continue to cover up the crime that Jyske Bank is behind, do you really believe that this is a joke, when you tell your customers and shareholders in Jysk Bank about it.
That is why these problems in Jyske Bank have only grown and grown.
Here I give Jyske Bank the opportunity to talk with me, and then Anders Christian Dam could ask me nicely, if I would stop exposing Jyske Bank to my writings and teasing.
I would like to stop my attacks on Jyske Bank’s credibility. But only if Jyske Bank and their CEO and management want it, which requires dialogue.
Anders Christian Dam you can call me on +4522227713.
And then ask me if I want to stop teasing Jyske Bank as you might get bored.
Mail sent to the Danish state and government. ons. 15. jul. time. 13.14. to these people.
Jyske Bank A/S koncernen, og jeres dygtige advokater.
Jyske Bank A/S
Vestergade 8-16
8600 Silkeborg
Morten Ulrik Gade <mug@jyskebank.dk>,
Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>,
Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>,
“<NSJ@politi.dk>” <nsj@politi.dk>,
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,
Også delt her på YouTube. 26 sekunder.
I have written to the Danish state and authorities and Jyske Bank on 13 July about the corruption and camaraderie that undermines Danish society, which the authorities can no longer ignore, and Jyske Bank must be placed under stricter supervision or Jyske Bank must be completely deprived of the right to operate banking in Denmark.
It is possible that I can not stop the corruption that the Danish judiciary itself helps to cover up, which, however, can not prevent me from writing about problems, as it affects all Danes’ legal security, as Carsten Storbjerg points out that Denmark is not a rule of law, when the Danish authorities themselves cover the violations of many banks’ criminal law, and counteract justice in Denmark.
Read the email 13 July 2022. which is directed to English here in the LINK.
To the PRESS 09-07-2022. the Danish state and the government.
As well as Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam.
Read the email here in the link.
A single Dane, Carsten Storbjerg, has gone to war against corruption in Denmark. But Carsten asks for your help, as camaraderie in Denmark has so much power, that Danish law and order is put out of force, when not a single Danish journalist has written about the problem that Danish banks use corruption. Then I will ask you as foreign journalists, to conduct an investigation into corruption in Denmark.
It is unhealthy for the Danish government that the state allows banks to commit crime, and covers it.
I know that there are many Danes, who can not understand what I write about the corrupt Danish lawyers, and criminal Danish banks, which the Danish government and authorities and members of the Judicial Service cover, and that is why I ask all the journalists who do not want cover over the corrupt denmark, will you investigate what I’m writing about it crime, that i have presented evidence for, and then write some articles that everyone can understand.
If the Danish state and government do not stop Jyske Bank now, the bank will be a ticking bomb under Danish society.
This case is bigger than the Danish state can hide, and I will not allow corruption to rule Denmark as a nation.
Always remember to include the unknown factor when you as a bank commit organized fraud, here you have encountered one of these.
Den lille og korte forklaring 10-07-2022. til Reddit bruger der ikke forstod Jyske banks bilens formål er, og hvad der her på siden står, Jyske bank bilen og siden her er med til at fremme kendskabet til den korruption der styrer danmark, her finder du de processkrifter som beskriver den kriminalitet som Jyske bank udsætter kunder for.
Denmark’s biggest scandal ever, without a doubt must be.
That the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which has provided watertight evidence that Jyske Bank AS is behind extensive crime.
Although all the members of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority are aware that Jyske Bank has committed a string of criminal offenses.
Has the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority chosen to approve Jyske Bank’s acquisition of Svenske Handelsbanken’s Danish branches.
This is a scandal which makes the Mink case with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seem small.
When the fact is that Jyske Bank does not comply with current legislation to run a tanker business in Denmark.
The official Denmark with the Government ignores and continues to cover the crime that the authorities have presented that Jyske Bank is proven to be behind.
If there is just one person in Jyske Bank, or in the Danish authorities, or in the Ministry of Justice or in the National Board of Justice, who thinks they can disprove what I say and write.
So participate in the competition, and try to disprove that Jyske Bank is a criminal organization that has committed fraud, which has been carried out by several employees together.
And you can not If you have a problem, Jyske Bank must be under stricter supervision, or deprived of the right to conduct financial business in Denmark.
You all know that I would rather spend my time photographing, and that the Danish state itself should clean up the Danish criminal banks, which, like Jyske Bank, expose customers to fraud.
But remember now, it is you Jyske Bank, who chose to cheat and deceive, and then it is Jyske Bank and the Danish authorities which are covertly.
And the way Jyske Bank is running a bank, must at some point end wrong, and then Jyske Bank will close, while Denmark as a whole state stands alone with a scandal of unprecedented magnitude.
A comprehensive scandal that should overthrow the government that will not launch an investigation against Jyske Bank, after what I have since 1 May. 2019 has written to all the Danish politicians, of which not a single one has answered.
In other words, the Danish politicians do not care about the law when it is broken by Denmark’s largest companies, such as here by Jyske Bank.
I’m sorry to say to Jyske Bank and your friends, you have chosen the only one you should not choose to deceive.
I give a damn who you are, this convoluted and corrupt society you should not get away with, and maybe the Danish press is not allowed to write about corruption in Denmark.
But what about the foreign TV stations and newspapers?
The Danish press is apparently not allowed to write about the punishable crimes that can close a bank like Jyske Banks, the state censorship in Denmark.
But I continue to write, because at some point there probably will be a foreign newspaper that sees this, and is not afraid to write about the little man’s fight against a corrupt nation.
And I am happy to answer questions from the press.
Until now not a single one in Denmark. Will ask me questions for my investigation of the extensive and organized corruption, and camaraderie in Denmark, including Jyske Bank use of criminal crime.
Plise ask me any questions, to what I have presented of evidence and allegations against Jyske Bank, Lundgrens, Lund Elmer Sandager and the Bar Council.
I ask all of you journalists, if you want to ask the questions, that neither the Danish government, nor others in the Danish state, nor which some in Jyske Bank’s management and their many lawyers will answer.
CEO Anders Dam, do you dare take up my challenge and meet me face to face in a TV duel about Jyske Bank’s business methods, or are you a chicken.
CEO Anders Dam you know you can call me on +4522227713 and ask me nicely to stop teasing Jyske Bank, and write like here, or you can continue to hide behind your comrades, and colleagues there like Denmark national bank, keep quiet about this ever-growing scandal, which you Anders Christian Dam and the management of Jyske Bank are to blame for.
It is possible I am dyslexic, and bad at making myself linguistically understandable, as well as the fact that I do not have any bookish education, but probably I’m just a little electrician, but I’m actually good at troubleshooting, and this here investigation is done after the same principles, joints and you have to find the fault here, however, it turns out to be very very large, and I believe that Jyske Bank is doing either a nationally or socially harmful company, who has dared to examine my evidence.
Jyse Bank bribed Lundgren’s lawyers to oppose the presentation of my allegations against Jyske Bank, it was low, and Lundgrens said after they had been bribed that I had to trust them, but corrupt lawyers are found in Denmark, this is also covered by the authorities.
Tell me how you thought even it goes with your rather organized scam.
Due to the case with Jyske Bank and their bribery of Lundgrens, we also have a case with the corrupt Lundgrens who want DKK 232,000 to oppose the case against Jyske Bank that was not presented to the court.
At least these from Lundgren’s, “Mette Marie Nielsen Danish bank” “Emil Hald Rambøll / Ramboll” have objected NOT to presenting Jyske Bank’s use of fraud and falsehood, and that it was done in bad faith, while Jyske Bank has paid Lundgren’s millions in bribery hidden as return commission.
