08-08-2022. Kindly request that for permission to hand over full documentation to Denmark’s national bank, that Denmark’s second largest bank, Jyske Bank, has committed mandate fraud, forgery of documents, used bribes and made use of powers of attorney as well as fraud and more, I want to review the evidence material with those who are responsible for the borrower’s legal security when it concerns criminal Danishs Banker.

Mail is shared 08-08-2022. at 13.25 13.33. p.m with the press, and is added with notes and pictures, which is re-sent to everyone listed as recipient.


IN WORD dokument. Denmark’s national bank Langelinie Allé 47 2100 Copenhagen East. TO the Executive Board of the National Bank of Denmark At Signe Krogstrup, Lars Rohden and Per Callesen. This is still about corruption and organized crime in Denmark, which the Danish state, Denmark’s National Bank and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority as well as the government, the Ministry of Justice and many others have covered up until today. I would like to have that changed, and would like you to take a position on Danish banks’ use of fraud, bribery and document forgery.


Denmarks Nationalbank
Langelinie Allé 47
2100 København Ø

TO the Executive Board of the National Bank of Denmark
At Signe Krogstrup, Lars Rohden and Per Callesen.



Remember that since
2016. when I discover Jyske Bank A/S is committing fraud, using, forging documents, has lied to the court, no one has wanted to talk to me, subsequently only more matters have arisen, such as the use of bribes and violation of the Land Registration Act Section 11. and I have established that Danish judges are also helping to cover up Jyske Bank’s crimes.

 I must request a meeting with Denmark’s national bank where I will present my evidence, that Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime according to Danish law, i.e. actionable crimes committed in association. Denmarks Nationalbank is requested to examine what I write and have shared on www.banknyt.dk prior to the meeting, and if Bank Director Lars Rohde has any questions about my documentation, I request to receive comments and questions within 3 weeks from the date to day, so that I can answer any questions prior to a meeting. In connection with this desired meeting, and after I have the opportunity to present and describe the criminal acts that Jyske Bank A/S is behind, with reference to my evidence and the provisions of the Criminal Code, I will request to receive a direct answer to each of my claims. In other words, Denmarks Nationalbank signs whether it is illegal or not illegal. That a Danish bank corrects documents after it has been signed. That a Danish bank uses lapsed / expired documents to register debts that do not exist. That a Danish bank abuses their access to the land registration court, and wipes out mortgages against the customer’s instructions, which the attached document proves that Jyske Bank is behind. That a Danish bank such as Jyske Bank buys a customer’s lawyers, so that these lawyers are not allowed to present the customer’s accusations against Jyske Bank. That a Danish bank is willing to pay their lawyers to present false representations to the court, in order to disappoint in legal matters. / Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Departementschef Michael Dithmer Valgt af repræsentantskabet Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin Professor Christian Schultz Departementschef Michael Dithmer Departementschef Johan Legarth Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Folketingsmedlem Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen. SF. lisbeth.bech-nielsen@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Kristian Thulesen Dahl. UFG tidligere DF. kristian.thulesen.dahl@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen. V. Venstre. jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Jens Joel. S. Socialdemokratiet. jens.joel@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Sophie Løhde. V. Venstre. sophie.lohde@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin. S. Socialdemokratiet. anne.paulin@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Sofie Carsten Nielsen. RV. Radikale Venstre. sofie.carsten.nielsen@ft.dk Folketingsmedlem Troels Lund Poulsen. V. Venstre. troels.poulsen@ft.dk Departementschef Michael Dithme. Erhvervsministeriet. dc@em.dk em@em.dk Departementschef Johan Legarth. i Justitsministeriet. jm@jm.dk Adm. direktør Jens Bjørn Andersen. CEO Connie Astrup-Larsen Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Adm. direktør Asger Enggaard Adm. direktør Kathrine Forsberg CEO Kristian Hundebøll Formand Claus Jensen Formand for Forbrugerrådet Tænk Anja Philip Formand Lizette Risgaard Professor Philipp Schröder Professor Christian Schultz Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Adm. direktør Christian Woller CEO Gitte Pugholm Aabo. Crimes committed by large Danish companies, such as Jyske Bank A/S, which the National Bank of Denmark, the Government and the Danish authorities. Such as the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Ministry of Justice, are complicit in by covering up these crimes, where the evidence has been presented to the Danish state, and the government as to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, who all behave passively.