Appendix 138. Bilag 138. 05-09-2019. kl. 15.14 Ønsker at se Processkrift 2 Dan Terkildsen svarer ikke. Dan skriver istedet kl. 15.20 vi har brug for at drøfte strategien.
In addition to the employee judge in the National Board of Justice, partner from both Kromann Reumert lawyers, and partner in Horten lawyers, and employees in Danish industry, and in the Consumer Complaints Board completely all are agree, it is not a violation of good legal practice to withhold several lawsuits, both own lawsuits, but it is also not a violation of good legal practice nor the litigation of the other party. to the lawyer’s client.
At the same time, the legal community at Advokat Martin Lavesen, partner in DLA Piper lawyers, denies that this complaint and decision must be made public, others do not know, and certainly not the Danish population.
It is the power and the kind of corruption and camaraderie I am up against, therefore I write in English, as Denmark is a corrupt society that will cover how the power elite decides whether the law should apply, all depending on who has broken the law .
If this is not corruption and camaraderie that should counteract law and order and not least counteract justice in Denmark when banks like Jyske Bank pay lawyers like Jyske Bank bribes, to keep the client out of the case, and a joint board of lawyers covers this corruption, This indicates that the Bar Council itself is part of the corrupt environment that governs Denmark.
If you, based on the fact that Lundgrens was hired 30 January 2018. to present a case where there are several aspects of FRAUD, can see that Lundgrens has presented something with this word.
See pleading 2. 2 September. 2019. one of several pleadings that Lundgren detained, and would not hand over to their client, even though the client on 5 September requests a copy, of pleading 2.
Dan Terkildsen from the corrupt Lundgrens law firm chooses not to respond.
Here is what Lundgren’s lawyers presented, and it in no way corresponds to what I ask Lundgren’s to present, but I also do not know that Lundgren’s has been paid not to present my allegations against Jyske Bank, therefore the complaint of 05-06-2020. as everyone in the Bar Council rejects 30-06-2021, and at the same time puts good legal practice out of force, as this does not apply to corruption.
Procedural document 1. 28-09-2018.
Procedural document. 18-12-2018. afsluttende svarskrift.
Procedural document 2. 02.-09-2019.
Today I have no doubt that Jyske Bank is doing dishonest business, that is about cheating and deceiving customers like me, and I also have no doubt, that Jyske Bank has paid Lundgren’s lawyers to undermine my finances.
And at the same time as Lundgren’s received payment for losing my case against Jyske Bank, and that is probably that reason Lundgrens refused fore the court, to present their hour case accounts, which were to document that work, Lundgrens has been done for DKK 232,000 in these 3 small pleadings.
Which have been made to on losing the case against Jyske bank, by the way Lundgrens has only present a case of bad advice, where there are 2 lost Supreme Court judgments, which are about just the same, bad advice.
Therfore i have to fight Lundgrens in this chase to. Procedural 10-05-2022.
For Jyske Bank, the case is about being able to keep what Jyske Bank has stolen, which is why Jyske Bank uses such dirty tricks as bribery, and presents false evidence to the court through Philip Baruch Lund Elmer Sander lawyer’s.
After I discovered that Lundgren’s lawyers were corrupt, and had been bribed by Jyske Bank, I myself, as an ignorant person, had to try to present the allegations for which Luundgren’s had originally been employed, see my own preliminary pleading 3. 27 October 2019.
I found an honorable lawyer who presented my claims as I have fought against 2 lawyers Rødstenen lawyers and then Lundgren’s lawyers for 4 years to get presented.
Procedural document 3. 04-05-2020.
Procedural document 4. 23-12-2020.
Procedural document 5. 14-10-2021.
EKSTRAKT 1600 pages.
If there are some of the corrupt judges who get the case in the high court, the case is lost in advance, which Jyske Bank seemed to know more about, since they already say the case is lost in the high court.
Since the lawyer named by the Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen ruled, that Lundgrens has acted in accordance with good legal practice in 27 complaint points, it makes sense that Jyske Bank’s employees have already been in the high court before the case, telling their clients that this case has been lost in the High Court.
There is so much corruption in Denmark, that the little man can never win over a criminal organization in a court of law.
But you just forget that I can write about it, and you can not forbid me as long as I write the truth.
And this case is not so much about winning over Jyske Bank, because the little man can not win in court, when we live in a corrupt society, but what do other countries’ TV and newspapers say, to this case, if they discover the story about my struggle against a corrupt country.
And CEO Anders Dam has personally been able to call me since May 2016. if this was just a misunderstanding, and then correct, The management of Jyske Bank has only made it worse, and when Jyske Bank bribed my former Lundgren lawyers, Jyske Bank left across the line to be able to continue operating in Denmark.
But the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, together with the Danish state and the government, do not care, it is political and it is about friendships and money it provides.
And that is why the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the authorities give a damn about Danish laws and human rights, when the state ignores the Danish authorities and politicians, the Danish state and the state institutions deal with a bank presented documentation exposing customers to fraud.
If Jyske Bank is not deprived of the right to conduct banking business in Denmark, then it can only be due to corruption.
Otherwise, meet me on TV, and in there dare to take a confrontation with me, and claim that Jyske Bank are not criminals, according to what is written in the starffe law.
It is STILL all of you against me, and I am waiting for who dares to meet me and review my allegations and my evidence that JYSKE BANK SHOULD CLOSE.
The Danish state still has major problems with Danish banks, which, as here, where Jyske Bank is behind extensive fraud against the bank’s customers, unfortunately cover both Danish judges and the authorities together with the Danish government cover this criminal Jyske Bank.
But a small customer says, now it is enough, the extensive crime among the Danish banks, which the Danish government covers must stop, regardless of the fact that I am the only one who will fight to get rid of the Danish Corruption.
I can not stop the camaraderie, that is the form of government, that exists in Denmark, but I want to warn other nations against the Danish country, which is a society ruled by corruption, between the comrades at the top of Denmark.
You can read my blog here, and Read my story about how my family, and I have fought against some of Denmark’s perhaps largest criminal organizations.
You will have a unique story about how Jyske Bank for several years, hid that the bank exposed me to fraud, while I was seriously ill after a major brain haemorrhage.
And do you want my personal story until Jyske Bank 10 years after the beginning of the fraud, until Jyske Bank also chose to bribe our lawyers.
I have a true story that is like reading a movie script.
Can you understand why the employees of Jyske Bank say about the Jyske Bank car. “for us, it’s just a joke.”
If what I write is no true i can get 2 years in prison for libel.
Hvorfor lyver JYSKE BANK.
Hør her Jyske Bank siger om min kampagne mod den kriminalitet som jeg skriver Jyske Bank står bag.
FOR OS ER DET BARE EN JOKE. Derfor denne konkurrence med Premier for op til 45.000 DKK.
Jeg har siden maj 2016. Forsøgt at komme i kontakt og dialog med CEO Anders Christian Dam, og mine fortsatte forsøg på stadig at komme i kontakt og dialog med CEO Anders Christian Dam, som Jyske Bank bilen er et stort forsøg på, hvilket Jyske Bank åbenbart tager som en joke.
Deltag gratis og vind hvis du kan MODBEVISE at Jyske Bank er en kriminel Bank, YouTube 7 juli 2022.
Det her er ikke en joke Anders Dam, det er en skandale som du og Jyske Bank selv har skabt.