TO the Executive Board of the National Bank of Denmark.
National Bank Director Signe Krogstrup, National Bank Director Lars Rohde, National Bank Director Per Callesen.
Source Denmarks Nationalbank.


A small introduction before I here share the email of 8 August 2022 to the National Bank of Denmark by bank director Lars Rohde.


Hvem dækker over korruptionen og de kriminelle organisationer som Jyske Bank A/S i Danmark. Det gør Danmarks Nationalbank, Statsministeriet, regeringen ved Mette Frederiksen, Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsens ansatte ved korrupte dommere, som Højesteretsdommer Kurt Rasmussen, desliger med Byretsdommer Søren Ejdum. Disse af domstolsstyrelsens ansatte dækker over Jyske Banks organiseret kriminalitet. Samt dækker over at Jyske Bank også har bestukket Lundgrens advokater. Og dækker over at Jyske Bank A/S har betalt Lund Elmer Sandager advokater til at fremlægge falske oplysninger over for domstolen, hvilket var for at dække over Jyske banks brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri. Lund Elmer Sandager advokater arbejder i forvejen for Danmarks Nationalbank, som advokater for Nationalbankens whistleblowerordning, der handler om at stoppe de kriminelle banker, som Lund Elmer Sandager sandager advokater selv er medvirkende til at dække over og hjælpe med at slippe god for organiseret bedrageri. Nationalbanken er kontrolleret af politikerne på christiansborg som ligeledes her viden om Jyske Banks kriminalitet, men som vælger at dække over det, hvilke er undergravende virksomhed mod Lov og Orden. Spørg hvorfor ikke en eneste har ville forsvare deres passivitet, og hvorfor ikke en eneste tør at besvare mine mail som denne til Danmarks Nationalbank 29 juli 2022. Og spør Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam, om det der står på Jyske bank bilen er sandt eller ej. Huske dette handler kun om hvad Jyske Bank har lavet, ikke om hvad de er dømt for, Jyske Bank vil ikke blive dømt for brugen af strafbar lovovertrædelser, da Jyske Bank vil miste retten til at drive bankvirksomhed i danmark, derfor dækker den danske stat over den kriminelle Jyske Bank A/S Og hvis ikke er sandt, hvorfor svare Jyske Bank A/S så ikke, og eller anlægger en injurier sag mod Carsten Storbjerg for bagvaskelse og ærekrænkelse af Jyske Banks troværdighed. Du vil opdage at Jyske lyver, og vil bortlede din din opmærksomhed fra det jeg skriver, til forskellige retssager hvor Jyske Bank ved korruption bliver beskyttet. Hvem tør mødes og tage en debat om Jyske Bank lever op til betingelserne for at drive bankvirksomhed i Danmark.

Case of organized fraud carried out by Jyske Bank A/S

A Case and real history of organized fraud carried out by Jyske Bank A/S

And about corruption and organized crime in Denmark, which the Danish state, Denmark’s National Bank and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority as well as the government, the Ministry of Justice and many others have covered up until today.


The case and the company can be taken over, as I want to spend more time writing about corruption and the bribery and abuse of power that governs Denmark.

I have gathered enough material, but here I want to finally get it confirmed whether Denmarks Nationalbank will continue to cover up Jyske Bank criminally, whereby Nationalbank can be complicit in the bank’s fraud, this is one of the team actions when I put names of the persons and authorities who have contributed directly or indirectly to Jyske Bank’s organized crime.



If there is anyone who wants to support me in my work against corruption, and to write my book.

I would be grateful for any contribution received at.
Label your contribution: STOP Corruption in Denmark.

Registration 5479 account number 0004563376.
IBAN DK0854790004563376.

My book that must be the basis for my complaint against the Danish state, for violating my human rights.


Since the Danish State has effectively undermined my legal certainty, and opposed justice and in that way contributed to Jyske Bank A/S being able to expose me to punishable crime, by being passive, and in this way the Danish State and the government probably have a co-responsibility.

My book is about corruption in Denmark, and complaints about the Danish state.


It depends, of course, whether Denmark’s national bank together with the Danish state and government, the Danish politicians who are themselves represented in Denmarks Nationalbank, will act on the information about Jyske Bank’s use of crime, or whether the authorities and also the Nationalbank will continue to prevent it from receiving and review my evidence, that Jyske Bank A/S is behind organized crime, and must therefore be deprived of the right to conduct banking business in Denmark.

Or what the authorities think the law prescribes when a bank forges documents, lies in legal matters, commits fraud, uses bribes and much more.

You should kindly note that this could have been avoided by you bothering to talk to me, nobody wanted this, as you have been more busy covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes.


Denmark has a major problem not only with the state collaborating with criminal banks, but also with the fact that the Danish authorities have chosen to cover up the criminal Jyske Bank.

My email to Denmarks Nationalbank and its board, management and representative office.


Is exclusionary in order to get clarity about Denmarks Nationalbank, will continue to help cover up the Danish banks that, as Jyske bank, use the bank’s power to expose the weak to fraud, when the opportunity presents itself, and when Jyske Bank is discovered, chooses Jyske Bank A/S management to use bribes to get away with fraud.

These are quite outrageous accusations against Jyske Bank A/S.

And it is accusations like these that I am requesting to file with Denmark’s national bank, and national bank director Lars Rohde will accept my requests, like the rest of Denmark.


Et eksklusivt tilbud til Nationalbankens direktører, bestyrelsen sammen med repræsentantskabet. Hvis bare en af jer kan modbevise mine beviser for at. Jyske Bank står bag orgniceret kriminalitet. Og at. Jyske Banks A/S har lavet bedrageri. Og at. Jyske Banks A/S har lavet dokunent falsk. Og at. Jyske Banks A/S har betalt Lundgrens advokater bestikkelse, for at Lundgrens advokater ikke måtte fremlægge klients svig og falsk anklager mod Jyske Banks A/S Så tilbydes i alle sammen at kunne få 20 % i bonus for at kunne modbevise hver af mine første 9 påstande i konkurrencen. Klik på billed og se de 9 præmier af 5.000 dkk. og så med en bonus på 20 % hvis i kan modbevise mine beviser for Jyske Bank A/S mange strafbare forhold. Da jeg i mail 06-08.2022. har anmodet Nationalbankdirektør Lars Rohde om et møde for fremlæggelse og gennemgang af mine beviser for Jyske banks magtmisbrug og bankens kriminelle handlinger der er udført i forening, hvorfor National Banken Danmarks bestyrelse opfordres til at offenligt tage afstand til Jyske Banks forretnings metoder.

After the first 10 weeks, the Jyske Bank car is parked right outside the door of Jyske Bank A/S Frederiksberg Copenhagen.
Finally back with fresh commercials.
Do you have a good explanation as to why all the authorities and Jyske bank A/S themselves are completely silent,
to Jyske Bank the car that has been driving around since November 2015.
Haven’t received a single comment or note from either the Danish authorities who have to keep an eye on the criminal Danish banks.
Or why Jyske Bank itself does not want to speak to the customer who has parked the car right in front of the door of the criminal Danske bank, the customer is simply trying to get in touch with CEO Anders Christian Dam, who has personally refused to speak to the customer since 2016.
Do you have an explanation as to why the Danish state and the government are actually covering up this criminal Danish bank.
Then I would like to hear from you. banknyt@gmail.com