Og skal jeg holde op med at drille dig, og dine kammerater.
Så kan du Anders Christian Dam ringe til mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup på telefon +4522227713 og bede mig om at holde op, er det så svært for dig Anders Dam at forstå.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup retter her i mailen kraftig kritik til:
Finanstilsynet, Folketinget, Retsudvalget, Statsminister Mette Frederiksen, Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Domstolsstyrelsen, Advokatsamfundet, Advokatnævnet, Danmarks Nationalbank.
Mailen 1. 5. og 6. Juli 2022. er her den 7 juli delt nedenfor, og delt med pressen som DR og TV2, der her i mailen direkte bliver opfordret til at deltage i konkurrencen, prøv at mod bevise: at Jyske Bank er en kriminel Bank, og i kan vinde op til 45.000 danske kroner.
En svær hvis ikke en umulig opgave. 😊 prøv at tage min udfordring op, og vil Danmarks Radio DR og eller TV2 inviterer til en duel mellem mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, og for Jyske Bank A/S Anders Christian Dam på en duel, om samt og falsk.
Så har jeg i flere år opfordret Jyske Bank til en duel, mig og mine beviser for at Jyske Bank står bag omfattende kriminalitet mod min lille virksomhed, mod CEO Anders Dam, Jyske Bank og alle deres advokater.
Det er muligt at den danske stat tidligere har kunne dække over kriminelle danske banker, men der går ikke længe, de danske politikere er en direkte medvirkende årsag til mine skriverier, eftersom ikke en eneste politiker har svaret på mig på en eneste af de mange henvendelser.
Mails og breve hvori politikerne er blevet oplyst og fremlagt dokumentation for at Jyske Bank A/S laver strafbar kriminalitet.
Og da CEO Anders Christian Dam stadig ikke vil bede mig holde op med at udsætte Jyske Bank for mine små drillerier, på trods af at Anders Dam ved at Jyske Bank jo skal bare ringe til mig, og så bede mig om ikke at drille Jyske Bank.
Men det vil CEO Anders Christian Dam ikke, derfor deler jeg fortsat flere af mine mange mails, til netop Anders Christian Dam og Jyske Bank.
På trods af utallige opfordringer til Jyske Banks ledelse og advokater, og til Anders Dam, som også disse YouTube videoer er en del af.
Så er Jyske Banks svar, tavshed til alle mine opslag og videoer, Jyske Banks ordførende direktør Anders Christian Dam er derfor den direkte årsag til at disse kampagner fortsætter.
Anders Christian Dam har personligt mindst siden maj måned 2016, kunne tale med mig og iværksætte en intern undersøgelse, i stedet vælger Anders Dam eller ledelsen samt Jyske Bank advokater at fortsætte bedrageri / bondefangeri, for så i foråret 2018, at bestikke Lundgrens advokater til at holde mig og sagsøges Svig og Falsk påstande ude af svindel sagen mod Jyske Bank.
Mail 07-07-2022. To the pres.
The Danish National Bank has a major co-responsibility for conducting banking transactions with the Danish banks, as the National Bank has been informed, and received and has been provided that Jyske Bank is making a document false, and abuse power of attorney, as well as other criminal offenses.
Myndighederne i Danmark får alle her i denne mail kraftig kritik 03-07-2022. Dels for at ignorer Jyske Banks mange strafbare forhold. Men også for at dækker over denne organiseret kriminalitet, som Jyske Bank bevisligt står bag, og så for at have forholdt jer passive og ikke vil blande jer i Jyske Banks mange lovovertrædelser.
LYT og læs teksten, der står intet om nogle retssag, men blot at Jyske bank er kriminelle, og der nævnes flere lovovertrædelser, og navne på nogle af dem der for Jyske Bank A/S har medvirket til bedrageri.
Hvilket Jyske Banks ansatte 22 juni. ikke vil afvise, og derfor undviger at svare på spørgsmålet, da en kunde spørger direkte om er det sandt det som står på bilen.
Hvad er det nu jeg skriver på Jyske Bank bilen.
I hvert fald ikke noget politiet vil tage sig af, de kunder som Jyske Bank udsætter for groft bedrageri, de må klare sig selv, det er nemlig politiske at det ikke er politiets opgave, at hjælpe de kunder som banker udsætter for bedrageri.
Derimod er det politiets opgave at efterforske og retsforfølge de kunder, som laver bedrageri mod banker, eller forsøger at udsætte banker som Jyske Bank for bedrageri.
Jeg må ikke få hjælp, da Jyske Bank A/S ved kammerateri er beskyttet mod efterforskning og strafforfølgning.
Konkurrence er 30 juni udvidet til 9 Premier af 5.000 DKK se mere her på YouTube. Hjælp Jyske Bank med at bevise at denne Bank ikke er en kriminel organisation der laver økonomisk kriminalitet, ved brug af dokumentfalsk, bedrageri, vanhjemmel, udnyttelse, retsmisbrug, bondefangeri, fuldmagtsmisbrug, misbrug af bankens adgang til tinglysningsretten, mandatsvig, bestikkelse.
Konkurrence Se YouTube video fra 29-06-2022. Der er delt med Jyske Bank i mail.
Jyske Banks medarbejdere på Frederiksberg siger den 22 juni 2022. om denne Jyske Bil, sagen er tabt i landsretten, selv om den ikke er blevet berammet nu.
FOR OS ER DET BARE EN JOKE. Hvilket er blevet til en konkurrence, du som selv er kunde i Jyske Bank kan deltage i.
Denne for Jyske Bank joke, om at Jyske Bank bilen for Jyske Bank A/S bare er en JOKE, er delt på flere indlæg som find medarbejder i Jyske Bank som her.
Danmarks måske morsomste Bank, Jyske Bank A/S siger mere om Jyske Bank bilen.
Finanstilsynet sætter Jyske Bank under skærpet tilsyn, hvis ikke kammerateri er en forhindring for lov og orden i danske banker.
En joke som Jyske Bank selv siger, Jyske Bank bilen får nu nye reklamer, og det også med reklame for at Jyske Bank ansatte på Gammel Kongevej lyver, og om Bank konkurrencen, og de 8 spørgsmål op til millionen, se hvad Jyske Bank opfatter som en Joke, og vind op til 40.000 DKK.
Som du kunne høre i samtalen juni 2022. sige medarbejderen i Jyske Bank, at sagen allerede er tabt i landsretten, men dokumentet oven for taler, dokumenter sagen først kommer for retten i 2023.
Jeg har derfor igen 28-06-2022- skrevet til de danske myndigheder og anmoder at den danske stat stopper med at dække over Jyske bank massive lovovertrædelser, herunder mener jeg bedrageri og brugen af dokumentfalsk.
Kunden siger så bagefter, det her er også en joke, og siger så her på YouTube videoen der er optaget 27 juni uden foran Jyske Bank Gammel Kongevej nr 136. Deltag gratis i konkurrencen og tjen op til 40.000 tudende kroner. Jeg har ligeledes delt en mail med denne video mandag aften med Jyske Bank og flere myndigheder, læs MAILEN her i LINKET.
Læs her min mail 27-06-2022. til Jyske Bank A/S Juridisk og ledelsen samt til afdelingen på Frederiksberg.
sebastian.dyg.eriksen@jyskebank.dk, og til Koncernledergruppen direktion@jyskebank.dk
Kender du Jyske bank bilen, som her er parkeret udenfor Jyske Bank på Gammel Kongevej 136.