Hvad Siger Danmarks Nationalbank til Jyske banks bedrageri. Direktionen den kongelig udnævnte diretør er Lars Rohde, Per Callesen og Signe Krogstrup, bestyrelsen Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Departementschef Michael Dithmer Valgt af repræsentantskabet Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin Professor Christian Schultz Udnævnt af erhvervsministeren Departementschef Michael Dithmer Departementschef Johan Legarth, Repræsentantskabet Formand: Professor Christian Schultz Næstformand: Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Valgt af Folketinget ​Folketingsmedlem Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen Folketingsmedlem Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen Folketingsmedlem Jens Joel Folketingsmedlem Sophie Løhde Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin Folketingsmedlem Sofie Carsten Nielsen Folketingsmedlem Troels Lund Poulsen Udnævnt af erhvervsministeren Departementschef Michael Dithmer Departementschef Johan Legarth Valgt af repræsentantskabet Adm. direktør Jens Bjørn Andersen CEO Connie Astrup-Larsen Adm. direktør Per Bank Formand for DSR Grete Christensen Adm. direktør Asger Enggaard Adm. direktør Kathrine Forsberg CEO Kristian Hundebøll Formand Claus Jensen Formand for Forbrugerrådet Tænk Anja Philip Formand Lizette Risgaard Professor Philipp Schröder Professor Christian Schultz Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen Adm. direktør Christian Woller CEO Gitte Pugholm Aabo​

Jyske bank’s best weapon against the customers against whom the Bank, together with the board, has carried out a cunning fraud, is total silence, as it is political for the Danish state to cover up Danish banks’ use of crime.
In the email 04-08-2022. to Lars Rohde Nationalbank.
Has Denmarks Nationalbank been given the opportunity to be the first to distance itself from Jyske Bank’s obvious criminal activities.



What do you think this is? Jyske Bank A/S itself, states about the Jyske Bank car that the bank just sees it as a JOKE.
What do you think who is on the board of Denmarks Nationalbank?.
Do you also think this is a joke, I look forward to meeting and presenting my evidence that what is written on the cars is true.

I would like to send my request to present the Denmarks Nationalbanken documentation for my charges against Jyske Bank A/S If I am still becomes ignored, I will send a letter by post instead to you.
National Bank Director Signe Krogstrup, National Bank Director Lars Rohde, National Bank Director Per Callesen.


For use in my upcoming book on organized crime and corruption in Denmark, I want clarity, and with the inquiries to Nationalbank Denmark.
Will the bank’s response and action Denmarks Nationalbank will cover up Jyske Bank’s criminal actions.


fundamentet i Jyske Bank, troværdighed, hæderlig, ærlig, loyal, loyalitet, kundeservice i Jyske Bank. / Main suspect in Danish bank fraud case Jyske BANK Anders Dam, Jyske Bank suspected of million scams and corruption. Philip Baruch Advokat og Partner I Lund Elmer Sandager Les.dk Thomas Schioldan Sørensen rodstenen.dk - Lundgrens advokater. Dan Terkildsen. Rødstenen advokater. bestyrelsen Jyske Bank Sven Buhrækall. Kurt Bligaard Pedersen. Rina Asmussen. Philip Baruch. Jens Borup. Keld Norup. Christina Lykke Munk. Johnny Christensen. Marianne Lillevang. Anders Christian Dam. Niels Erik Jakobsen. Per Skovhus. Peter Schleidt. #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #GF Maresk #PhilipBaruch #LES #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #JeanettKofoed-Hansen #AnetteKirkeby #SørenWoergaaed #BirgitBushThuesen #Gangcrimes #Crimes #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #Chri

Jyske Bank never believed that the bank’s fraud would be discovered, but the bank’s criminal gang of members forgot an important detail, and that was that the customer who was seen as an easy victim, as he was critically ill survived and has taken up the fight against criminal banks.



Contact Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup on phone +4522227713 if you are interested in taking over the company and or the case alone.