Spørg i Jyske bank om det er sandt hvad der står på bilen, siden ikke en eneste tør tage en konfrontation med Carsten.
Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind.
Jyske Banks medarbejdere lyver igen 22-06-2022, da medarbejdere i Jyske Banks afdeling på Gammel Kongevej 136, siger, til den kunde der spørger om det der står på Jyske Bank bilen uden for Jyske Bank, er sandt.
Kunden fortæller at i Jyske Bank på Frederiksberg er være blevet oplyst, at den omtalte verserende sag mellem Storbjerg Erhverv ApS og mod Jyske Bank A/S.
Er tabt 2 gange. både i byretten og landsretten ?.
Men det var ikke det kunden stillede spørgsmål om, kunden spurgte de ansat i banken på Frederiksberg, om det der står på bilen uden for bankens facade er sandt.
Og du kan få op til 40.000 DKK hvis du kan modbevise det jeg skriver, hør hvad jeg siger til Jyske Bank og dig der vil være med i konkurrencen.
Jeg vil gerne selv spørger Jyske Bank om det der står på Jyske bilen er sandt.
Men Jyske Bank satser vel på at vennerne ved kammerateri, fortsat vil holde hånden over Jyske Bank, og dermed dækker over den økonomiske kriminalitet som Jyske Bank står bag, for på den måde at slå fast at loven gælder ikke for inderkredsen af magtens elite.
Denne her side og dagbogen, altså det jeg Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup skriver er personligt, og det jeg skriver og siger med at Jyske Bank A/S står bag organiseret kriminalitet, hvilket er udført i forening, og derfor skærpende omstændigheder, at politiet ikke må efterforske og retsforfølge kriminelle danske banker er politisk.
Jeg er ikke part i retssagen mellem Jyske Bank A/S og Storbjerg Erhverv ApS, og bede derfor igen Jyske Bank og deres mange medhjælpere samt advokater om, ikke at sammen blande det jeg personligt skriver om den organiserede kriminalitet, som Jyske Bank A/S bevisligt står bag, og den sag som Jyske Banks medarbejdere fortæller til bankens kunder eller gæster er tabt, i byretten og også Landsretten, mig bekendt har den sag slet ikke været til domsforhandlingen i landsretten, selv om der findes Dommere som dækker over Jyske Banks bedrageri, bestikkelse, dokumentfalsk, mandatsvig og Jyske Bank er beskyttet af kammerateri.
Så vent med at sige den sag er tabt i landsretten, til den rent faktisk har været i landsretten.
Uanset hvad i måtte have aftalt jer imellem.
Vi tager lige billede frem igen.
Jeg har skrevet til Jyske Banks bestyrelse og direktion samt repræsentantskabet og Jyske Banks juridiske afdeling samt til Lund Elmer Sandager advokater, og beder også CEO Anders Dam om at forholde sig til det jeg skriver.
Læs her den Mail 24-06-2022. Jeg skrev Jyske Bank og deres mange advokater og CEO Anders Christian Dam.
Jyske Banks advokater er her igen OPFORDRET til selv selv at deltage i konkurrencen.
Så kan Jyske Banks advokater også få andel i de 8 x 5.000 DKK for bare at modbevise, det jeg skriver om Jyske Banks bedrageri, dokumentfalsk, vanhjemmel, udnyttelse, retsmisbrug, misbrug af bankens adgang til tinglysningsretten, fuldmagtsmisbrug, mandatsvig.
Med hensyn til det der står på Jyske Bank bilen, og som flere kunder har stillet spørgsmål til Jyske Bank A/S medarbejdere om det er sandt.
Jeg anmoder derfor her igen Jyske Bank om at forholde sig til det jeres kunder spørger jer om, og at Jyske Banks medarbejdere alle sammen sætte sig ind i det jeg skriver at Jyske Bank A/S står bag.
Jeg har fået oplyst at den svig sag Jyske Bank har kørende, ikke har været i landsretten.
Men siden at Jyske Banks ansatte siger den allerede er blevet tabt også i landsretten, kan skyldes at det allerede er blevet aftalt. ?. Læs jeres mail 23-06-2022. Til Jyske Bank A/S koncernen her.
I’m not for a moment in doubt that I’m right, and this is why everyone wants to shut me up, because I’ll not come here and ruin the good camaraderie that has always governed, who shall comply the law, and who should not comply the law.
Therefore, I here again provoke Jyske Bank, Lundgren’s lawyers, Lund Elmer Sandager lawyers, and the Danish authorities and the perpetrators behind Jyske Bank’s organized fraud.
I would like to pay you up to 40,000 Danish kroner, equivalent to 5,377 € / EUR. or 5,660 $ US dollars. for you who can disprove that Jyske Bank A / S has committed a crime, which the Danish state and Denmark’s national bank know all about, but ignore.
You can, without paying anything, get 40,000 Danish kroner, corresponding to 5,377 € / EUR. or 5,660 US dollars.
Jyske Bank’s employees can all help clean up Jyske Bank and get a share of the money, are you one of the mentioned find employees in Jyske Bank Banknyt.dk, you get 10% extra.
+4589898989 Jyske Bank A/S
22-06-2022. Mail to
The Danish government through Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is participating with the Danish politicians in the race to win a fortune, to be able to prove that Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank, led by Anders Christian Dam, is not behind extensive fraud against the bank’s customers, if are not some who can disprove what is written on Banknyt, it paints a clear picture of the Corruption that prevails in Denmark.
Jyske Bank A/S, får her gratis reklame for bankens omfattende og organiseret bedrageri mod deres kunder.
Og så skriver jeg at Danmark har et stort og seriøst problem med korruption og kammerateri.
Hvem tør sige noget til mine oplysninger, hvem tør sige mig imod 🙂 frem til i dag 22 juni 2022. har ikke en eneste turde skrive om at Jyske Bank står bag massive straffelovs overtrædelser.
Er det konspirations teorier, eller er det sandheden om at kammerateri og korruption reelt styrer Danmark.
Jeg er i gang med en efterforskning af de magtfulde danskere, som reelt styrer Danmark uden om den danske lovgivning, og jeg vil gerne have din hjælp.
Så vil du lave en efterforskning af det jeg skriver og siger, og om jeg tager fejl eller er det jeg skriver sandheden.
Dan Terkildsen fra Lundgrens advokater svarede, efter jeg beskyldte Lundgrens advokater for at have taget mod den bestikkelse som Jyske Bank A/S ved returkommission tilbød Lundgrens advokater, mod ikke at fremlægge mine SVIG og FALSK påstande mod Jyske Bank A/S.
Lundgrens partner Dan Terkildsen påstår hurtigt, at det er konspirations teorier, men ikke en eneste partner i Lundgrens har turde beskylde mig for injurie og bagvaskelse, selv om jeg siden 2019. har skrevet at Jyske Bank A/S ved returkommission har bestukket Lundgrens advokater, til ikke at fremlægge Lundgrens klients sag og påstande mod Jyske bank A/S. i stedet gemmer både Lundgrens og Jyske Banks ansatte sig bag magtens elite.
Hvis du kan modbevise hvad jeg skriver, kan du tjene 40.000 45.000 dkk.
KLIK HER og prøv at modbevise hvad jeg skriver.
Du kan få op til 40.000 45.000 dkk. altså hvis du kan dokumentere at jeg her på siden lyver, om Jyske Banks brug af de mange strafbare handlinger, og hvis du er den første som kan modbevise det jeg skriver, så bliver du honorereret med op til 45 tussende danske kroner.
Ansatte i Jyske Bank og deres advokater er også velkommen til at deltage.
Hjælp Jyske Bank og Anders Christian Dam hvis du kan modbevis at Jyske Bank har lavet bedrageri, dokumentfalsk med mere, og hjælp Jyske Bank med at politianmelde mig for bagvaskelse og injurie mod Jyske Bank A/S.
Som her i YouTube videoen den 19 maj. 2021. hvor jeg opfordre Jyske bank til at sagsøg mig, eller indrømme bedrageri.
Jeg har tilbudt mange gange som her 3 jun 2021. at holde op med at drille dem kriminelle organisationen, hvis Anders Dam går af, eller hvis Anders Dam ringer og spørger mig.
Kære alle jer i Jyske Bank koncernen, og særligt dig Anders Christin Dam.
Hvis du gerne have at jeg fjerner mine opslag og billeder om Jyske Banks aktiveter, der siden 2016 er delt, så skulle du prøve at tale med mig, mit telefonnummer er +4522227713 jeg vil gerne i dialog og jeg vil tale med dig Anders Dam, og derfor møder du disse sjove kampagner, som her Jyske Bank bilen, og nej det er ikke de super og benzin slugende biler, som Jyske Bank bruger racerkører Jason Watt til at lave reklame med.
Jyske Bank i er velkommen til at politi anmelde mig for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S, hvis i ønsker at få politiet til at efterforske mine oplysninger og beviser for bankens åbenlyse brug af dokumentfalsk og fuldmagtsmisbrug, mandatsvig, bedrageri og anden strafbar kriminalitet, jeg henviser i øvrigt til de mange YouTube videoer som i ikke har ville kommentere.
Jyske Bank ved Anders Christian Dam du skal naturligvis politi anmelde mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S
Hvis du ikke mener jeg kontinuerligt skriver om er sandheden, og at jeg skriver Jyske Bank koncernen står bag omfattende økonomisk kriminalitet, hvilket er udført i forening.
Banknyt ønsker Lars Stensgaard Mørch og Anders Christian Dam Jyske Bank A/S
Et stort tillykke med købet af Handelsbanken.
Alle med konto i Handelsbanken er efter længere forhandlinger blevet solgt til Jyske Bank.
Jeg Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup skriver her og flere andre steder at dette omfattende bedrageri som Jyske Bank A/S og aktionærerne nyder godt af, er udført og startede mindst af Nicolai Hansen Jyske Bank Hillerød og Jeanett Kofoed-Hansen Jyske Bank København der begge for Jyske Bank A/S har startet bankens bedrageri, og bag øvrige medvirkende er Lars Aaqvist der i dag er ansat i Danske Bank A/S.
Og som med hjælp direkte eller indirekte har fortsat den økonomiske kriminalitet, hvilket Jyske Bank ved at skjule sandheden, og ved bilag’s manipulation, har holdt kunden i en forvildelse, dette ved hjælp af mindst disse nævnte personer, der alle har medvirket direkte eller indirekte, til at dække over Jyske Banks bedrageri, som derfor har kunne fortsætte.
Af øvrige medvirkende til Jyske Banks fortsatte bedrageri nævnes her.
Casper Dam Olsen Jyske Bank Hillerød, Anette Kirkeby Jyske Bank Helsingør, Søren Woergaard Jyske Bank Hillerød, Morten Ulrik Gade Jyske Bank Silkeborg, Birgit Buch Thuesen tidligere den grønne slagter i Silkeborg, Philip Baruch Jyske Banks bestyrelse og Lund Elmer Sandager advokater, og samt direktionen Jyske Bank ved mindst Per Skovhus, Niels Erik Jacobsen, Peter Schleidt og CEO Anders Christian Dam der sammen i forening, direkte eller indirekte har medvirket til er udført og dækket over bankens bedrageri, for at fortsætte med at udsætte kunden for økonomisk kriminalitet.
Lundgrens advokater ved Mette Marie Nielsen “som i dag ansat i Den Danske Bank.” siger at vi må stole på Lundgrens advokater gør det de er ansat til.
Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm der er ansat i Rambøll, siger vi fremlægger naturligvis ikke noget undtagen vi er fuldstændig enige.
Alligevel vælger Lundgrens advokat at fremlægge noget som ikke indeholder nogen af klientens anbringer, og Lundgrens vil ikke give klienten mulighed for at se hvad Lundgrens advokater fremlægger, hvilket Lundgrens advokater efterfølgende også skjulte, og samtidig tilbageholde Lundgrens advokater stadig retsbøger overfor klienten.
Til dette bare ene klageforhold.
At Lundgrens advokater vil ikke udlevere klienten alle Processkrifter fra sagen, er ikke en overtrædelse af god advokat skik, udtaler de 5 medlemmer af advokatnævnet enstemmigt.
En afgørelse som advokat nævnets formand Martin Lavesen bakker op om, og understreger at afvise at offentliggørelse af kendelsen, da advokatnævnet jo har frikendt Lundgrens advokater for alle 27 klage forhold som du kan læse mere om i dette LINK
Gentager her i en afspillingsliste de 5 delte optagelser.
Her med henvisning til bare 2 klageforhold.
At ansatte i Domstolsstyrelsen er direkte medvirkende til at bekæmpe retssikkerhed og modvirke retfærdighed for den danske befolkning.
Som da den ansatte Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen som formand for advokatnævnet, understreger at det ikke er en overtrædelse af god advokat skik at en advokat ikke fremlægge klientens anbringer.
Og det er heller ikke en overtrædelse af god advokat skik, at en advokat ikke vil udlevere klienten kopier af sagens processkrifter.
Advokatnævnet ved Højesterets dommer Kurt Rasmussen, skriver i sin afgørelse at klienten må stole på advokaten.
Og skriver også at det ikke har nogen betydning for et habilitet problem, at der i Lundgrens advokater er flere ansatte, der skal hjælpe med at fremlægge klientens svig falsk anbringer mod Jyske Bank, samtidig med at andre advokater i Lundgrens advokater hjælper Jyske Bank med rådgivning i en handel til 600 millioner danske kroner.
Eftersom Domstolsstyrelsen ved, at de ansatte i Domstolsstyrelsen der modarbejder retfærdighed og modvirker danskernes retssikkerhed, og at Domstolsstyrelsen og Justitsministeriet ikke regere på disse oplysninger.
Som at Domstolsstyrelsen har ansat Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, som bevidst og u-hæderlige dækker over at Lundgrens advokater reelt er blevet bestukket til at skade klientens sag mod Jyske Bank A/S
Kurt Rasmussen som må formodes at kende lovgivningen har mulighed for at sige mig i mod, Kurt Rasmussen kan også politi anmelde mig for injurier og bagvaskelse af Kurt Rasmussen selv.
Dommer Kurt Rasmussen kan ikke blive afskediget, da han er urørlig, og kan derfor fortsætte med, at ved kammerateri dække også over andres lovovertrædelser.
Uanset dette her er under ansættelsen i advokatnævnet, så er det en skandale for retssikkerheden og for alle i Danmark, at disse her nedenfor nævnte, reelt har hjulpet Jyske Bank med bankens bedrageri, ved at hjælpe og dækker over de korrupte Lundgrens advokater.