The case against Jyske Bank A/S shows that the Danish state and government are covering up Jyske Bank’s crime, and in this way Denmark has become a banana republic that gives the law a damn when the strongest Danish corporations commit fraud against their customers.


I have chosen since 2016 to write openly about the problem of organized crime in Denmark, where Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank A/S is behind it.

It is no secret, nor is it that in Denmark only one person has chosen to take up the fight against the corruption and cronyism that is instrumental in creating subversive activities for Danish society, by working against and directly fighting against law and justice.

The problem for Danes’ legal security is great when, as in this case, a large organization Jyske Bank A/S, which is part of the power elite, deliberately and dishonestly chooses to expose customers to fraud.


And when the authorities and judges who were supposed to protect and secure the legal certainty of the small town against criminal organizations, find that Danish authorities and politicians disregard the rights of the weak, so that large law firms, employees of the Courts Agency, the prosecution authority, the National Police Chief, the Prime Minister and many more choose to covers Jyske Bank’s crimes whereby the Danish state provides legal certainty to cover up banks that, like Jyske Bank, commit serious crimes and even use bribes to cover up the crime Jyske Bank A/S is behind.

I cannot alone stop the corruption that is destructive to Danish society, nor can I win in a Danish court as long as we also have corrupt judges who, like Supreme Court judge Kurt Rasmussen, have also covered up that Jyske Bank A/S bribed the corrupt Lundgren’s lawyers to not present the client’s case against Jyske Bank A/S


About organized crime in denmark, and the use of corruption and abuse of power to help criminal banks “Jyske Bank A/S.”.


04-08-2022.  sendt 08-08-2022. time. 03.34
Kommunikation <kommunikation@nationalbanken.dk>,
Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,

and mail CC.

Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>,
“<NSJ@politi.dk>” <NSJ@politi.dk>,
Statsministeriet <stm@stm.dk>,
Jura og Forretning <jur@domstolsstyrelsen.dk>,
Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen <klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk>,
Arbejderen Redaktion <redaktion@arbejderen.dk>,
BT-1929 1929 <1929@bt.dk>,
EB 1224 <1224@eb.dk>,



Denmarks Nationalbank
Langelinie Allé 47
2100 København Ø

Director Lars Rohde.


The Executive Board of the National Bank of Denmark.
National Bank Director Signe Krogstrup, National Bank Director Lars Rohde, National Bank Director Per Callesen.
Dear bank director Lars Rohde and everyone else at the National Bank of Denmark, I would like to remind you of my request from 4 August, for a meeting, with reference to my email regarding my evidence that Jyske Banks A/S is responsible for many criminal offenses, which I request from Denmark Nationalbank to act on.
If there is a single person who wants to claim that I am lying, I will gladly put on TV and present my evidence as to why Jyske Bank should not have a license for banking, unless the bank is put under stricter supervision.


Even though I am dyslexic and do not have a bookish education, I request to be allowed to present my evidence and explain why Jyske Bank does not comply with the legislation to have permission to conduct banking business in Denmark, you have a responsibility for your actions.

This is an extremely serious matter for Denmark.
And I do not want either the Danish state or the Danish National Bank to cover up the Danish banks that commit economic crimes against the citizens of the Danish state, therefore I will request to present my evidence for all my accusations against Jyske Bank A/S

An Note that I will pay if you can disprove my documentation for Jyske Bank’s crime.
Here an exclusive offer for Denmarks Nationalbank’s directors, the board together with the board of representatives.



If only one of you can disprove my evidence that. Jyske Bank is behind organized crime.

And that.
Jyske Banks A/S has committed fraud.

And that.
Jyske Banks A/S has forged documents.

And that.
Jyske Banks A/S has paid bribes to Lundgren’s lawyers so that Lundgren’s lawyers could not present the client’s fraud and false accusations against Jyske Banks A/S

Then you are all offered to be able to get paid 5.000 dkk and a 20% bonus for being able to disprove each of my first 9 claims in the competition.