Derfor nævner jeg advokatnævnet som medvirke til organiseret kriminalitet, uanset de ikke direkte er medvirkende, men ved at dække over at Jyske Bank reelt har købt Lundgrens advokater for at disse ikke måtte fremlægge klientens svig påstande mod Jyske Bank, er advokat rådet indirekte medvirkende til at modvirke retfærdighed og hjælpe til at Jyske Bank’s mange strafbare handlinger kan fortsætte, også i fremtiden.
Øvrige medvirkende til at dække over Jyske Banks bedrageri er Lundgrens advokat partnerselskab, og grundet den bestikkelse Jyske Bank A/S betalte Lundgrens advokater, som derfor ikke fremlagde klientens svig og falsk anbringer mod Jyske Bank A/S, nævne jeg dem jeg kan se har været direkte indblandet.
Dan Terkildsen Lundgrens advokater, Mette Marie Nielsen der i dag er ansat som advokat i Danske Bank A/S, Emil Hald Vendelbo Winstrøm der idag er ansat som advokat i Rambøll rådgivende ingeniører firma, Pernille Hellesøe Lundgrens advokater, Sebastian Lysholm Nielsen Lundgrens advokater, Jens Grunnet-Nilsson Lundgrens advokater, Karoline Stampe Eriksen Lundgrens advokater.
Denne Link er en print venlig version af forsiden som den så ud 29-05-2022. og her link til en tidligere anvendt forside 10-06-2022. DU KAN MED FORDEL BRUGE GOOGLE SOM VIST HER I LINK, når du søger oplysninger om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder..
Hvis du har spørgsmål så kontakt mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup her Telefon. +45 2222 7713. eller på min private Facebook,
To the press, if you will write about the corruption and the criminal Danish banks that govern Denmark, which the Danish authorities, including the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority cover.
So feel free to ask me, and you can always contact me for example here by email or on mobile +45 22227713.
Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, Soevej 5. 3100 Hornbaek.
Og i kommer hvis i mener jeg lyver, men det kan i jo ikke, for i ved alle sammen udmærket godt at jeg har skrevet sandt.
Når jeg skriver for neden at jeg gerne vil have at Jyske Bank hjælper mig med at tage billeder af Sol opgang, solnedgang, dyr, natur med mere, frem for af Jyske Bank og Jyske Bank Bilen, så er det en anmodning om at Jyske Bank hjælper mig til at blive bedre til fotografering, og til at lave noget andet end at drille jer alle sammen, vil i hjælp mig også til at vi i fællesskab får ryddet op i mine mange opslag med billeder og videoer.
Kære alle sammen, og det er særligt til dig CEO Anders Christian Dam, hvis du og i andre ønsker det, vil jeg gerne fjerne disse billeder, og stoppe med at drille jer, for syntes Jyske Banks repræsentantskab og bestyrelsen i Jyske Bank samt Jyske Banks mange aktionærer og jeres sammen arbejdes partnere ikke, at det her har været morsomt længe nok.
Jeg forsøger her at komme i kontakt med Jyske Bank A/S.
Jeg ønsker vi får talt sammen, og finder ud af hvad der gik galt, så får vi stoppet mine sikkert ganske morsomme kampagner og kommer videre.
Kære sammen i Jyske Bank i skal bare have samme ønsker som mig, så laver vi en aftale om at jeg nok skal slette de opslag jeg kan, og så skal jeg heller ikke tale mere om det her, og da det kun er mig der taler, er det vel en smal sag for Jyske Bank at være med til at løse.
Here is the short introduction, the story of the little Dane who alone tries to fight the corruption and camaraderie, that has infiltrated the Danish authorities far and wide in the Judicial Service, an impossible battle for one man who wants everyone to be equal before the law, but such is not the case in denmark.
If you want a copy of the extract BS-402/2015-VIB about Den danske Bank, Jyske Bank’s million scams, send me an email at carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com with your information and you will get a LINK to dropbox. KLIK HERE.
Here you will find the verdict in the case BS-402/2015-ViB. Included in text and link.
LINK to the extract BS-402/2015-VIB
If you read more you will discover how corrupt denmark is.
Du læser her i min private dagbog ✍️ med sandheden om danske bankers magt og ret til at overtræde straffeloven samt mange andre love, og det helt uden risiko for efterforskning og retsforfølgning, hvilket er politisk besluttet at dække over, selv Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, dækker over Bankers brug af bestikkelse.
IF you just can give me a reason, why no one governs or responds to the information and notices, to the Danish authorities, and the lawyers of which at least Lundgrens is corrupt.
And who either directly or indirectly contribute to the extensive and organized crime to which Danish banks expose their customers.
This is to a lesser extent about the fraud Jyske Bank is demonstrably behind, but will also be about the corruption or the camaraderie that governs Denmark, about who decides who and which Danish companies should not pass the legislation.
Jeg savner den journalist der ikke er bange for Jyske Bank A /S og deres magtfulde lobby af kammerater, og dig som tør skrive om det jeg skriver her på siden, i kan jo bare hjælpe Jyske Bank A/S hvis jeg ikke har skrevet sandheden.
Jeg stiller gerne selv op til interview, og svare på spørgsmål om det jeg skriver her på Banknyt.
Hvis der er nogle af jer som ønsker at være med til at stoppe det kammerateri, som er ødelæggende for et påstået retssamfund, når kammerateri og korruption er et direkte angreb på danskernes retssikkerhed og modvirker retfærdighed, så hjælp mig.
Og hvis der er nogle af jer som ønsker mere, eller bare bilag’s dokumentation for mine påstande, så skriv til mig hvad du ønsker at modtage, mine kontakt oplysninger er Min mail adresse. eller min mobiltelefon. +45 2222 7713.
Min fortælling handler om da Jyske Bank A/S koncernen valgte at bestikke Lundgrens advokat partnerselskab til at modarbejde retfærdighed, for at ville skuffe i retsforhold, og mod klientens instrukser valgte Lundgrens at fører en sag, kun om dårlig rådgivning mod Jyske Bank A/S.
En sag som Lundgrens med 100 % sikkerhed ville tabe, i det Lundgrens undlod at fremlægge Jyske Bank’s brug af svig, falsk, og fremlagde heller ikke, at Jyske Banks ansatte har været i ond tro, og har misbrugt en bortfaldet fuldmagt, og lavet bilag’s manipulation, disse anbringer tilbageholdt Lundgrens for retten, for ikke at fremlægge at dette afbryder forældelsesfrist problematikken.
Lundgrens fortæller heller ikke klienten, at Lundgrens advokater kun vil fører en sag om dårlig rådgivning, og fortælle ikke hvilket negative konsekvenser det vil have for sagens forældelsesfrist, men eftersom Jyske Bank har betalt Lundgrens skjult returkommission for at tabe sagen mod Jyske Bank, er grunden ganske enkelt.
Lundgrens advokater der også bevidst og u-hæderlige, valgte at tilbageholde retsbøger og flere processkrifter for klienten, både sagsøger’s også sagsøgte’s processkrifter, Lundgrens er fuldstændig ligeglad med hvad klienten må have af anbringer.
Det handler om at Lundgrens advokater har taget mod bestikkelse fra Jyske Bank, mod tilgengæld ikke at fremlægge klientens anbringer mod Jyske Bank.
Advokatnævnet’s medlemmer der arbejder i Domstolsstyrelsen, Kromann Reumert advokater, Horten advokater, Dansk Erhverv og forbruger klagenævnet, udtaler at Lundgrens advokater selv bestemmer, hvad klienten må få fremlagt.