The Executive Board of the National Bank of Denmark.

National Bank Director Signe Krogstrup, National Bank Director Lars Rohde, National Bank Director Per Callesen.
Formand: Professor Christian Schultz
Næstformand: Departementschef Michael Dithmer
Valgt af repræsentantskabet
Adm. direktør Per Bank
Formand for DSR Grete Christensen
Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen
Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin
Professor Christian Schultz
Departementschef Michael Dithmer
Departementschef Johan Legarth
Formand: Professor Christian Schultz
Næstformand: Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen
Folketingsmedlem Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen. SF. lisbeth.bech-nielsen@ft.dk
Folketingsmedlem Kristian Thulesen Dahl. UFG tidligere DF. kristian.thulesen.dahl@ft.dk
Folketingsmedlem Jakob Ellemann-Jensen. V. Venstre. jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk
Folketingsmedlem Jens Joel. S. Socialdemokratiet. jens.joel@ft.dk
Folketingsmedlem Sophie Løhde. V. Venstre. sophie.lohde@ft.dk
Folketingsmedlem Anne Paulin. S. Socialdemokratiet. anne.paulin@ft.dk
Folketingsmedlem Sofie Carsten Nielsen. RV. Radikale Venstre. sofie.carsten.nielsen@ft.dk
Folketingsmedlem Troels Lund Poulsen. V. Venstre. troels.poulsen@ft.dk
Departementschef Michael Dithme. Erhvervsministeriet. dc@em.dk em@em.dk
Departementschef Johan Legarth. i Justitsministeriet. jm@jm.dk
Adm. direktør Jens Bjørn Andersen.
CEO Connie Astrup-Larsen
Adm. direktør Per Bank
Formand for DSR Grete Christensen
Adm. direktør Asger Enggaard
Adm. direktør Kathrine Forsberg
CEO Kristian Hundebøll
Formand Claus Jensen
Formand for Forbrugerrådet Tænk Anja Philip
Formand Lizette Risgaard
Professor Philipp Schröder
Professor Christian Schultz
Adm. direktør Anne Hedensted Steffensen
Adm. direktør Christian Woller
CEO Gitte Pugholm Aabo

You can all get an extra 20% bonus, just to disprove my 9 claims

JEG NÆVNER OGSÅ HØJESTERETS DOMMER KURT RASMUSSEN, / JENS STEEN JENSEN FRA KROMANN REUMERT ADVOKATER, / BIRGITTE FRØLUND FRA HORTEN ADVOKATER, / RIKKE SKADHAUGE SEERUP KROGSGAARD FRA FORBRUGERKLAGENÆVNET OG HENRIK HYLDETOFT FRA DANSK ERHVERV SAMT MARTIN LAVESEN FRA DLA PIPER ADVOKATER SOM ER ENIG. Derfor nævner jeg advokatnævnet som medvirke til organiseret kriminalitet, uanset de ikke direkte er medvirkende, men ved at dække over at Jyske Bank reelt har købt Lundgrens advokater for at disse ikke måtte fremlægge klientens svig påstande mod Jyske Bank, er advokat rådet indirekte medvirkende til at modvirke retfærdighed og hjælpe til at Jyske Bank’s mange strafbare handlinger kan fortsætte, også i fremtiden.

Denmark has a major problem with legal certainty, as employees of the National Courts Administration knowingly and dishonestly, and by camaraderie, cover up economic crime, including corruption, which some of the largest Danish companies, including Jyske Bank A/S, are behind. Jyske Banks medarbejdere lyver igen 22-06-2022, da medarbejdere i Jyske Banks afdeling på Gammel Kongevej 136, siger, til den kunde der spørger om det der står på Jyske Bank bilen uden for Jyske Bank, er sandt. Kunden fortæller at i Jyske Bank på Frederiksberg er være blevet oplyst, at den omtalte verserende sag mellem Storbjerg Erhverv ApS og mod Jyske Bank A/S. Er tabt 2 gange. både i byretten og landsretten ?. Men det var ikke det kunden stillede spørgsmål om, kunden spurgte de ansat i banken på Frederiksberg, om det der står på bilen uden for bankens facade er sandt. JYSKE BANKS MEDARBEJDERE KAN FÅ 44.000 DKK. FOR AT MODBEVISE DET JEG SKRIVER. Og du kan få op til 40.000 DKK hvis du kan modbevise det jeg skriver, hør hvad jeg siger til Jyske Bank og dig der vil være med i konkurrencen.

Jyske Bank employees say to us it’s just a joke.
Jyske Bank’s employees at Gammel Kongevej 136 lie and say the case against Jyske Bank has been lost in the high court, even though the case has not even been scheduled inu.

Jyske Bank og CEO Anders Christian Dam er gentagende gange blevet opfordret til at politianmelde mig Carsten Storbjerg for injurier, og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S, hvis Jyske Bank ikke har lavet dokument falsk og bedrageri, for de har vel styr på deres bilag. YouTube videoer, og her en video fra 18 maj 2021, hvor jeg opfordre Jyske Bank til at føre en injurier sag, og siger det kan give op til 2 års fængsel. JEG OPFORDRE IGEN I DAG. 18 MAJ 2022. I EN MAIL LINK. AT ALLE I JYSKE BANK A/S. BESTYRELSE OG REPRÆSENTANTSKABET. SAMT DERES ADVOKATER SOM PHILIP BARUCH, MORTEN ULRIK GADE, OG ALLE I JYSKE BANKS JURIDISKE AFDELING, OM AT POLITI ANMELDE MIG FOR INJURIER OG BAGVASKELSE AF JYSKE BANK A/S. ALTSÅ HVIS DET JEG SKRIVER OG SIGER OM JYSKE BANKS OMFATTENDE KRIMINALITET IKKE ER SANDT. Mit navn er Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup, jeg bor på Søvej 5. 3100 Hornbæk. Mit telefonnummer er +4522227713 i kan bare kommer hvis i mener jeg lyver. Og enten så gør Jyske Bank følgende. Jyske Bank Politi anmelder mig, for injurier og bagvaskelse af Jyske Bank A/S Holder kæft fordi jeg skriver sandheden, om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder. Ringer til mig på +4522227713 og beder mig om at stoppe mine tiltagende kampagner, og små drillerier mod Jyske Bank, og dem der har medvirket, direkte eller indirekte til Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri. Ignorer mig og kæmper for at beholde hvad Jyske Bank A/S ved brug af dokumentfalsk, mandatsvig, fuldmagtmisbrug, bedrageri med mere har stjålet. Det er CEO Anders Dam ledelsen og repræsentantskabet Som bestemmer hvad Jyske Bank A/S står for. Da dette her er min private dagbog, skriver jeg det jeg tænker en del på, jeg kan ikke hamle op med korruption og kammerateri helt op i myndighederne herunder Statsministeriet Finansministeriet Finanstilsynet Justitsministeriet og Domstolsstyrelsen samt Rigspolitiet, som styre hvem der i Danmark skal overholde lovgivningen, det er klart at den danske stat ved folketinget, samlede set ikke ønsker at danske banker som bevisligt laver kriminalitet bliver straffet efter det i 2013 blev aftalt at de største danske banker ikke måtte gå konkurs.

Do you know the Jyske bank car, which is here parked outside Jyske Bank at Gammel Kongevej 136.
Ask Jyske bank if what is written on the car is true, since not a single one dares to confront Carsten.

See the 9 prizes of DKK 5,000. and then with a bonus of 20% if you can disprove my evidence for Jyske Bank A/S’s many criminal offences.


If the Danish Nationalbank, and the authorities, still ignore my information about Jyske bank committing fraud and other punishable offences, I will sue Denmark for violating my legal certainty and opposing law and order in Denmark.



Carsten Storbjerg Skaarup

Soevej 5.
3100 Hornbaek


mail carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com