Og at
Klienten har heller ingen som helst krav, har på at få udleveret processkrifter, som Højesterets dommer Kurt Rasmussen og de 4 andre medvirkende sagde, du må stole på Lundgrens, og så er det også ligegyldigt at Sagsøgte Jyske Bank A/S har ansat sagsøger’s advokat firma “Lundgrens” til en million opgave, når bare det ikke er den samme partner der rådgiver.
Af samme grund ville Lundgrens heller ikke svare på mine henvendelser, og mine spørgsmål om Lundgrens advokater har arbejdet for Jyske Bank, altsammen er fremlagt og dokumenteret for advokatnævnet, som udgangspunkt bruger udnyttelsen og kammerateri, for at dække over Lundgrens advokater og det at Jyske Bank har bestukket Lundgrens advokater.
Jyske bank gør meget ud af at henvise til tidligere højesteretsdomme om forældelsesfrist, hvilket er problematikken som Lundgrens ikke nævner med et eneste ord, efter at Jyske Bank klart har betalt Lundgrens advokater millioner af kroner i bestikkelse, for netop at tabe sagen mod Jyske Bank A/S
Der er klaget over Lundgrens hvilket du kan læse alt om her i linket med klagen fra 05-06-2020.
Du kan også læse hvordan dommere og advokater angriber danskernes retssikkerhed, og ved kammerateri disse 5 medlemmer af advokatnævnet dækket over de korrupte Lundgrens advokater.
Jeg skriver her hvordan Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen fra domstolsstyrelsen, Jens Steen Jensen fra Kromann Reumert, Brigitte Frølund fra Horten advokater, Rikke Skadehauge Seerup Krogsgaard fra Forbrugerklage nævnet, Henrik Hyldetoft fra Dansk Erhverv på vegne af advokat nævnet har deres opfattelse af god advokat skik. og at disse personers opfattelse af hvad der er god advokatskik, eller ikke er en overtrædelse af god advokatskik, er direkte undergravende virksomhed mod hvad der skulle være en retsstat.
Hvis nogle vil påstå Danmark ikke er styret ved korruption og kammerateri, så kom frem, hvis i ved dette er et faktum og derfor ikke tør sige mig imod, skal i bare selvfølgelig bare gemme jer alle sammen, og håbe at der ikke er nogle som følger med.
Hvis i alle sammen Folketinget, Regeringen, Statsministeriet, Justitsministeriet, Domstolsstyrelsen, Finansministeriet, Statsadvokaten, Rigspolitichefen, Danmarks Nationalbank, Advokatsamfundet, Advokatnævnet, og mange flere som jeg har sendt flere mails til, ikke ønsker at stoppe den korruption og det kammerateri, jeg skriver er landsskadelig virksomhed for Danmark og Danskernes retssikkerhed.
Jeg omtaler i mine mange YouTube videoer problemstillingen med korruption i Danmark, samt også i facebook opslag på div sider som denne, og også på min private Facebook, desuden skriver jeg også på Twitter, jeg har skrevet mange mail til Jyske Bank og myndighederne som her 8 Juni.
Og også denne her nu delte mail fra 5 og 7 juni.
Ikke en eneste gang har nogle svaret.
Når jeg skriver og siger GENTAGNE, Danmark har et stort problem med korruption og kammerateri samt magtmisbrug som modvirker danskernes retssikkerhed og retfærdighed, er i så alle sammen ligeglade, da i selv bruger kammerateri som vennetjenester, for at selv at have noget til gode.
Jeg beder derfor igen ved denne Mali 10-06-2022. Jyske Bank Anders Christian Dam om dialog, og gør den danske stat og regering ved Statsminister Mette Frederiksen opmærksom på, at det er et stort problem når myndighederne ved passivitet og kammerateri, ignorere deres viden om at Jyske Bank A/S står bag omfattende kriminalitet mod bankens kunder.
Og som jeg skrev her i mailen 30 maj 2022. med en del bilag, fælles for alle kontakt forsøg, så vil ikke en eneste responderer på mine henvendelser, syntes i ikke selv det er underligt.
I challenge you CEO Anders Christian Dam, are you still afraid to meet me, and take a confrontation and duel with me, about what I write is the truth, a duel of true and false.
Do you CEO Anders Dam dare to meet, and duel on your and Jyske Bank’s survival.
Det Sandt hvad jeg skriver. 🤫
Når jeg skriver og siger gentagne at:
Jyske Bank Lyver.
Jyske Bank laver Bedrageri.
Jyske Bank Laver Mandatsvig.
Jyske Bank laver Retsmisbrug.
Jyske Bank bruger Bestikkelse / Returkommission.
Jyske Bank laver Vanhjemmel.
Jyske Bank bruger Udnyttelse.
Jyske Bank laver Fuldmagtmisbrug.
Jyske Bank misbruger bankens adgang til tinglysningsretten.
Jyske Bank laver Dokumentfalsk.
Jyske Bank laver Bondefangeri.
Så er det den rene sandhed om Jyske Banks fundament.
Jyske Bank og CEO Anders Christian Dam er gentagende gange blevet opfordret til at politianmelde mig Carsten Storbjerg for injurier, og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S, hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri, for de har vel styr på deres bilag.
YouTube videoer, og her en video fra 18 maj 2021, hvor jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel.
Mit navn er Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, jeg bor på Søvej 5. 3100 Hornbæk.
Mit telefonnummer er +4522227713 i kan bare kommer hvis i mener jeg lyver.
Og enten så gør Jyske Bank følgende.
Jyske Bank Politi anmelde mig, for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S
Holder kæft fordi jeg skriver sandheden, om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder.
Ringer til mig på +4522227713 og beder mig om at stoppe mine tiltagende kampagner, og små drillerier mod Jyske Bank, og dem der har medvirket, direkte eller indirekte til Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri.
Ignorer mig og kæmper for at beholde hvad Jyske Bank A/S ved brug af dokumentfalsk, mandatsvig, fuldmagtmisbrug, bedrageri med mere har stjålet.
Det er CEO Anders Dam
ledelsen og
Som bestemmer hvad Jyske Bank A/S står for.
Da dette her er min private dagbog, skriver jeg det jeg tænker en del på.
Jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet, Finansministeriet, Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen.
Det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet, efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker herunder Jyske Bank A/S ikke måtte gå konkurs, så hellere dække over Jyske Banks forbrydelser.
Anders Christian Dam og alle jeres venner, som dækker over den økonomiske kriminalitet, hvilket jeg i flere år har skrevet Jyske Bank A/S ved mange medarbejder og advokater sammen i forening står bag, hvis dette ikke er sandheden så står jeg til 2 års fængsel ifølge lovgivningen om bagvaskelse.
Straffelovens § 267. og § 268.
Derfor siger jeg igen i kan bare anmelde mig til politiet, hvis i alle sammen har rent mel i posen.
Hvis jeg har ret står Jyske Bank og flere ansatte og medvirkende til bankens bedrageri til en strafferamme på op til 8 års fængsel.
Da der er tale om bedrageri der er udført af flere sammen i forening, er det skærpende omstændigheder.
Under særdeles skærpende omstændigheder kan straffen overstige den højeste strafferamme på 8. år.
Denne her sag handler om Jyske Bank er kriminelle og skal have frataget bankens tilladelse til at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark.
Og siden handler i høj grad om hvor langt de danske myndigheder vil gå for at dække over en bank alle ved laver bedrageri og anden kriminalitet.
Når jeg skriver at mindst disse instanser og myndigheder som Finanstilsynet, Justitsministeriet, Domstolsstyrelsens medarbejdere, Finansministeriet, Danmarks Nationalbank, medlemmerne Folketinget, Regeringen og Mette Frederiksen, Statsministeriet, Advokatsamfundet, Advokatnævnet, Rigspolitichefen, Statsadvokaten alle sammen er bekendt med mine anklager mod Jyske Bank for organiseret bedrageri.
Hvis jeg ikke har ret i det jeg har skrevet og delt på videoer, som her på YOUTUBE, så kan i alle sammen gå sammen og lave en politianmeldelse med henvisning til Straffelovens § 267. og § 268.
I kan også vælge at gøre som hidtil.
Og håbe på jeg bliver træt, men det kommer ikke til at ske.
Hvis jeg har ret i det jeg har skrevet, som i de 2 links herunder. så skal Jyske Bank A/S fratages retten til at drive Finansiel virksomhed i Danmark.
Dette problem kæmper de danske myndighederne ved kammerateri for at undgå, også selv om der er undergravende virksomhed for et samfund der påstås at være reguleret af love og regler, men som her ved kammerateri og politisk sættes ud af kraft.
Korruption længe leve.
I disse opslag kan du læse mere om den korruption der er undergravende virksomhed for det retssamfund Danmark påstår at være.
På den tidligere forside. Banknyt.dk.
Og som her.
På den tidligere forside. Storbjerg.dk.
Jeg indestår for alle oplysninger er sande, og ellers så må i komme til mig og bede mig om at rette eventuelle småfejl.
If powerful people like judges, the Public Prosecutor, the Chief of the National Police abuse their power and their position to prevent justice through camaraderie and stop an investigation and prosecution of large Danish companies like here Jyske Bank, is it then legal ?. that it is the same people who cover each other, is probably not a reason why I must not ask you who know anything about the law.
Jeg har tidligere haft nok, 2 korrupte advokater, hvor Lundgrens advokater er den værste, disse Lundgrens har modarbejdet min sag mod Jyske Bank blev fremlagt for domstolen, og jeg har derudover kendskab til 2 dommere hvoraf den ene er Højesterets dommer Kurt Rasmussen, der også må være korrupt eller være bedste kammerater med Jyske Bank, har dækket over at Jyske Bank bruger bestikkelse.
Jeg spørger her om der findes nogle dommere, som ikke dækker over den kriminalitet der udføres af danske banker, med henvisning til den kriminelle Jyske bank, hvilket jeg har bevis for, og dette er beviser som jeg har delt med myndighederne og politikerne, der ikke vil svare.
Spørg dig selv hvorfor ikke en eneste politiker eller myndighed vil svare mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup på mine henvendelser om Jyske Banks mange strafbare lovovertrædelser, eller på et eneste af mine spørgsmål, som disse 3. Herunder fra 30-10-2021.
Spørgsmål 1.
Gælder loven for danske banker. ?
Spørgsmål 2.
Skal danske banker overholde alle love. ?
Spørgsmål 3.
Hvis loven af en bank bliver overtrådt, og overtrædelserne er beskrevet i straffelovens bestemmelser som strafbar handling.
Er danske banker så fritaget for strafansvar, efterforskning og strafforfølgning. ?
Og hvorfor den danske stat og regeringen dækker over den korruption og det kammerateri der styrer Danmark, og som ledes af magtfulde personer, så som myndighedspersoner med tråde i Statsministeriet, Retsudvalget, Domstolsstyrelsen samt Finanstilsynet og Rigspolitiet med flere.
Hvilket blandt andet sker ved hjælp af nogle de mest magtfulde advokater og organisationer i Danmark, her med henvisning og tråde til den danske Frimurerloge.
Hvorfor mon ikke en eneste af disse mægtige medlemmer har turde at svare mig, eller tage en konfrontation med mig.
19 september 2021. Lavede jeg disse 3. korte videoer, og delte dem på YouTube, i valgte også dengang at ingure mig, jeg siger at Jyske Banks administrerende direktør Anders Christian Dam skal sætte sig mandat frit, så stopper jeg med min videoer.
Video nr. 1. Tid 1.09 minutter.
Video nr. 2. Tid 1.47 minutter.
Video nr. 3. Tid 1.33 minutter.
I er alle sammen mere end velkommen til at beskylde mig for at lyve, og anklage mig Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup for injurier og bagvaskelse, når jeg skriver om Jyske Bank koncernen, og deres mange medvirkende som i forening står bag bankens organiseret kriminalitet.
Alle disse medlemmer af denne organisation, der har magten over samfundet, og bestemmer hvem der skal overholde lovgivningen og hvem der ikke skal, samtiden med at disse giver de danske Banker mere og mere magt, og indflydelse på at bankerne som Jyske Bank A/S frit kan lave betingelser som strider mod dansk lovgivning, hvilket Jyske Bank har tvunget deres 500.000 kunder til at godkende, hvis kunderne bliver klar over at Jyske Bank har laver regler der er imod loven, har kunden først skrevet under på Jyske Banks vedtægter, har Jyske Bank fuld kontrol, og er kunden utilfreds, skal kunden selv rejse en sag mod Jyske Bank i domstolene, hvor Jyske Bank har deres daglige gang.
Jeg har brug for din og befolkningens støtte og hjælpe til at gøre opmærksom på dette problem for den manglende retssikkerhed.
For når magtfulde organisationer, som danske banker laver bedrageri og anden organiseret strafbar kriminalitet, og de danske politikere og pressen ikke mener mine opdagelser, og beviser er noget som er nyttige oplysninger, og ikke vil være med til at få stoppet den omfattende korruption og det kammerateri som styre Danmark, så er danskernes retssikkerhed ikke eksisterende, når de mest magtfulde organisationer udsætter deres kunder for organiseret bedrageri.
Hvad skal jeg gøre når den danske stat samlet set ikke ønsker at gøre op med det kammerateri der styrer samfundet, uden for ret og lov.
Jeg ville heller bruge min tid på at finde de rigtige steder at filme billeder som disse nedenfor.
Frem for at tage billeder af Jyske Bank og Jyske Bank Bilerne som du kan se her i Google Linket.
Venligst Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup
Søvej 5.
3100. Hornbaek
Telefon. +45 2222 7713.
I have inserted some pictures of the atmosphere from 2017 to 2019, these links to my letter 06-8-2022. to the European Central Bank and are about the corruption used by Danish banks.
I come to think of these pictures that I shared in 2017. – 2019. referring to the way Jyske Bank does business, and where I am the small one against this giant, using the well-known phrase Houston, we have a problem.
CEO Anders Dam Jyske Bank is the only one who can get a customer to stop posting about Jyske Bank’s dirty business methods, including fraud, forgery, abuse of power of attorney and bribery.
But Anders Dam doesn’t want that.
Therefore, you will be able to find these postings advertising that Jyske Bank is behind organized crime and numerous statutory offences.
Since what Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup in Hornbaek writes about Jyske Bank is the truth about Jyske Bank’s criminal business methods.
Jyske Bank should be deprived of the right to conduct financial business, including that Jyske Bank loses the right to conduct banking business in Denmark, even the Danish state and parliament reject all inquiries.
Whereby the parliament in Denmark can be complicit in Jyske Bank’s fraud.
All the pictures above were shared in 2017, my question to Mr. Anders Dam, can you see the common thread in the sharing, after all, a picture says more than 1,000 words.
All the pictures above were shared in 2018, my question to Mr. Anders Dam, can you see the common thread in the sharing, after all, a picture says more than 1,000 words.
All the pictures above were shared in 2019.